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"Hey, come in." Gerard opens the door wider for me to enter.

"Do you want something to drink?" Gerard kindly asks.

"What do you have?" I ask, as I sit down of Gerard's deep purple couch.

"Water, coffee, tea, orange juice, and beer." Gerard states.

"I'll take a beer." I say with a smile. It's too late in the day for coffee or tea, water sound boring, and I hate orange juice. So beer it will be.


Frank effortlessly caught the bottle when I tossed it to him, his tattood hand wrapping around the brown bottle.

I sat down on a chair across from the couch Frank was casually lounging on. I got the chance to stare at him while he drank his drink. His lips look so... Inviting.

"I know I'm lovely to stare at." Frank says with a smirk.

"You wish I was staring." I say without thinking. That didn't even make sense! I was obviously staring. I can feel the heat rise up on my cheeks.

"I don't mind staring." Frank winks as he takes another sip from his beer.

"Why did you come back to Jersey?" I ask wanting to change the topic.

Frank takes a moment to think. His eyebrows were bunched together. "I don't know why I came back." Frank simply says.

"You don't have to know why. Are you glad you came back?" I ask.

"Yes and no. I don't miss a lot of things about Jersey, there are things I hate about it. Especially being who I am and my effect on Belleville. But, I'm also glad I came back. If I didn't come back I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now." Frank says with a cheeky smile. He really is a flirt.

"What do you hate abiut Jersey?" I question trying to ignore Frank's flirty comments.

The tattood boy sighs, "Come outside with me." Frank stands up and leads me out the front door and onto my porch. He sits down on one of the chairs and I join him. He pulls out a box of cigarettes and a lighter.

The way he lights his cigarette is even attractive.

He inhales and exhales, the thick smoke leaving his thin lips. The smoke floated into the air and soon disappeared into nothing.

"I never thought I would be as big of a deal as I am. I just skate. It became a world of pressure and not feeling good enough. Every year, I felt like I had to do that stupid fucking skating tournament and outdo myself from the year before. I was starting to dislike what I love doing. When you get popular you start recieving... Things. Girls and boys come running to you, you never get rejected, it's easier to come in contact with some shady people. Sadly, I got into the shady side of things, I indulged in bad habits. I knew I had to leave when I woke up in the hospital after overdosing on fentanyl. Luckily, I survived. I knew this life wasn't meant for me." Frank took another drag of his cigarette.

"I left without telling anyone. I knew that if I told someone that everything would get blown way out of proportion. I just packed and left, it was one of those things that if I thought about it too much I would chicken out and just stay in Jersey. I didn't realise people were going to start making theories and start harassing my family even though they didn't even know where I was. I feelt guilty about it all. I put my family through so much shit, I made them woried sick. I didn't call or text them for five whole years. I thought I was doing what's best, but it turns out I was just hurting everyone. It was one of those things where I knew that staying in Jersey isn't right, but leaving Jersey isn't right either. So, I packed my shit up again and came back. I found an apartment and that was that." Frank explains.

"Why did you compete in the tournament yesterday if you don't like it?" I ask.

"Felt like I had to." Frank simply says before taking another drag of his cig.

"Why did you just tell me all of this?" I ask in disbelief. This man just spilled his life story to me and I only met him yesterday. I feel honored, but why?

"You're differrnt Gerard. I might sound crazy when I say this, but I feel some weird connection between us. I knew I had to talk to you when I first saw you. I know I can tell you all of this stuff and you'll keep it to yourself." Frank says with a small smile.

He finally turns to face me, his eyes looked strong yet vulnerable. I know so much about him, but I also know nothing about him. Frank's an odd one.

I didn't realise we were leaning in until our lips connected. A sense of euphoria crashed against me. Like I've been needing this kiss for my whole life. I felt an emotion I can't put into words.

The familiar taste of cigarettes warms my mouth when our tongues collide. I can feel the warmth of Frank's hand on my thigh, so delicate.

We both moved away from the kiss, the cold air hits my wet lips.

"I have a suprise for you." Frank whispers.

"I hate suprises." I respond.

"Well, you'll love this one." Frank says with a small smirk.



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