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𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝘁 𝟮

I woke up to hearing lots of loud voices coming from outside my door along with hard thumps from which I assume was probably from people falling and running throughout the hallway.

Once I had fully woken up, I quickly stretched for a second.

Hearing it made me realize that I had really enjoyed everything these "ninja" had given me so far and I have to say they are pretty unpredictable people.

I walked out onto the deck of the ship still in my pajamas that the ninja had given me.

When I got out there everyone basically just stared at me. "Finally the newbie is up and running," Cole said.

His little comments were not the words I looked forward to this early in the morning.

They call this late? The sun had just risen.

"Yeah sorry it took me so long to get up, uh what are you all doing?" I asked.

"Training!" Zane said as he shot ice out of his hands onto a wooded target.

The target split in half and fell to the ground.

"Woah hold up... did u just shoot ice from your hand?!" I questioned rather loudly.

I then sat down with Master Wu as he explained to me the whole elemental thing and also told me about the history of the golden weapons.

But I feel like I had heard about those before but somewhere else.

I just couldn't quite remember who or where though.

"This is so neat I have never heard about these kinds of techniques while fighting before" I said to Wu.

Cole's POV

I looked at this girl as she was listening to Master Wu carefully.

I was looking at her quite delicate face, noticing all the small details: the light freckles and the sweetest smile.

I could not be falling for this girl I literally just met. We don't even know where she was from, no way could I like her.

After more and more talking between the two of them, Wu had given her a ninja gi like ours but it was the trainer one and it was white.

Like I said, it had only been a day but I think this girl was going to be staying with us for good.

And that was a good thing.

Now don't get me wrong, I was kind of excited to get to know her better.

An hour or two of training had went by and (Y/n) had been with Wu training in a separate room for the whole time.

All of us were sitting down drinking some water when the two of them came out.

Her facial expressions were more happy then Wu's.

He was rubbing his back when he came out to talk to us.

Back to (Y/n)'s POV

"Looks like we have a bit of a fighter," Wu said while still rubbing his back.

"Yeah do I remember my dad teaching me a long time ago" I said.

It had gotten a little quiet and I was going to say something to Col-

"Hey (Y/n) do you remember your mother and father?" Lloyd asked.

That was out of pocket but I guess I could answer. I had to really think about it for a second.

"I mean a little, I lived in an orphanage for most of my life but if I like randomly saw them I feel like I could pull out their face in a crowd you know?" I replied.

"That's enough questions from you Lloyd but (Y/n) I do have one more," Wu implied, "would you be willing to stay with us and we could teach you to become a ninja? You might even be an elemental master." Wu asked.

As he was asking the question I felt a smile start to creep on my face.

"Yes I would love too!!" I exclaimed.

Every one of the ninja came in and gave me a group hug but I felt two in particular: Cole hugging me from behind, his hands wrapped around my waist and Lloyd hugging me right from the front.

The others piled around them and I was excited to start the next chapter here on the Bounty!

(a/n)-this one is shorter i know but they will get longer i promise!

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