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𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐡*𝐭

(Y/n)'s POV

I shot up from sleeping feeling that my body wasn't grounded.

Meaning that the ship was flying.

I did a 180 degree turn of my surroundings, noticing that I wasn't on the same ship that I fell asleep on.

Cole wasn't beside me and the ship that I was currently on felt a lot smaller and a lot more crammed.

"Oh hey uh I'm sorry to do this but I had to turn you in to the boss." a stranger said from the cockpit of the new ship.

"What boss?" I said with sass being spit out like venom, "and who are you? I wasn't on this ship ten hours ago."

"Well no shit princess and what's with the attitude? I thought we were friends."

I finally caught a glimpse of him in the rear view mirror of the ship in which he locked eye contact with me.

I remember him coming to visit us one day on the ship.


"Ahh (Y/n) there it is. I told you that you would recognize me."

"Well at the moment I'm half asleep in sweatpants and a shirt not knowing again what the hell I'm doing in your ship."

He looked ahead to where he was flying and let out a dry laugh.

"What's funny Ronan? Can't you see that I'm not laughing!" I started to raise my voice with a little bit of panic in my tone.

"Okay okay I'll tell you. Well, long story short your dad is basically paying me lots of money for me to bring you in for a reason that I don't know of. There, are you happy now?"

My eyes began to widen as his little ship, which was apparently called Rex (I never noticed it but he talks to it quite a lot), approached the layer of my one and only father, Garmadon.

Lloyd wasn't with me this time so I guess that this was a problem that only I could solve.

I tucked my hair behind my ears quickly as the side door of Ronin's ship opened up, and standing right outside of it was the one and only Lord Garmadon accompanied by 4


Thankfully I wasn't too afraid of snakes so they didn't freak me out completely...

but it was still very weird.

"Ah (Y/n) why don't you come and give your father a hug," Garmadon said but I quickly rejected it.

"Dad don't touch me with any of your four, gross hands."

The snakes behind him all laughed quietly which led to them being slapped by my dad.

The sound of the slap made me flinch which unfortunately, he noticed.

"Oh my dear I am so sorry," he then pulled a key out of his pocket, "how about this, let me show you to your room."

He handed me the key and gave a final nod to Ronin which looked like a signal for him to leave.

I watched as his ship left the fortress and he gave me one last smile.

I scoffed and flipped him off. Idiot.

Garmadon then practically shoved me down a random hallway in this place, which was a lot bigger on the inside then it looked from the outside.

"Dad I'm still very confused about wh-"

"Ah ah ah no need to finish that sentence (Y/n). I have set out some clothes for you to put on on your new bed in your room. Once you are dressed, meet me on the 7th floor."

He then pushed me in my room and gave me the key. He shut the door and left me in the room which,

darn it had no windows.

I didn't know if I could contact the Ninja or Cole at the moment but the least I could do is hope that they notice I'm gone.

I had basically been kidnapped at this point with no communication and one strict father.

The quickest way I could think of getting out of here was to follow what Garmadon had planned and just see from there.

I turned to my left to look on the bed and there was a dress and a note that told me to put the fancy dress on and then go to the 7th floor as he instructed.

The dress was a black, puffed short sleeved dress that came a bit above my knees.

I looked in the mirror to finally see what it looked like on me and damn, I looked hot.

- where was Cole when I needed him -

After getting dressed, I did as the note instructed and made my way to the correct level.

While walking there I took a second to look around at my surroundings to find and exit.

There were no windows and even if there would be, dad's lair was underground so I wouldn't really be able to escape.

Once I made it to the 7th floor, I noticed there were lots of guards,

almost too many

Then I saw a sign that said this was the highest level of the lair and it was Garmadon's personal floor (aka the control room).

"Ah my dear (Y/n) you look so evil, just like I hoped your mother would look."

I didn't even know how to respond to that, it was honestly creepy. And how dare he bring up my mother.

"Dad I will never join you. And neither did mom. Never."

Once the words came out of my moth everyone on the whole level darted their head in my direction.

Garmadon rolled his eyes and nodded at someone behind me and before I could try to make a run for it, I was knocked out with a hit to my head.

All I could hear before I went out of consciousness was, "Now (Y/n) that is no way to talk to your father. While your here with me I will teach you your manners and the right way to rule Ninjago."

a/n- her interaction with ronan is probably my fav part so far :)

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