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Everywhere I go, I can feel eyes on me. Someone saw Frank move boxes full of his stuff into my house and told as many people as they could.

Word has spread. Now, everyone knows that the hot skater is living with the red head nerd.

Frank doesn't seem to mind. He just ignores people who ask upsetting questions and says hello to the people that mind their buisness.

"How do you do it?" I ask Frank as he sips his coffee.

Our mug collections have combined, we have two whole cabinets full of mugs.

"Do what?" Frank asks.

"Not get creeped out by your fans? I can't even go shopping without getting stared at or getting attacked with questions. People ask me about your dick size at the bank!" I state. That has happened before... Multiple times.

"I just... Ignore it, that seems obvious, but it works. Pay attention to the people that deserve attention." Frank says, a small smile plays at his lips, "I know who needs attention right now... You do!" Frank quickly placed down his mug and tackled me.

He placed sloppy kisses all over my face until I couldn't control my laughter.

He gently played with my bright hair and kissed up and down my jaw. His tiny body fitting perfectly against mine.



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