Chapter 15

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Todo's P.O.V
I woke up laying on Kat's chest, it was Monday. We spent most of yesterday laying around and hanging out with the class in the common room. I groaned and buried my face into Kat's chest, I really didn't want to go to class after such a fun weekend. I felt Kat's arms wrap around me tightly as he whispers "Good morning baby" causing me to smile and cuddle up to him more "morning Kat" I said as I looked up at him with a smile. I sat up soon after and sighed, it's going to be a long day. I got up and went to the closet to get my uniform. I changed as Kat got up to change as well. Once we were changed, I went to the bathroom to brush my hair. As I brushed and fixed my hair, I heard Kat packing up our stuff. I just stared at myself in the mirror after my hair was fixed and I reached up and touched my scar gently with a sigh. I've hated this stupid scar, all it does is remind me of the things I want to forget plus its ugly. I just sighed as I left the bathroom and sat on the bed. Kat sat next to me, I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "You okay baby boy?" Kat patted my head, I buried my face into his shoulder. I nodded and sighed "I'm just not ready to go back to class yet." Kat giggled as I sat my head up. I stood up and grabbed my bag "lets go I guess" I whispered while looking down. Kat stood up and walked right in front of me before gently gripping my chin, tilting my head up before kissing me gently. I blushed and smiled as I kissed back. We pulled back and I just looked into Kat's eyes with a smile. We hugged before grabbing our stuff and interlocking our fingers. We started walking towards class. We talked as we walked and once we got to class, we sat in our seats next to each other as we waited for class to start. Once Aizawa showed up, class started. Class went normal, nothing but boring classroom work. Lunch came slow but when lunch hit, me and Kat went up to the room to eat together hoping no one would bother us. We sat down together with my head laid on Kat's shoulder with my lunch in my lap, untouched. I closed my eyes, just feeling the wind on my face. I felt Kat wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer "it feels nice up here" Kat whispered as he laid his hand on mine. I giggled and sighed happily "yeah, it really does" I whispered as I cuddled closer to him. Kat kissed the top of my head as I opened my eyes and he continued eating. I poked at my food with my chopsticks, I was hungry but school has been making me feel anxious lately. I picked up a small bite and just looked at it, I sighed as I ate it. I could feel Kat looking at me as I chewed "you okay Bebe?" I sat my head up and  looked up at him "im just..." I paused, not really sure what to say, I'm anxious? All that will do is worry him but I also don't want to lie to him. fuck, im overthinking this. Kat was just watching me as I looked down, thinking. I realize as I can feel his eyes that I have to tell him, lying to him is just going to make him worry more "school has just been making me anxious lately. I'm not really sure why." I whispered softly as I shoved another bit into my mouth, trying not to overthink his reaction. Kat gently took my chopsticks before I could shove another bite in my mouth, he set them down on my bento before cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes. "Do you want to go back to the dorms for the rest of the day?" he sounded so worried, it hurt my heart that I did this. I teared and shook my head. I feel like such a burden right now cause I always have some problem, I wish I was normal. Like Kat could read my thoughts, he leaned down, rested his forehead against mine and kissed nose, then my cheek, then my other cheek then whispered "baby boy, don't you ever start thinking you're a burden, it's my job as your boyfriend to listen to you and help you. I would never ever begin to think you were a burden." I teared up more and leaned into Kat more. Kat moved me into his lap, hugging me tight as I buried my face into his shoulder as I cried softly. After a minute, I calmed down completely but Kat just kept holding me, I made no effort to get up cause I felt safe in his arms. We hear the bell that signals that lunch is over, I tried to get up but Kat held me tighter "W-We have to get to class." I whispered, I didn't really want to go back but I have missed too much class. Kat gently guided my head back to his chest and whispered "it's fine, just a bit longer." It's like Kat knows what I need before I do so I just layed back down in his chest and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath as I listened to his heart beat and tried to relax a little bit before going back. After a couple minutes later, I took another deep breath and sat my head up, looking at Kat. He looked down at me with a soft smile "feeling better now bebe?" I nodded with a soft smile and leaned up to kiss him. Kat kissed back, we pulled back a couple minutes later. We smiled at each other before getting up and walked back to class hand in hand. Once we got to class, I refused to let go as we went up to Aizawa and Kat explained why we were late. Aizawa said okay and we went to sit down but Kat pulled my desk closer to his, before I sat down. I still didn't let go even after we sat down. Class went on as normal after that but I wasn't paying much attention. Every once and awhile, I would squeeze Kat's hand and he would squeeze back to tell me he was still there. I took a deep breath and was disassociating on the whiteboard when the bell rang for the end of class causing me to jump, squeezing Kat's hand tightly. Kat looked at me as I stood up quickly, shaking. Kat stood up too and pulled me into a hug making jump again before realizing it was him. After I realized it was him, I relaxed into his arms and hugged him tightly. I took a deep breath and buried my face into the crook of Kat's neck while taking another deep breath. Kat gently rubbed my back as he whispered comforting words into my ear, trying to calm me down. I stopped shaking after a couple minutes but Kat never let go, he held me tighter when I heard people walk in and I tensed up. I held onto Kat's shirt tightly as I took a deep breath. We had one last class today so I pulled away enough to look at Kat, he looked worried. I smiled softly as Kat whispered "we don't have to go to the next class if you aren't up for it." I took a deep breath before saying "as long as you're there, i'll be fine" Kat giggled "well we just have training now so of course i'll be there" I smiled and sighed "damn, I forgot we had training today" Kat smiled and kissed my forehead "then let's go baby." He took my hand and interlocked our fingers before we started walking to get changed. Once we were changed into our hero uniforms, we slowly walked to the field holding hands. Once we got there, Aizawa started to assign partners to spar with and told us the order. I was paired with Kirishima again, making me nervous due to the comments I got last time I lost. Even with being nervous, training went well and went off without a hitch. As soon as me and Kat were done with our matches, Aizawa let us go. We quickly went to change before heading back to the dorms. During the walk to the dorms, I started yawning, exhausted from the day. After my 6th yawn, I started to feel like I was slipping, making me walk slowly and rub my eyes. We were only halfway to the doors making me whine cause I just wanted to sleep. Kat noticed cause he stopped walking and turned towards me while asking "you sleepy sweetie?" I nodded and rubbed my eyes. Kat picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder as he continued to walk back. When we got most of the way there, I was half asleep and mostly regressed. I was sucking my thumb gently and trying to keep my eyes open. Dada was rubbing my back making it harder to stay awake but I wanted my pacifier before falling asleep. Like he had read my mind again, I felt my thumb be replaced with my pacifier. "Sleep baby boy, it's okay, you're safe" was the last thing I heard before falling asleep on daddy's shoulder.

I hope you guys like these chapters I've been putting out, I've had a long weekend break from collage so I've finally had time to write. Let me know if you guys have any ideas for a chapter, please comment it/them 🥰

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