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It has been two weeks since and the ninja had not let a day go by that they hadn't trained.

They were going to make sure that this would be the last time that Garmadon was given his downfall.

And today was the day for that downfall.


"HOLD ON GIVE ME A MINUTE KAI!" Nya shouted from down the hall.


Kai had a piece of (Y/n)'s hair up in the curling iron as Nya was hunting for makeup products throughout the bathrooms of the bounty.

"Kai I have told you a million times that the handle is right here," Nya said as she came into the bathroom.

She pointed to the plastic part that was the spot meant for Kai's hand to go.

"And there are multiple settings on the handle if it gets too hot for you to handle" she added.

"Jeez I'm sorry I don't know how to work this thing and I apologize (Y/n) if any of your hair is burnt." Kai said.

"Your fine Kai, it actually looks surprisingly good" (Y/n) said taking the curl out of the iron.

"I'm telling you it's all about the hair spray," He replied. She rolled her eyes playfully at the statement.

"Ok you've done your job Kai and now it's my turn" Nya said exitedly as she started to pull out makeup from a small bag.

Kai put his hands up acting innocent and left the room.

"I still don't see how this is needed for the mission" (Y/n) said as Nya was putting mascara on her eyelashes.

"It helps me with my confidence and makes me feel more badass ya know?" (Y/n) giggled at what Niya said and let her finish the makeup.

"Now before we go to fight one of the hardest villains we have ever had to face, I wanted to ask you about how you and Cole were?" Nya asked while picking out a uniform for (Y/n).

"We are pretty good, I'm so lucky to be able to know him" she replied.

"I totally understand, it's how I feel about Jay too."

"I guess we both fell for the idiot best friends," (Y/n) said while adding her final touches to the uniform.

Her and Nya busted out laughing and finished up their looks for battle.

They were both happy that they got to have a moment to chat and hang out before being put under a lot of stress.

"I'm so lucky to have crash landed here Nya, I really am," Nya turned around from folding up her street clothes and hugged (Y/n) tightly.

"I'm so lucky to have met you (Y/n)! Now are you ready to kick Garmadon's butt?"

"Hell yeah!" (Y/n) responded as she high-fived Nya and they both headed out to the main control room of the bounty.

As they were walking down the small hallway with everyone's rooms, (Y/n) smiled as she saw a picture that was just framed of all the ninja including her in the photo.

"Look who finally decided to show up" Kai said as he was wrapping his hand from burning it on the curling iron.

Everyone else was sitting down at the table with maps of Ninjago placed on it.

Looking at the blueprints they figured that the tallest building in Ninjago would be where Garmadon would strike first, he wanted to make his presence known.

Second he would have backup, lots and lots of backup.

(Y/n) told them that it be more than likely for his snake army to be there along with any other henchman that Garmadon would have.

"Then it's settled, Zane will stay up top to be our eyes as ears, Lloyd and (Y/n) on the ground to fight and attract in Garmadon, and Nya, Cole, and Jay for backup behind the Garmadon twins."

(Y/n) smiled at the new nickname that Wu had given her and Lloyd for the battle plan.

She looked to her right to see Kai's eyes basically rolling to the back of his head because he had to third-wheel his little sister and her boyfriend.

"So basically i'm going to have to watch my sister and Jay suck face while trying to take down Garmado-"

"Kai will you just shut up we are strategizing here" Jay's voice started to get more high pitched.

"What? It's not like I find it soothing or comforting to think about."

"Kai enough" Nya said trying to put an end to their bickering.

"If my dad did have my power, would there still be a way to get it back?" (Y/n) asked trying to change the subject.

"Well we have had several instances in the past where our elements have been stolen and there have been many ways to take them back. So, I'm positive that there will be a way." Zane said.

"Yeah don't worry about it (Y/n), we got your back!" Lloyd said as he rubbed her shoulder slightly.

She smiled as they were all nodding along with the statement.

After the plans had finally been established they all scattered around the bounty to gather any last minute supplies that they would need.

Kai was stopped by Jay making the classic 'making out' pose with both of his hands wrapped around his back.

He stopped dead in his tracks to flip Jay off until he finally turned around.

"Oh come on it was funny!" Jay yelled.

Cole and Lloyd were giggling from behind the nearest wall as Kai caught them quickly after.

"Ugh my god you guys can be so annoying sometimes you know that?" Kai said as he stormed off back to the control room.

The rest of them laughed their way there as everyone was in the control room already.

"Alright everyone, we are headed to the center of Ninjago." Wu said with hope in his voice.

(Y/n)'s hands were beginning to shake and Cole noticed quickly.

He intertwined his fingers with hers and started to rub her thumb lightly with his.

The shaking started to slow down as the two of them stayed in that state until they arrived at their destination.

a/n- this is a random question, but what is you guys' favorite version of the theme song? mine is either the possession or the skybound one

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