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Liesel hauled the bags over her shoulders more as she walked through the portal which Graham had created. The man himself looked dubious, hesitant even. Liesel had filled him in with what was going on, he was naturally quite annoyed with everything that had happened. But also Liesel got the sense he was also annoyed that he had been missed out. Liesel had frowned at him, she had stated how perverse and wrong this all was, and that he wasn't being missed out now; because she was recruiting him.

She needed his help, she couldn't very well travel across such vast spaces on her own. She was good, she wasn't that good. That and she couldn't fly. So she needed him and his ability to create portals. She always guessed it worked in a similar way to Kurt and his teleporting: as long as he'd been there, he could go there again. Which was a bother, because she actually didn't know where everyone was.

Thankfully Peter was still present at the school, he was confused when Liesel dumped the bags in front of herself and nudged the girls his way. "Never stop being his guardian angel, huh?" Peter had commented, taking his hands out of his pockets and letting both Edie and Yuliya reach up to hold onto him.

"Your father has the greatest capacity to be the most selfish person I have ever met. Yet on the other hand, also be one of the most caring. I get what he is doing, and I don't agree with it. I'm going to knock sense into him, someone needs to rip this bandage off; so please, by all means, allow me." Liesel said while brushing a hand through her hair, gathering it up, she tied it back and off of her neck.

Peter looked down at his sisters, they both looked back up at him with saddened eyes. Blowing out a sigh, Peter slowly nodded. "Right, well, good luck?" Liesel smirked at him before kneeling down, placing a hand on each of the girl's shoulders, she pulled them close and shut her eyes. Peter stood back and let them have their moment.

"Will you bring papa back?" Yuliya asked, she pulled away first and looked over her mother's hesitant expression. Liesel didn't know how the next few hours were going to go, let alone the fight which was about to take place. How was that even going to go? Who was even going to win? Was there even going to be a winner from all of this?

"Of course she is! Mama is the only person papa listens to, right?" Edie asked while putting her hands in her pockets and rocking on her heels.

Liesel nodded, "Hm," she nodded slowly and looked at the foyer flooring beneath her boots. She felt bad about entering this place, this refuge and just leaving them here. Did all the parents that bring their children here feel this awful? She did feel awful. She couldn't leave them on the island, they'd be alone and fretting. Not that being here and fretting was much better, but at least here they had Peter. "If both uncle Charles and myself nag enough, he'll have to listen to us." Liesel smirked and patted her knees before standing and nodding surely.

Peter shifted his weight, the action catching her attention as she looked at him curiously. "You erm...remember that whole thing in Egypt, right? So that was because he thought you were...you know. But you didn't have to fight against him then, this is the same sort of thing and you're on opposing sides." Peter rambled out, waving a hand in the air as if that helped him. Liesel just nodded, the girls however looked miffed. They didn't know what happened in Egypt and Liesel was happy to keep it that way for however long. "What I'm trying to say is please be careful." Peter eventually got there, sighing heavily as he did so. He saw what his father was like if he thought someone he cared for was hurt, or unfortunately deceased; it was a terrifying sight, the capability he had to just unleash hell and wreck nearly everything in sight. He didn't truly understand what was between him and Raven, but there must've been fond feelings for him to turn like this.

Liesel reached over and placed her hands on his shoulders. "True. Erik has never been an enemy to me. But he won't do me harm."

"How do you know that? Even I can see when he gets something in his mind, he won't drop it easily." Peter frowned worriedly, leaning down and picking up one of the bags that Yuliya was struggling with and hoisting it with ease. He got a pout from his sister for it, but he just smiled and turned his attention back to Liesel.

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