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𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲

Y/n's POV

It had been a few days of learning how to start controlling my element and I could say that I was getting better but I still had lots of things go wrong.

In just two days I had destroyed one of the walls of the Destiny's Bounty and given Jay a black eye when trying to hand him a cup at breakfast with using my elemental power.

I was making progress but I still had a lot of learning to do.

After hours and hours of trining, Master Wu told us that today was finally the day we were going to ninjago city.

I had read much about it in a few books and I was excited to see its gorgeous landscape and the interesting shops there.

I felt the sun shining on my forehead when I finally opened my eyes.

I sat up and looked around my room and the thought flew into my mind: I'm finally going to see ninjago city!

I wanted to look pleasant when going so I put put on a nice outfit and went out to eat breakfast. No training meant no gi today.

(if u don't like the fit u can change it:))

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(if u don't like the fit u can change it:))

After breakfast together we all walked off the ship and into the big city.

It didn't take long but we had finally mad it.

I smelt the fresh air and the hint of flowers coming from nearby stand.

Overall it was one of the most wonderful sights I have ever seen: the natural daylight bouncing off of each window and each piece of glass made a wonderful projection.

Wu told us once we got there that we could split up and go shop in the markets.

Kai of course went to grab my hand to partner up with me but thankfully Lloyd beat him to it.

"Actually I want to go with her Kai."

"Ughhh fine Loyd."

"Oh my goodness thank you" I said as we started to walk towards the market.

"No problem! I could tell you didn't want to get tagged along with him. But what's the deal between you and Kai?" he asked.

"I've been trying to keep my distance but he's been all up on me all day." I said.

"I'm so sorry, but I don't know if I need to tell Skylar to not." "Wait who's Skylar?"

"Oh don't get me started."

We laughed it off but looked ahead and noticed we were coming near the market place.

I went to grab a sample of noodles a stand was giving out when I felt a shove from a random girl's shoulder to my right.

i don't think this shirt looks good on me, i shouldn't have worn it today

"The color looks good on you though!" I replied.

"Uhm I didn't say anything" she said. "Oh uh sorry!"

Me and Lloyd tried to get by lots of people traveling from stand to stand but whenever I felt a shove, push, or a touch by someone I could hear what everyone was thinking.

It was me overwhelming by a lot and I was starting to have had enough of this elemental stuff.

So much had happened and just a little bit ago, I was a normal person who didn't remember her past.

I tried to pick myself up through the crowd trying to find a way out.

I felt Lloyd holding onto my hand trying to redirect me to get out of the mob of people.

I could hear his thoughts too: I've got to help ( Y/n). Is she hurt? I still can't remember who she reminds me of.

We got to a less crowded place and sat down under a small pavilion with no one around.

"What the hell is happening? Lloyd I-I can't think straight and a-all I could hear were everyone's thoughts! My h-head is spinning like crazy."

I could barely spit the words out, the power that I just used happened to use up most of my energy.

"Y/n? Y/n! Don't fall asleep keep your eyes on me! (Y/n)!" Lloyd raised his tone.

And just like that I was out like a light, I had passed out for the almost third time this week...


I woke up to Cole, Master Wu, Lloyd, and Jay staring at me from a few yards away.

I was hooked up to a scanner and I felt blood running from the outside of my eye down my cheek.

"Where am I a-and how long was I out for?" I said dryly.

"Were back in the bounty but (Y/n) it seems that you have a new skill to add to your elemental power," Wu said.

"And what would that be?"

To be honest I wasn't in the mood for elemental talk I just needed to rest.

"Mind reading but, don't worry because in a matter of time you will be able to control, start, and stop you power."

"Thank you Master Wu. Do you mind if I go and rest, there will always be tomorrow for ninjago city" I asked.

"(Y/n) it's 2:30 in the afternoon." Cole said with a giggle escaping his mouth.

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked to my bedroom. I dragged my feet along the floor trying not to fall over.

Once I had gotten to my room I changed into a sweatshirt and some small boxer shorts that matched the color of the sweatshirt.

I fell asleep almost immediately in my bed without knowing what was coming ahead of or after me...

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