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My heart hurt for Frank. He's had it rough. The more I thought about Frank's life story, the more I wanted to cry. No one should have to put up with that. In fear of me crying in front of Frank, I try to ignore the heart shattering story and try to focus on this suprise Frank got me.

He led me to his car and popped open the trunk. He pulled out two beat up skateboards.

"Let's ride." Frank says with a smile as he hands me one of the boards.

"What if I fall?" I ask, nerves erupting through my body.

"You won't." Frank simply says. "Just place the board down and stand on it, I'll help you get through it.

I did as I was told.

I stand on the board with shaking knees, trying my best not to fall.

I felt Frank hold my hand with a tight grip. He gets on his own board and starts rolling, slowly at first. But eventually, the trees and houses seem to fly past me at a faster speed.

All I had to do is stand, I can stand.

Frank had a large smile on face, and it all made sense to me.

Frank hates these skating tournaments because he just wants to skate. No fame, no pressure, he just wants the wind in his hair. He just wants to feel every crack on the sidewalk against his wheels. He doesn't want to impress everyone and do tricks for crowds.

"We're going so fast!" I say as the wind blows my red hair.

"We're gonna go faster." Frank simply states before completing what he said. Our wheels move faster, the trees whoosh by.

The feeling is brilliant. It's something I have never felt before. I feel like I'm flying yet so grounded.

Frank's hand stayed firmly placed in mine, he knew that if he let go I'd freak out. He isn't wrong.

"You're doing great!" Frank shouts.

"I'm not doing anything, you're doing great!" I complement.

I can hear Frank chuckle.

I don't even realise he's turning and dragging me to the sidewalk. I see a large green feild.

"Jump!" He yells.

Before I even know what's happening I'm being pulled off the skateboard and I land on my back in the feild.

We both erupt in a fit of giggles. The grass feels lush against my arms.

Frank's hand never left mine, he doesn't need to hold it. I don't want him to let go.

Our giggles eventually died out. We laid in a comfortable silence.

"Thanks for today." I whisper. I haven't had this much fun in years.

"Don't thank me." Frank whispers.

We both turn our heads to look at each other. Frank's large eyes are filled with hundreds of colors. Greens, blues, browns, blacks, they hold emotion.

Frank places his free hand on my cheek, the soft touch made my face and neck heat up.

"Can I kiss you?" Frank asks.

"Of course you can." I simply say.

Our lips meet, I can feel the heat from Frank's lips on my own. The kiss is indescribable.

This is what I've needed my whole life.



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