Chapter 7

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I'm so so so so so sorry for the wait!! My life got super busy and crazy! But I'm back now! <3

Bakugou P.O.V
Todoroki woke up an hour later with a whine, he sat up rubbing his eyes, he looked down at me pouting "what's wrong sweetie?" i sat up and pulled my baby into my lap "dada stiww hewe, he missing schoow" he curled up to me and laid on my shoulder while holding his stomach whining softly, i gently rubbed his back and rocked him a little bit "shhhhh its okay, Deku told the teacher you where sick so we are okay" i whispered to him as i kissed his forehead, he smiled softly but it was short lived, he whined softly and mumbled "hot" i laid him down gently and slowly and started changing him, luck i did cause his diaper was full so i quickly changed his diaper then dressed him in something cooler. I picked him up again and sat down with him in my lap as I gently rubbed his back as he whined softly, I grabbed the trash can that I had grabbed and moved next to my leg for him. He was curled into a ball in my lap holding his stomach with his head laid on my chest, i felt so bad for my baby, he was in so much pain "shhhh its okay baby boy" i whispered and kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back, he leaned over and emptied his stomach again into the garbage. Once has was finished, i gently pulled him up again and gently laid his head on my chest again, he started softly crying as he clinged to my shirt "huwt dada" he whispered through his tears and buried his face into my chest "i know sweetie, its okay" i pulled him closer and rocked him a tiny bit and kissed his forehead, feeling that its warm. I stood up, picking him up and walked to the kitchen and grabbing and washcloth, i ran it under some cold water while rocking Shoto gently and rubbing his back trying to help him calm down more, he had stopped crying, now it was just little sniffles, i won't lie, it was cute. I walked back to the bed and laid him down, he whined at this "its okay little one, i'm right here" i whispered and gently set the cold washcloth on his forehead making him relax a little bit and make small grabby hands at me to lay down with him. I giggled as I slowly lay down next to my baby and wrap my arms around him while I lay his head on my chest, making sure that the washcloth didn't fall off. I watched him relax enough for his eyes to start drooping and he started falling asleep. I kissed his forehead gently as I held him closer, he needed the sleep so I sat there on my phone as he slept
•Time skip •
He woke up after a couple of hours whining and leaned over the side of the bed and threw up in the garage can I had placed there. He sat back up with a whine, he turned and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my chest. He just stayed silent as I rubbed his back and grabbed his pacifier from the bedside table, making sure to clean it off before slipping it into his mouth gently. He happily accepted it as his eyes closed again and I sat up, pulling him into my lap. I kept him as still as I could so I didn't upset his stomach more, i got up and set him on my hip causing him to bury his face into the crook of my neck. I grabbed the medicine I needed as I gently rubbed his back, I put the medicine down and grabbed a little measuring cup. One handed, I poured how much I need them waked back to the bed and sat Todo down, he know this wasn't going to be easy "alright baby boy, I need you to take this for me okay?" He looked at it and scrunched up his face "but dada, dat icky!" He pouted "I know baby but it will make you feel better" I said gently and tried to not get frustrated, he just whined and I sigh "after you take it, dada will feed you and cuddle you" he seemed to love that cause he took it. He made a face and I couldn't help but laugh, it was cute. He pouted at me laughing then I smiled at him, making him smile. I would call today successful

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