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(quick a/n- this sketch of jay with a chicken on his head is one of my fav things ever)


The walls of the fortress were starting to crumble as the fire had expanded rapidly.

Cole and (Y/n) were going to be some of the last few out of there, but first they had to find the exit.

Cole having his super strength in all wasn't having a hard time holding someone and dodging obstacles at the same time. That was until (Y/n) started to become conscious.

The earth ninja had to jump over a hole in the ground but landed a little harder than he though he would.

After the collision with the ground, (Y/n) woke up fully not knowing what her surroundings were.

"Cole how did you get here? And where are we?" she asked in a stunned tone.

He didn't have time to answer because a piece of the roof that was on fire came crashing down to where they were standing.

Cole ran as fast as he could and grabbed (Y/n) by the waist as they went flying in the opposite direction of the crash.

(Y/n) let out a scream that was heard over the thud of the roof collapsing.

They both landed hard and the skid caused (Y/n)'s dress to tear and it gave her an open cut on her leg.

She put her hand over her mouth and started to cry lightly from the shock of the event.

While she was mid-panic Cole was looking for a way out but they were trapped in a small space between walls of stacked up wood.

He turned over and noticed how worried she looked so he sat down to her level and hugged her gently.

"Shh shh it's ok (Y/n) I got you, everything is going to be just fine I promise."

He was rubbing small circles on her back with his thumb witch lead to her to calming down and embracing him in a hug.

She wiped a few tears off her cheek which was now covered in ash and dirt. "Thank you Cole, I don't know what I ever would have done without you."

With that, Cole smiled as they both leaned in to kiss each other. It was something they both had been wanting to do for a long time now.

Her hand went to his cheek on his face and his hands were supporting his stance because they were both kneeling on the dirty floor.

The kiss wasn't too long because they were interrupted by what felt like rain coming from above them.

The roof had been lifted as the Ninja's new getaway ship had it attached to a crane. Nya was using her element to put out the fire before the fire could spread.

(Y/n) and Cole smiled at each other as they were now soaking wet and being lifted up to the new ship by a ladder.

Once they were up, it was a full embrace of everyone on the ship. The hug lifted (Y/n)'s spirits and put a smile on her face.

But Lloyd wasn't there, he wasn't in the hug...

"Guys where's Lloyd?" (Y/n) asked with a dry voice, smoke in her lungs.

All the ninja looked around quickly and they all screamed, "WE FORGOT LLOYD!"

Lloyd's POV

I woke up with my head pounding and what felt like something being wrapped around my arm.

I looked quickly to see that thankfully someone came to get me and put me back on the new Bounty.

the destiny's bounty (cole x reader)Where stories live. Discover now