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𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐞𝐭

It had been a quiet day since the ninja had taken back (Y/n) from Garmadon.

It started with simple training which was more like yoga on matts.

Zane led the group in some yoga poses and they all joked that he should be a yoga teacher one day.

He didn't disagree with it.

Lloyd felt bad about even thinking about not rescuing (Y/n), so he offered to help show her how to fight, even without her element.

She agreed and was up for the challenge. He walked her through the classic 'kata' and she aced that pretty quickly.

Next came the actual punches and kicks that she would have to do.

After a bit of teaching and practicing a few times, her movements were sharp and precise so Loyd thought she would be ready for a fight.

The ninja were back on the ground in Ninjago City so they had a place to train that wasn't just the deck of the Destiny's Bounty.

(Y/n) and Lloyd bowed to each other and then the first hit was quickly made by (Y/n).

It was a punch thrown to his head which he ducked under it easily and that led to him hitting her in the stomach.

She flew back from the force of his fist and she hit the wall of the dojo with a thud.

The front door of the dojo was then flung open almost instantly.

Dareth came into the room in a hurry and said, "I know you are training to take down Garmadon for the second or third time I don't know, but please I beg of you not to tear down my dojo."

The team apologized as Nya helped (Y/n) out from the new dent in the wall.

It took 3 more spars between the two of them for (Y/n) to be able to at least land a hit on Lloyd.

She wasn't the best fighter, but she wasn't going to back down till she won.

3 more rounds after that ended with Lloyd finally on the ground clutching his shoulder and (Y/n) jumping excitedly up and down.

"That will be enough to at least defend myself right?" (Y/n) asked.

"Oh yeah for sure" said Kai watching from afar.

She looked to her right and saw a scroll looking piece of paper laying on the wood chopping table.

She picked it up and saw a man who looked like he was making a tornado with his body.

"Hey guys what kind of move is this?" she asked.

Zane looked down at the scroll she was holding and said, "That appears to be Spinjitsu, a form of defense used with the element that each person holds."

"I guess we've never showed you this whole time that you have been here. Wow that's sad." Nya said.

All of the ninja then got in their fighting stances one by one and shouted "NINJA-GO" as they preformed the art of Spinjitsu.

(Y/n) looked in awe as she saw all of the colors special to each of the elements that they possessed.

She couldn't help but feel a bit left out but knowing that she couldn't do that anymore.

The wind from everyone made a few items in the room shift a couple feet but nothing to where Dareth would have to come in and fix it.

Once everyone had both feet on the ground again, they promised (Y/n) that they would teach her eventually and that it was time to start planning their final attack on Garmadon.


Back at Garmadon's Place:

Garmadon paced in circles and hadn't stopped since the ninja left.

They finally had the power that they needed after years of searching for it, now it was time to harness it.

His men had built him a sword made of a special metal that would be able to absorb (Y/n)'s power when it was in the presence of it.

They used the same material that Master Chen used to observe the elements of all the elemental masters when he held the tournament.

After he stopped pacing with his thoughts, Garmadon then placed the weapon on the table that (Y/n) sat on to have her element extracted and immediately the sword absorbed the element.

He picked it up and could feel the power that he was holding.

All of (Y/n)'s strength and power.

The ability to take down Ninjago.

To secure that it worked, he directed the sword towards one of his snake henchman and watched as the power flung him across the room.

Everyone in the room noticed how much potential the sword held and then applauded because they knew that had the power to finally take over Ninjago.

a/n- the next chapter will be longer <3

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