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I was right. Mikey sat on my couch the day after graduation and admitted to me and Frank that he wants to move to Maine. He said he's been thinking about it a lot, he thinks it's for the best.

"I don't want to leave you." Mikey whispers, tears fill his eyes, "But, I need to see Pete."

"I would never hold you back from this opportunity." I say. Of course I'm sad, but my brother wants this. Frank holds my hand to try to calm my rapid breathing.

"I want you to come with me, I really do." Mikey whispers.

"We could come with..." Frank whispers.

There was silence, that is a good idea.

"Do... Do you guys want to come with me?" Mikey asks, hope fills his eyes.

"I would never want to leave you. I would be open to coming with." I simply say, the idea makes sense.

"Then, why the hell are we all crying! You are coming with me to Maine and you can't say no." Joy fills Mikey's voice.

"Alright, I guess that's that. Frank and I will join." I say with a smile.

I could never leave my brother.



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