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I can feel everyone's eyes on me, even after I exit the bowl. That's one part of this tournament I don't miss. So much pressure.

I know my abrupt enterance could be shocking to some, but what else am I supposed to do?

The judges seemed shocked I was the there, the whole crowd was shocked I was there, hell, even I was shocked I was competing. I thought I put this kind of life behind me, but apparently not.

When you think of relapsing, you think of the generic kind. Alcohol, drugs, ect. But, this is my relapse. I vowed to never do this again, never put myself through this again. But, here I am. Doing exactly what I said I wouldn't do.

My thoughts were starting to become overwhelming. Everyone's eyes on me started to become suffocating.

I had to get out of the crowd. I need to get to the parking lot. I calmly grabbed my board and walked out of the crowd. It looks like everyone was too confused to follow me, which I'm very grateful for. I don't need sweaty teenagers followng me to the parking lot to annoy me with questions I don't want to answer.

I rummage through my car to find my cigarettes and my lighter. I just need a smoke. I sit down in my car with the door open, I don't want to stand in the middle of a packed parking lot smoking.

I look at the passing people that start leaving early. People who obviously don't care about this kind of thing. That's fine by me, they don't have to care about skating.

There was a boy that caught my attention, if it wasn't for the bright red hair I would have missed him.

He walked to his car that was directly in front of mine and sarted searching through it. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes similar to mine and a bright blue lighter. The contrast from his pale hands and the blue lighter was so vivid.

I don't know why, but I felt safe. I felt so safe that I got out of my car. I didn't walk towards him, I just stood there.

He saw me, our eyes locked. A small smile played on his lips.

"You're a big deal apparently." He innocently says.

"You can say that." I say with a smile, a small laugh leaving my mouth.

"I'm Gerard." He introduces himself.

"You already know my name." I say with a cocky yet embaressed smile.


A Frank POV!

These are the eras of Frank and Gerard I imagine in my head, but you can pick whatever era you want!


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