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𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐚

My life has changed so much since I've gotten to know this group of annoying but yet amazing people.

Even after the whole Garmadon-is-my-dad thing.

Also, I had heard from Master Wu that the ninja pull a small prank on each other as the final 'your in' to the group.

Apparently it could happen anyday now because I finally unlocked my element.

I want to be a "open book" like Cole says all the time and be more surprised when the prank comes around.

I was levitating a book while reading it (wanda maximoff who?) when I heard my door lock.

I wasn't scared because I knew I could easily unlock it with my element but I wanted to just asses the situation.

I put my ear to the door and of course, I heard the obnoxious boys on the other side of the door laughing.

"What are you all giggling about?" I said from the other side of the door.

"Dang it Cole she heard us," I heard Jay say.

I had backed away from the door and as soon as I did it looked like Cole was thrown into my room by the other ninja.

And he looked a bit sweaty and out of breath.

Huh, weird...

"Uh hi Cole," I said with a little bit of question in my tone.

"Hey (Y/n)! You gotta sec?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, I don't have any training scheduled for me today." "Oh ok but I was actually wondering if I could train in here with you."

"In my room?" "Uh yeah sure." "Ok?"

I used my power to open up the windows. I already had a semi trining outfit on so I was set.

We talked for a little bit before training and it was such a nice feeling. Just talking to someone like him.

But Cole was just a friend, nothing else at all.

While we talked, he asked me about stuff in my younger years and I told him what I told all the ninja before hand: everyone there thought badly of me because my dad was Lord Garmadon.

Being there was never fun but I'm just glad I'm out and finally with a real family.

Out of no where I felt two arms embrace me and I could feel my pulse picking up. Cole gave me a soft hug as comfort.

"I can't believe people would think that (Y/n) I am so sorry. No one will ever hurt you again and that's a promise! You know I will be here for you, always," he said as we hugged.

After about a minute of his arms around me, he let go but had a look as if he had almost forgotten something.

"You look like you forgot something Cole," I said. "Aww shoot, I uh....um...wait here please it's-"

The door to my room flew open with Jay sitting in the doorway.

We both jumped at the sudden sight, "-uh right, I don't want to do this this but..."

He suddenly threw a smoke bomb onto the floor that sent him running.

I couldn't see anything until what I assume was Cole's bravery kicking in because he had then kicked me against one of the walls of my room.

I then blocked a punch but he was quicker than I though he was. He caught my arm and flipped me to the ground like they do in those tv shows.

I was laying on my back on the floor with Cole looking straight at me.

"You know what's funny?" "What Cole? Your freaking me out with the sudden change of heart..." I said with my voice shaking but laughing.

"(Y/n) this was all a prank" "What the actually hel-" I was then interrupted but this time was way different.

I was interrupted by Cole's lips on mine. I didn't realize he had kissed me until it had ended like 10 seconds later.

I was still laying on the ground with his face above mine.

"(Y/n) I..."


We both said at the same time once we both backed away.

He seemed speechless until the door the flung open once again. Cole immediately flung his body away from mine seeming like that wasn't suppose to happen.

"(Y/n) you just got pranked so hard by the epic prank masters themselves!" Jay yelled while the other ninja followed behind him.

I don't think that kiss was a part of the prank but I wanted to see where they were going with this.

"Well to briefly explain we did this to each other when we all became a ninja so we thought it was about time for you to get the official ninja prank!" Lloyd explained.

"So what was the whole prank exactly??" I questioned.

"Well we all decided to have me butter you up with jokes and stuff right when you got your element. We though Cole was closest to you out of everyone so we decided he would be the perfect one to pull the prank. We trapped up the floor so when you fell, you wouldn't be able to move." Kai said.

I laughed the prank off but I still didn't understand and I was still wondering if what Cole pulled was a part of the prank or not.

I was still confused but all the other ninja had found it absolutely halarious.

Cole wasn't really laughing though...

"Well (Y/n) your heart rate seems to have picked up from the last time we saw you so we will let you ease from the prank," Zane said with a smile on his face.

"You guys totally got me haha. Goodnight guys love you all for the prank," I exclaimed.

"Goodnight (Y/n)!!" All of them except the black hair boy said.

"We need to talk I screwed up," Cole whispered when all of them left.

"No Cole its ok believe me." I said while walking towards him.

"Good night (Y/n) " Cole said.

He walked over to me, with my pulse picking up again, he kissed my forehead and walked out my door.

My oh my what a night.


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