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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

The Ninja's POV

"I knew it! What did I tell you guys? It is the tallest building."

We all look over to the direction that Jay was pointing to which was the top of the building that happened to be the tallest one in ninjago.

"Whatever man, didn't you know that it's rude to point?" Kai says as he slaps down Jay's hand pointing to Garmadon.

The ninja were about one mile away from the tallest building in Ninjago but they couldn't just walk there, there were guards and henchmen every step of the way.

Tanks, trucks, weapons, snakes, and yet (Y/n) still didn't have her elemental power back.

So many obstacles and only six of the ninja.

Too many doubts were beginning to grow in every one of their heads but they had to focus if they wanted to regain their beloved city back.

All of the people, all of the skyscrapers, and all of the memories they had here.

"You all know the plan that we discussed, good luck everyone!" Lloyd said as they all gathered for one last huddle.

"NINJA-GO" They all shouted including (Y/n) as they headed out to the battle field.

Nya quickly pecked Jay on the lips and they headed to their positions behind the Garmadon twins.

Kai turned away immediately as he witnessed it. He was trying his best to just focus on the battle.

The plan had finally been set into motion, Lloyd and his sister began to sprint towards Garmadon's army with Kai, Jay, and Nya following shortly behind.

Lloyd was about to throw the first ball of energy but a loud high-pitched sound was heard from the building, the tallest in fact.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Garmadon who had a staff or a sword?

None of them could tell what he was holding.

"YOU FOOLS! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN? I HAVE THE MASTER OF THE MIND NOW." Garmadon's voice echoed throughout the city.

"NOTHING CAN STOP ME." Those words filled up Lloyd with rage.

Garmadon was beatable, who was he kidding? He has beat him multiple times before!

Lloyd screamed of anger and green energy shot out of his body in all directions (kind of like the wanda thing from age of ultra iykyk).

Garmadon's men surrounding him fell to the ground but more were coming and fast.

(Y/n) had the chance to test her fighting skills and to kick to ass.

Wu and Pixal were even there to back them up but Zane was telling her about her surroundings.

"(Y/n) you have two on the left." Zane said into a mic that she heard through her earpiece in her ear.

"I gotcha Zane" (Y/n) replied as she sent one of them flying with a kick.

She didn't see the one behind her because he punched her in the back hard.

She felt as if her breath was taken from her, the sudden action made her fall to her knees grasping for air.

Nya heard the panicked coughing so she sprinted towards the scene.

Water shot out of the nearest fire hydrant and swept the guy off his feet. He fell face forward on the empty concrete road.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n) are you ok?" Nya asked frantically.

"Yeah, I just can't seem to fight properly can I?"

"Oh don't say that just keep a lookout, it's good to turn to see what's behind you."

(Y/n) smiled at Nya's feedback as she got up and shook off the event.

They all continued to run towards the building once more as Zane's eagle finally came into range.

It was a bit higher then where all of the ninja were and it was just a tad bit farther ahead.

They all jogged up together but took small breaks to hide in the gaps of each building.

And then they finally reached it

The battle had officially begun...

a/n- ooooh cliffhanger😏🥰

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