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𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

I had now spent about a month learning how to control my mind abilities.

So far I was able to fully control if I wanted an object or person to move to a certain place or not.

The mind control part was pretty easy because I just had to decide if I wanted to accept the thought in someone else's mind or not. 

Jay had thought that I was the coolest thing ever so him and Nya had asked to test out if I could hear their thoughts.

"Alright (Y/n) I think today's the day you are ready for your first mission!" Wu said.

"Finally! I feel like it's been so long since we have had one and I think our newbie is ready as well." Cole said looking at me.

"Well the mission is simple, we need to hike a small mountain to get to Stiix because there were sights of Clouse, for the third time."

"Even after the whole Teapot of Tyran thing he still might be trying to find it. That guy can't get enough!" Zane said.

We quickly gathered up the materials and headed out for the mission.

I talked to Cole for most of the hiking trip and had an encounter with Lloyd every once in a while.

We were 3/4 up the hill when the team noticed that there were some storms brewing above us. The dark clouds hovered and rain started to lightly sprinkle.

We ran to make it to the top as fast as we could so we could make shelter for the night if needed.

Before Lloyd could finish what he was trying to tell me, it felt like the whole world went silent.

I was more worried about the ground suddenly shaking below us than listening to Lloyd.

We had at least reached the top of the mountain but every ninja including me had noticed a tall scary figure in a dark cloak in front of us.

The ground continued to shake as the figure walked closer.

"Is that you Clouse? We aren't here for your stupid mind games" Nya said.

"No, I'm not Clouse" the figure said.

"Do you know where Clouse is?" Kai asked?

"No. Why would I know where Clouse is you fool?"

"I don't know you just kind of seem like the guy who knows Clouse."


"He is right but I'm actually looking for

h e r..."

The figure pointed his finger at me but I wasn't scared...ok maybe just a little.

I drew out my fists from the pockets of my gi ready to fight.

"Oh what's the matter (Y/n) are you not happy to see your father?"

He lifted the dark cloak off his face and I was horrified.

I lost all feelings in my legs as they gave out. I fell to the rocky ground and my knees clashed with the pebbles that were scattered everywhere.

My mind was hazy but I could see fighting going on all around me between him and the ninja.

Cole reached his hand out to help me up but I couldn't. A tear slowly dripped down my face without me even tying to cry.

I knew because I saw him, behind Cole was the all powerful, deathdifying, and horrid

Lord Garmadon

Lloyd was just staring at me and Garmadon in shock as I was trying to pull myself together.

I used my element to hold Garmadon in his position for a second but I was no match for my father.

I felt a slash from his sword onto my arm as I tried to doge it.

I screamed immediately from the pain as the blood was clearly visible from my arm.

Cole helped me up but he picked me up bridal style so I didn't have to waste any more of my energy walking.

I didn't know who had done it so quickly but I assume Wu had called in Misako to fly the Destiny's Bounty over our location to get us out of the mess.

Kai and Nya held Garmadon long enough for everyone to get in the ship including me.

"DON'T THINK I'M NOT COMING BACK FOR YOU (Y/N)!" Lord Garmadon shouted from below.


Cole had sat me down basically in his lap while Zane wrapped a piece of cloth around my upper right arm.

It hurt like crazy but I wanted to show them I was strong. Already, my first mission had turned out to be an absolute bust.

"When were you going to tell us that Garmadon was your literal father?" Lloyd questioned.

"I don't know? And I know that's a shit excuse. For as long as I could remember I have tried to block him out of every living memory I have. It took a while to actually block him out of my life." I quivered.

I wiped away a tear that had quickly fallen down my face.

"He put me in an orphanage for most of my life and then has tried to kill me for my "talent" which is what he called it. He always said I had something special but I never had understood that until now." I continued.

"I understand how you feel (Y/n)" I looked up to Lloyd using his pointer finger and thumb to direct my chin up to his face.

"He's my father too."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "What?"

"I my younger years he had told me I had a sister but he told me she had died when I was young. I had to live with him for most of my life until I broke away from the evil. I saved him too, but I don't know why he is evil again. We all thought he was dead. We killed the evil a while ago."

"I can't believe this, I have a brother?" I said talking to myself.

"It is understandable (Y/n) to take time to process this information. You can take as much time as you need" Wu said.

The rest of the ninja nodded their heads as I walked to the balcony of the bounty.

All I knew was that we were just trying to fly home as quick as possible as my dad was still out there.

Well I guess Lloyd and I's dad now.

I nodded at Wu's statement and looked up at the sunset.

I was pretty overwhelmed because now my dad knew that I was out of the orphanage and in with the ninja.

We all slept on the deck because of today's events. Jay's hand was around Nya's shoulder and my head was leaned against Cole's neck.

I fell asleep feeling protected but still had to be more careful when it came to the places I went for now on.

I had never really thought about it but laying on Cole's shoulder made me realize he smells really good...

I'm not gonna tell anyone what I'm feeling because that could start up more issues that we don't need.

a/n- let me know if you guys have any questions:)

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