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I had a realization. I've been talking to Gerard for two weeks now. Hell, we've even made out on his couch multiple times. By, we aren't official. I'm not exactly sure why we haven't made it official, it just never crossed our minds.

This led me to getting out of bed at three in the morning just to run to Gerard's house. I need to ask him immediatly.

You can say I'm impatient. I rather get answers than wait for answers. Life is too short to not run to a cute boy's house at three am to ask him if he wants to be my boyfriend.

I ring the door bell, the loud ding travels through the house.

I couldn't hear anything until I heard a click and a slow creek from the door being opened.

"Frank?" Gerard asks, shock filled his voice, "What are you doing here? Come in, come in." Gerard ushered me inside. The cold breeze becoming blocked when the door shuts behind us.

"Is something wrong?" Gerard asks.

"Nothing is wrong." I simply say.

"Do you need to ask me something." He questions.

I almost forgot to anseer. I was hypnotized by Gerard and his effortless beauty. His bright hair is sticking up in every direction, his eyes were squinted and tired, his loose pajamas hung off his body, the dim lamp in the living room made him look like a painting.

"Frank?" Gerard worridly asks.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry. I... This seems so stupid now. I don't know why I decided to do this right now. Do you... I mean, like... D-Do... Uhm, like- How do I? Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I just spit it out. My nerves were slowly getting the best of me.

What if he says no? What if I misread the situation?

"Of course I do Frank. I'm happy you asked me, but never wake me up at three in the morning again." Gerard says before pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, I won't. Sorry." I whisper with an embaressed chuckle.

It doesn't yet hit me until we pull away and I look at his face. My boyfriend's face.

"Do you want to stay here?" Gerard kindly asks.

"Please." I say with a chuckle. I really don't want to run back home at this hour.

Gerard grabs my hand and leads me down a hall. He swings open the door.

The room is too dark, I can't see a single thing. The blinds were shut, the lights were off, the doors were shut. I had to have Gerard carefully lead me to the bed and set me down in it. Gerard really is like a vampire, or maybe a bat.

I feel Gerard lay next to me. Before I know it, our legs and bodys are pushed together. Limbs wrapped around each other and our seperate body heat becoming one.

I could lay here forever.


I'm iffy about this chapter, tell me whatcha think!


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