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Just because Mikey isn't as upset as he was when Pete left doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Mikey still calls him everyday, they still message each other, and they still think of each other as boyfriends. When I watched Mikey put on his graduation cap, I knew what was going to come next.

Mikey was going to graduate from Belleville High, and then he'll leave. He'll move to Maine to live with Pete. I know it's coming, but I'm still nervous.

I walk with Frank to the highschool, our hands are interteined.

I've learned to ignore the stares and whispers as we walk down the grimmy hallways and into the gym. Every bleacher and chair is filled. Students in ugly robes and caps scattered about.

I see Mikey immediatly, his tall body and awkward stance making him hard to miss.

Hugs were exchanged, whispers of encouraging words were said.

When Frank, Donna, and I all saw Mikey walk on stage and grab his diploma the air thickened as an overwhelming feeling of pride took over.

We cheered the loudest, we were practically screaming. Who knew two gays boys and a slightly toxic single mom from Jersey could make so much noise.

Mikey's cheeks blush in embarrassment, but I know he appreciated it. He knows we're proud of him.

I might have failed at being a good brother multiple times. But, if I can do one thing right, I just want to make sure Mikey knows I'm proud of him.



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