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The parking lot to the skate park is packed. I always forget that Belleville isn't as small as I think it is.

This tournament is where people from all walks of life come together. There's elders, teenagers, parents, there's fucking children and babies here.

I finally find a parking spot, Mikey and Pete practically run out of the car and towards the skate park.

I chuckle at the two boys and get out the car myself. I can hear the mumbled chatter in the crowd, everyone was having there own conversations with different people.

I found a spot in the crowd where I could still see the skaters but not be super involved with everyone.

The main event of this tournament is the bowl. An abandond swimming pool turned into a hotspot for skaters, and now it's covered in graffiti and stickers.

The contestant in the bowl has to show their coolest tricks and try to impress the judges the best they can. If they fall off their board, their out.

Unremarkable after unremarkable skater came in and out of the bowl. Nothing caught my eye, until I saw him. It seems like the boy caught everyone else's eye too. Because the loud chatter turned into a low grumble of hushed whispers.

Mikey and Pete somehow found me, they knew exactly what was going on.

Pete leaned towards me, "That's Frank Iero. He always won these tournaments, he won every tournament for seven years. His first win was when he was only thirteen, and his last was when he was twenty. He disappeared after his last win for five years. No one knows where he went, people thought he moved, other people thought he was dead. But, here he is. He's a Belleville legend." I've heard of Frank Iero.

I never did research on him, but Mikey seems to talk about him a lot. He used to come into my room and blabber about conspiracy theories involving Frank.

The low whispers turned into silence when Frank dropped into the bowl. He was doing tricks that I can't even explain, flips that seem alien like. Like he was a robot, every trick done with precision. Everyone was holding their breath, just waiting for something to go wrong.

But, it didn't. Frank was done before we knew it.

There was a short pause before the entire crowd erupted in cheering and clapping. I never realised how much of an impact he had on Belleville until now, I always thought it was just someone Mikey was obsessed with. Turns out, everyone is obsessed with him.

Hell, maybe I am too.




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