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It's been about a week now and I have loved every moment of being with the ninja here on the Destiny's Bounty.

We had gotten more comfortable with each other's company and already I could tell I was growing on one in particular.

Me and Nya had also talked a little bit and gotten familiar with each other's presence.

I had gotten a training lesson from Wu almost every day and each one made me feel stronger and stronger.

We were eating lunch on the deck because of how nice it was outside (Wu wasn't around at the moment) and the ninja decided they wanted to play a "get to know me know me" kind of game.

I sat down first and Kai and Lloyd followed on the two sides of me with Cole straight across from me in the circle with the other ninjas filling the open spots.

They all each asked me a question and it was dumb stuff like what was my favorite color and I said (y/f/c/).

Kai was a little extreme when he decided to ask me my body count and I just rolled my eyes.

"I've never had my first kiss before, I've been in an orphanage most of my life sooo..." I said (btw everyone is 16, sorry i forgot to mention it earlier).

I noticed some of the boys giving each other THE eye and I just ignored it.

A few more questions were asked and I knew something was up once I saw Kai pull out a soda bottle from the kitchen.

"Well (Y/n) you said you've never had your first kiss so we can just give it to you. Spin the bottle ninja style anybody?" Kai said.

I felt my stomach drop a little. I was going to embarrass myself in front of these people I hadn't known for more than a week.

"Uh I don't know guys should we be-"

"shh c'mon (Y/n) it would indeed be accelerating!" Zane exclaimed.

The first one to spin or volunteer was Jay. Of course with his luck it landed on Nya.

When me and Nya had talked previously she told me about all of her stories about Jay.

Cole had just told me yesterday that they had been dating for a while and I expected it from what Nya had told me.

Their kiss was delicate and shot but then quickly after it was Lloyds turn.

"HAHA LLOYD HAS TO KISS KAI," Jay shouted and taunted as the bottle had spun round and landed on Kai.

"Uh I think I'm gonna pass," Lloyd said. "Ughhhh why can't y'all have any fun?!" said Jay.

Then it was my turn... my hand shook a little as I went to get the bottle.

I turned it and with just my luck it landed on Kai. I wanted to show them I was tough and not a wimp so I was going to go for it.

"Well I guess I'm the lucky pick today." "Kai just shut up and let's let this over with," I said.

They didn't want us to kiss on our knees they really decided to go and make us stand up.

He started to put his hand on my cheek while my hands were by my side.

I really didn't like how this was turning out: my first kiss was with some random boy and was going to be in ninja gis, and then again especially Kai.

We both closed our eyes and kissed quickly.

Well I thought it was going to be a small peck and it was gonna be done but I guess that wasn't what Kai was planning on doing.

He grabbed my wrist lightly but hard enough to keep me in the position we were in for another 5 seconds.

"Ok ok ok I think that's enough" Cole said. 

We then sat down I hadn't even realized that the sun was staring to set. We must have been hanging out all day.

"Alright ninja that's enough games for today. It is time to rest for tomorrow's training. In a few days we should also be going to land in Ninjago so we can get more supplies." Wu said.

We nodded and then all slowly walked back to our rooms.

I noticed Kai swinging up beside me to try to talk to me but I wasn't in the mood.

I changed into my pajamas (which were a t-shirt and sweatpants that were one of the boy's old clothes) and once I was done I heard a knock at the door.

I went up to the door hoping it was one of the ninja like Cole but nope, it was Kai for like the 6th time today.

"Hey" he said. "Hi?" I replied.

"So uh after that kiss I just wanted to let you know that you are a really good kisser."

As Kai was babling on, his finger was twirling a strand of hair that was hanging loosely by my shoulder.

"Yeah uh thanks I guess?"

He just giggled and rolled his eyes at me playfully. "I'm just messing with you (Y/n) but ya know if you ever wanted another from me you would just have to-"

I was fed up with him and I just motioned my hand to stop him from coming any closer towards me but the motion had blow him out the door into the hallway.

I reached out my hand to the door but then it just shut on its own!

What the?

I went to go open the door but it opened by itself again. It just flung open and I didn't even do anything!

This was terrifying to me! What was going on? I ran out my door strait into the room across from me: Cole's room.

When I though about opening Cole's door it flung open as well.

"C-Cole help there's s-something wrong with my hands!" I said as I huddled next to him.

"Hey hey shhh it's ok (Y/n) we'll figure it out."

I was so freaked out I hadn't even noticed that he didn't have a shirt on and he was just wearing some pajama pants.

He sat me down in a chair in his room and tried to calm me down, "ok (Y/n) I need you to concentrate and think of something coming over to the chair you are sitting in. Stay calm and don't be nervous. "Ok," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Well this small table is kind of close to the chair," I said and I thought of his small dinner tray table that was a few feet away from the chair I was sitting in.

As soon as I thought of it, the table scooted over a bit towards me.

I couldn't believe it! Did I have telekinesis? Was being around these elemental masters giving me an element of my own?

I was so overwhelmed that I started to get dizzy in the chair.

My hands went straight to the arms of the chair so I could try to ground myself.

But I slowly started to fall asleep or in this case pass out when all I heard was Cole's voice in the background muffled saying, "(Y/n)...(Y/n)!! Wake up we have to tell Wu. C'mon I need you to stay awake for me..."

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