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𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭?

For the rest of the day all of us trained and worked on our elemental power. Kinda boring I know.

The ninja were basically pros at their powers so it was really just me who needed the practice.

I mean I would like to say I am a natural but I won't push it.

We were still in the Destiny's Bounty but we were floating above Ninjago city just to make sure Garmadon wouldn't try to attack me or the other ninja again.

The next day rolled around and Wu had set us in pairs to spar each other.

I was thankfully set up with Lloyd because he knew he could give me good advice once our fight was over.

There were small circles drawn on the floor for each pair to stand in.

"Ok ninja you know the rules! If you are to tired to carry on or you are injured, give your partner a sign that the fight is over. Kai and Nya are in circle 1, Cole and Jay in circle 2, (Y/n) and Lloyd in circle 3, and Zane will fight whoever wins between (Y/n) and Lloyd. You are all ready to begin," Wu explained.

We all moved into our circles and got in our beginning fighting stances. Wu gave us the signal to start and the spar had begun.

Lloyd started to run towards me to throw a punch and he was coming quick.

The sight of his arm swinging at my face made me flinch so I threw up my hands in defense. I know, not so great of a block.

But by using my hands, my element allowed me to stop his whole body right where it was.

It was like I froze a frame of my brother and he was stuck like that until I decided to move him. I started to laugh at my frozen brother who couldn't move an inch of his body.

My laughter was soon noticed by the other ninja which started to look over at what I had done to Lloyd.

They all started in shock and started laughing at Lloyd's face because he was so confused but yet he was still frozen.

"HAHA ok that is funniest thing I have ever seen (Y/n)," Zane said while tying to catch his breath.

By this time all of us had stopped sparring one another and were laughing harder than we had all week.

Wu was laughing but trying to to set an example for all of us at the same time.

He clearly was not doing a good job of that.

I was also trying to catch my breath from laughing when I hadn't realized that I was fully distracted from me and Lloyd's fight.

I was tying to get air back into my lungs when I was tackled quite harshly by Lloyd.

It scared me and all of the other ninja that the unfrozen Lloyd had claimed his victory.

"Ha! Got you (Y/n)!" Lloyd shouted while being completely on top of me from tackling me. I managed to squeak out a little "ow" from under him.

"That was an outstanding trick (Y/n) and might I say quite funny as well." Wu said while going to help Lloyd and I up.

Looking down at my shoulder there was already a blue and purple bruise forming so I headed to the kitchen to ice it.

Not too long after I placed the ice pack on my open shoulder I noticed the ninja soon following me back inside the bounty.

Lloyd looked at my shoulder while walking over to me, "Hey (Y/n) even though I tackled you to the ground you did an awesome job. And hey! Who even knew that you could do that?"

We all giggled as I still winced in pain from the sudden movement of my shoulder.

I looked to my side to see Cole holding the pack for me as he rested his arm on Zane.

I smiled as I responded to my brother, "Thanks but I didn't even realize how much 'master of the mind' meant and what I can control" I said with air quotes around 'the mind'.

"Yes indeed, it appears you can control people's conscious along with their movements connected to it." Wu said. I nodded and continued to let Cole ice my shoulder.

After a while the bruise felt a little bit better and Cole was the only one who had stuck around to make sure I was still feeling okay.

He then took the pack off my shoulder and placed it back into the freezer. "Hey if you're feeling a bit better we could try sparring just me and you?" he asked.

I felt the edges of my mouth round up into a smile as I stood up from my seat and followed him to the deck.

The chalk circles were still drawn on the wooden floors when we got out there so we didn't have to draw them out again.

We both got to each edge of the circle and got into a fighting position. "Ok I can take it easy if you wan-" Cole was quickly cut off by my fist colliding with his face.

"Jeez (Y/n)," Cole said while feeling his face to make sure that there wasn't any blood.

He then gave me a look of determination and started to throw punches and kicks at me.

I swayed to the left and right as he swung at the air. His eyes then traveled from my eyes to my hips as he was conjuring the next move in his mind.

I felt my body being hoisted very up into the air as Cole, who keep in mind has super strength, lifted me up all the way onto his shoulders with out even a wince coming out of his mouth.

The sudden movement made me squeal as I was now on Cole's shoulders.

He might be the master of Earth but he is the absolute worst at balancing.

We both (not even 10 second later) came crashing down to the wood floor resulting in scratches on both of our arms.

He let out a little "uh oh" before we quickly both collapsed.

I'm gonna be honest it hurt a lot more than I thought it would have.

Laughter soon escaped both of our lips as we laid on the ground. Nothing in this moment could honestly be more perfect.


More bandages were applied to my skin courtesy of the boy who had no balance at all.

We then decided to go and grab blankets to sleep with on the deck because of how beautiful the sunset looked.

Being alone with Cole more and more was making me wonder if he thought our relationship was going somewhere.

I was hoping that it wasn't just a kiss.

The blankets had been set up outside and we both had changed out of training clothes and into more comfy clothes.

Once under the blankets my eyes became very heavy as the sun had fully set.

I felt a warm presence right next to me that had then put an arm around my now sleeping body.

Cole's POV

I thought that putting my arm around her was the right move to do.

Subtle, but still memberable.

My eyes became heavy as well and not long after that I was out. Morning came quicker than I expected as I felt the sun start to glow on my skin and my body start to heat up.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up to say something to (Y/n) but I looked to my right and

she wasn't there...

I looked around me but she was nowhere in sight.

But up in the sky, in the distance flying away from the Destiny's Bounty

was Ronin's ship. And its destination

was who knows where...

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