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That night I couldn't stop thinking of the events that had happened earlier.

The dumb prank the ninja thought was hilarious to pull and Cole.

The sun started to shine through my window so I thought why not go watch the sunrise.

The most it could do would be to ease my brain from the tension is what I guess you could call it.

I walked out to the deck of the ship which looked like it was on auto pilot hovering in the clouds.

I could tell we were above ninjago city because all the lights of the buildings below started to turn on slowly.

I was wearing my pjs which consisted of plaid pajama pants and a big t shirt.

Like I've said before, my pajamas at this point were just a big mix of all of the ninja's pajamas they had given to me because we hadn't actually gone clothes shopping for me yet.

We would someday, I just didn't know when.

Once I got to the deck I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Cole on the deck of the ship, the one person I was really nervous to see.

His hair was just hanging loosely on his head as he looked out at the view.

"I guess you had the same idea as me," he said. I nodded and walked over beside him.

He said something quickly before I could apologize, "(Y/n) I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday and I know it wasn't apart of the prank the others set up."

"No, Cole its ok I wanted to apologize as well, it was stupid for me to kiss back."

I looked down at his facial expression. He looked quite confused which made me question if I had said something wrong.

"Did I say something wrong?" He made another look but this time I could tell it was realization.

"Here, let's just watch the sunset together newbie." I nodded and he pulled a blanket out a small bin behind him,

"I come here a lot in the mornings so I'm prepared, and don't worry its not too crowded so I saved you a spot."

I let out a dry laugh at his statement and sat next to him on the blanket.

While I was sitting next to him he pulled two pillows out of a small bin so we could lay on our backs.

As usual we just talked about the little things till the sun actually started to come up.

Me and him both stared in awe at the wonderful oranges and pinks that appeared in the clouds.

"Sunsets are one of my favorite things you know? They were the only things of light when I was younger." I said while watching the sky.

"I know what you mean," he turned his head towards me and spoke, "When I was a ghost after the whole Morrow thing, I had nothing and I felt like nothing. Coming here in the mornings always helped me and I'm happy I get to share that with someone."

We smiled at each other and my pulse started to pick up again. Shit. I could fell my face becoming hot and I could see the blush on his face as well.

The sun had now fully risen and we were just looking at the gorgeous scenery around us.

It was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence. It felt really good, it felt filling.

I hadn't really noticed because of the distraction of the sunrise but me and Cole were really, really close to each other.

I was sitting on my but with my hands behind me propping me up when I felt a hand touch mine.

He didn't grip my hand tighly but just put his hand over mine. I knew it my turn so I embraced his hand and wrapped my hand in his. I decided I wanted to go a little farther because at this point in time I knew...

I really liked this boy.

I propped my head on his shoulder and fully relaxed my body. He started to move his thumb in small circular motions on my hand.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" I heard Lloyd scream from the kitchen on the ship.

Me and Cole jumped at the sound of Lloyd's voice.

After trying to not be embarrassed we decided we should probably make our way downstairs.

When we walked into the kitchen still in our pajamas, Kai looked at us and rolled his eyes but giggled.

I knew he was just trying to mess with us so I rolled my eyes too. I sat next to my older brother and on the other side of me was Nya.

Cole sat straight across from me and Zane started to hand out the food.

About half way into breakfast I felt Lloyd tap me on my shoulder, "(Y/n) I know this sounds bad but please don't start things up with Cole."

He whispered all of this to me while I was eating my bagel. I nodded but didn't really pay attention to his statement while he was talking.

"Lloyd don't worry nothing is going on." He nodded and went back to eating.

I knew that I wasn't going to go by that rule but I was going to keep it secret from Lloyd to keep Cole safe.

My brother does NOT need to know...

At least the thing I knew was that me and Cole had made up and were heading in the right direction.

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