Chapter 14

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Kat's P.O.V
I was talking to Deku while making lunch with Todo on my hip. I was rubbing his back as I talked about random stuff with Deku. I looked down at Todo to see him lying on my shoulder while listening to me and Deku talk. I am really glad that he felt better than he did this morning, I was really worried. I finished up the food and as I was putting the food into bowls for me and Todo, Deku asked "is Todoroki feeling better??" I sighed knowing that there would be questions after Friday but I was hoping Todo would feel well enough to answer them when they came up. But right now, I would tell he wasn't up to talking to anyone by the way he tensed when he heard that. I kissed the top of his head and whispered just loud enough for him to hear "you don't have to answer baby, it's okay" which made him relax again. I looked back at Deku and just said "yeah, he is but we should get going so we can eat our lunch." After a couple more words, I started walking to the elevator holding our food and Todo still on my hip. I kissed the top of his head as he rode up the elevator. Once we were back in Todo's room, which is basically our room now, I sat him on his bed and set the bowls on the nightstand. I kneeled down to be eye level with Todo. I gently cupped his face in my hand and smiled softly at him "what do you want to do today after we eat baby??" I asked him as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. Todo leaned into my hand and smiled "maybe we could go out on a date" he whispered as he relaxed into my touch "you sure you're up for that??" I was worried he was pushing himself too hard for my sake and I didn't want him to make himself feel worse. "I am, as long as I am with you, I will be completely fine" he smiled brightly at me, making me smile. I stood up and handed him his bowl. We sat and ate as we talked about where we would go on our date. After we finished our food and we got dressed, we started walking to the elevator, hand and hand. I had slipped his headphones into my pocket, just in case. We talked about random stuff as we rode the elevator down, I was happy to see Todo with a smile on his face. We walked through the common room where Deku, Pikachu (Denki), Pink cheeks (Uraraka), soy sauce face (Sero) and shitty hair (Kirishima) were sitting on the couch talking. Pink cheeks was the first to notice us "awwww! Are you guys going on a date?!" She turned around to look at us as she happily asked us. Todo smiled a tiny bit "yeah, we decided today would be a great day to go out" he happily answered. I was happy to see him so excited. Deku, Pikachu, soy sauce face and shitty hair turned around to look at us. We were now facing the couch, still holding hands. They all wished up a good date and with that, we were off. It was a nice fall day outside, a slight chill in the air. We started walking to the convention store to get some snacks and drinks so we could sit on a blanket at a park by a lake. Once we reached the convention store, we laughed as we picked out snacks. As we walked to the fridge, holding hands, to pick some drinks, we got recognized from the sports festival. A couple of people walked up to us slightly yelling from excitement, Todo instantly looked uncomfortable and just kept looking at the drinks so the people wouldn't notice. I squeezed Todo's hand to make sure he knew that I was there as I tried to get them to leave while being civil. They left after a couple minutes and Todo hadn't looked up since they walked over. Once they were gone, I pulled Todo into my side and gently guided his head to my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him. Todo slowly wrapped his arms around me, I kissed the top of his head as I held him protectively. After a minute or two of me gently rubbing Todo's back, I gently whispered "You okay baby boy?" Todo nodded slightly and stood back up. I gently placed my hand on Todo's cheek and smiled softly at him "let's finish here and go have our picnic, alright?" Todo nodded with a soft smile as he leaned into my hand. I giggled as I interlocked our fingers and turned back towards the fridge. We grabbed a couple drinks and went to check out. Once we had our things, we started heading to the park while just talking, well I was the one doing most of the talking but I didn't mind. Once at the park, I laid out the blanket we grabbed before we left. I set all the snacks and drinks down before smiling over at Todo and waving him over. Todo came over, smiling as I sat down and he sat down next to me. He just laid his head on my shoulder, smiling "we should do this more often, it's peaceful out here" he whispered as he cuddled close to my side. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer to me, he was right, it's so peaceful here "We really should." After that, we just sat and ate snacks, laughing till the sun started to set a couple hours later. Todo saw the sun set and smiled as he looked at the horizon. At this point, I was sitting up and Todo had his head laid in my lap with me petting his head. I looked up at the horizon as I saw Todo look there. I smiled and looked back down at Todo as he whispered "wow, beautiful." I giggled softly as I leaned down and kissed his cheek "yeah, stunning" I whispered as I was looking down at him, he truly looked stunning in this light. Todo smiled more and looked up at me only to realize I was looking at him. Todo blushed and looked away with a smile. When the sun was mostly set, we decided it was time to head back. I picked up all of the trash as Todo folded the blanket. Once we had everything, we started walking back hand and hand. A couple minutes from the dorms, Todo started whining and I could tell he was getting tired so I picked him up and placed him on my hip. He laid his head on my shoulder and I saw his thumb move to his mouth. It was dark when we walked into the common room but Deku and Shitty Hair were sitting there. Todo was half asleep while sucking his thumb so when I saw them sitting there, I gently pulled Todo's thumb out his mouth making him whine. "Shhhh, you can have it back soon sweetie" I whispered as I started walking towards the elevator. Deku noticed us first, "how was your guy's date??" His voice made Todo stir and whine softly, I put my finger to my lips and Deku covered his mouth quickly. "It's fine, our date was great, definitely needed" I whispered as I rubbed Todo's back. We talked for another minute before I said something about getting Todo to bed. Todo was getting cranky cause he was little and wanted to sleep. I let Todo slip his thumb back into his mouth as we got into the elevator, with that, he fell asleep on my shoulder. Once I got back into his room, I laid him down on the bed making him whine. "Shhh I'm just gonna change you baby boy" I whispered and kissed his forehead. I quickly got a once and changed him before picking him back up. Todo relaxed once I picked him up, making me smile as I walked over and grabbed a pacifier. I gently switch it for his thumb before laying down on my back with Todo on my chest. I kissed the top of his head before whispering "sleep well baby, I love you" before starting to slowly fall asleep.

I hope you guys enjoy this cute little date chapter 🥰

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