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I heard the front door creek open from my couch. I saw a timid Mikey peak through the crack.

"You can come in." I say with a smile.

"Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure Frank wasn't here." Mikey says before coming to sit next to me.

"Is everything alright?" I noticed that Pete wasn't with him again.

"Yeah. Well, no. But, yes? I don't know how I'm supposed to be feeling." Mikey admits.

"Do you want to explain the situation you're in?" I ask.

"Pete moved." Mikey whispers. His voice cracking and his eyes became watery.

"What? What do you mean he moved?" I ask, disbelief fills my voice.

"His mom found out he w-was gay and s-she packed them up a-a-and left. They're in Maine." Mikey explains.

"Ae you still in contact with him?" I ask as I wrap an arm around my crying brother.

"Yeah. But, i-it's not the same... H-He isn't here." Mikey's body starts to shake.

I don't know what to say, so I just hug him. I let him cry onto my shoulder until all of his tears dried up and his breathing slowed down.

We had no words left when Mikey seperates himself from the hug. What are we supposed to say?

The silence was becoming thick, nearly suffocating.

The loud ring that erupted from Mikey's phone startled us.

"It's Pete calling. I got to go. I'll see you soon Gee." Mikey says before standing up and walking towards the front door.

"I love you." I quickly say before he leaves.

"Love you too Gee." Mikey says before he shuts the front door.



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