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𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱

I woke up with a couple of blankets laid across me and I was still sitting in the same chair that I fell asleep in.

Cole was in his bed unconscious and all sleepy.

The sun slowly crept in the window as we were still flying in the air on the bounty.

The sunlight started to wake up Cole and he rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Morning sleepy head" he said.

"Morning Cole, it's too bright can I shut the blinds?" I said as I pointed to the blinds on the wall.

And just like that the blinds had shut with a *click*.

I started to panic again, how did that happen? Was there a ghost or something?

But as I panicked he came to calm me down.

"Hey hey it's ok (Y/n) look at me. I personally think its your cool new elemental power kicking in but let's go talk to Wu about it just to be sure" he said.

We started to walk towards the door and as I motioned my hand to open the door, it opened, just like that. I think I could get the hang of this sooner or later.

I walked down the long hallway and into the kitchen with Cole as I noticed all of the ninja were at the table with Kai glaring straight at me...great.

"What seems to be the matter (Y/n)?" Wu questioned.

"Well whenever I think of something, it happens. I know it doesn't really make sense, but say I wanted your cup of coffee to go to the sink..."

Right then the cup floated from the table all the way over to the sink, washed itself, and then floated over back to Wu with me just controlling it and I wasn't even using my hands.

"Well well well is it just me or do I see another elemental master?" Jay said.

"Wait wait wait am I actually going to be one?" I questioned.

Wu nodded to the question I had asked and then we were all instructed to change into our gis.

We all quickly changed into or robes and went to the deck of the ship where training usually took place.


Misako had placed 3 objects in front of me and told me to stay put and I did as she instructed. I sat down with my eyes closed with the items in front of me.

She had told me that there was an apple, a rock, and a lighter. "Ok (Y/n) choose which item you want to move and where."

"Ok Misako," I replied.

I concentrated on moving the rock specifically and how I wanted it to drop into Cole's hands.

I used my hands almost a guide for the rock with my eyes still closed and it floated over to Cole in a matter of seconds.

"My dear (Y/n) I think it's official when I say you are now the master of telekinesis or the mind."

I couldn't believe it only took her a few seconds before making a huge decision such as that one.

I was actually going to be staying with the family I had just found. I actually had a family!

Everyone crowded around me and gave me a huge hug.

I had already started to get the hang of things when I made dinner completely by myself without having to touch a single utensil.

It was so easy just having to think about what you wanted to put in a salad.

Kai's POV

While (Y/n) was making dinner our group got into a huddle.

When in the group huddle I looked over to Zane to see if it was time to move on to the next step of the plan.

Ok so if you didn't know every time we get a new ninja, the rest of us pull a prank on the new recruit.

The last prank we got to pull was on my little sister but she was pretty pissed off after, so we promised to tone this one down for (Y/n).

We were all sent to our rooms to rest but before heading to my room I headed to (Y/n)'s.

When I arrived the was dressed in sweats and her hair was in a messy bun. She was also reading a book about Ninjago.

"Well well well if it's not the new recruit," I mocked playfully.

"Oh ha ha I get it Kai," she joked and made a funny face while looking up from her book.

I laughed at what she said and walked closer to her to see what she was reading.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Oh nothing, just some stuff about Ninjago."

"Oh cool." I responded.

"You wouldn't mind if I take a quick look will you?" I asked while sliding the book out of her hands and into mine.

"No Kai give it back please" she said as she started to use her powers to start to slip the book out of my hands and back into hers.

It didn't take much for her to get her book back, she was very strong.

"Now get out please, bye looser." She joked as she used her powers to basically fling me out the door.

I was now crammed outside of Cole's room as all of the other ninja were peaking outside of his door.

"Don't worry we were listening the entire time" Lloyd said.

I looked at all of them and they were all there except Cole.

"I think our plan is going work perfectly to get Cole and (Y/n) together!" Zane explained.

We all smiled and each of us headed to our rooms to rest for the night.

Cole then came out of the kitchen wondering where all of us had gone.

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