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𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧

Still Cole's POV

"Cole? Cole!" was all I heard from (Y/n) after she tackled me into a hug.

She embraced me tightly and mumbled a thank you into my shoulder. "Cole I- I can't even explain."

"It's ok (Y/n). Your back on our side now and that's all that matters." I said.

We hugged tightly again and I put my hand around the back of her head to support her after what had just happened.

It seemed like she would never let go.

"Are you two done?" Garmadon asked acting like he had all the time in the world.

We both looked at him from the ground and then looked at each other, forgetting where we were at the moment.

"Cole now's your chance!" Lloyd said quickly from the side.

I nodded and was standing u-

"Oh shut up" was all I heard from Garmadon before I saw Lloyd get thrown into the nearest wall.

More bricks and some ceiling tiles started to crumble and fall.

And all of the ninja were conscious to see it happen.

3rd Person POV

"No. No. No." (Y/n) said speaking faster than she could think. It was like a piece of her heart had been taken out of her chest.

"LLOYD!" Kai shouted. He and Nya ran through the missing chunk of the wall to see if he was ok.

(Y/n) was stunned, she couldn't move. It was one thing after the other with Garmadon.

Then all of a sudden, the deepest feeling of anger grew inside of her. Garmadon had tried to take her friends, her family, and now her only brother.

"YOU! YOU HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME!" (Y/n) screamed letting every angry emotion out.

Her sudden change in anger made Garmadon rise to his feet. "So now your angry? C'mon and fight your father like a true ninja."

She really wanted to, to take him down. But she suddenly remembered what Garmadon said to Lloyd the day the ninja came to save her.

"Say hello to Sensei Garmadon for me"

Garmadon wasn't the real villain, someone was behind the curtain somehow.

"I'm not going to fight you." (Y/n) said while looking down at the floor.

But when she looked up, her eyes were glowing green. Similar to the color of Lloyd's power.

"My friends, my family, and my childhood. You took it all."

A light green aura started to surround her now and her hands were surrounded with green energy.

The light from the green power caused Jay, Zane, and Cole to look up and they were amazed at what they saw.

They even had to squint to see it.

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