Chapter 11

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Todo's P.O.V
I woke up feeling better than yesterday, we went through our morning as normal. Now we were in class even though Kat tried to get me to stay in the dorms one more day. I refused cause all it would do is give me time to think and I didn't need anymore time for that right now. I was only half paying attention to Aizawa cause I could feel eyes all over me, which I was trying to ignore by taking notes like there was no tomorrow. Half my notes didn't make sense but I don't care. Next was training, we were doing battles against each other, I got put up against Kirishma cause he had the quirk that is best against me. It was my turn, I stepped up on the battle platform and a second later, Aizawa yelled to start. I tried to freeze him in place but he just broke the ice. We went back and forth but in the end Kirishma won which wasn't what I expected but I was proud of him cause he has been working hard. I ended up with some cuts and bruises but nothing that I needed recovery girl for. I went and sat down next to Kat with a sigh and laid my head on his shoulder "he's gotten harder to beat" I whisper "yeah, even I have a hard time getting to him now but I always win in the end" Kat says confidently, I love how confident he is. I push his shoulder light and giggle "you're too confident for your own good" He laughed and smiled at me, I smiled back. I could hear someone whispering as we finished our conversation, I couldn't hear exactly what was said but I heard my names and "weak" making my smile drop but I just laid my head back on Kat's shoulder. I tried to ignore and watch the battles but the word "weak" just kept repeating in my head so a minute later, I stood up. I whispered something about going to the bathroom and ran off to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I locked the stall as I sat on the toilet and pulled my legs up to my chest. I buried my face into my knees as tears welled up and my breathing speeds up. I really don't know why I ran away from Kat but that's all I could think to do. My breathing was getting worse and "weak" kept repeating like a broken record in my head, it wouldn't stop. I gripped my hair tight and started sobbing making it harder to breathe. I wanted Kat, I shouldn't have run away from him. I felt for my phone but it was in my locker causing me to freak out more, it feels like i've been in here for forever. I pulled on my hair harder and it kept getting harder to breath, I needed Kat now. I was sobbing so hard now but my brain refused to regress, it was hell. A minute later, I heard the bathroom door open, I freaked out and started holding my breath as I heard the footsteps come to right outside of my stall. I looked at the person's shoes and saw red shoes that I knew as my best friend, Deku. I let my breath out as he whispered "Todoroki" and my tears started falling faster, my breathing still bad. I leaned forward and unlocked the stall before falling backwards onto the toilet again. Deku opened the door, he got a really worried look on his face the moment he saw me and ran over to me. He kneeled down and looked me in the eyes "hey, what's wrong? Do you want me to get Kachan?" he whispered softly but made no move to touch me. I nodded and he got up only a second later and started running to find Kat. I sat there crying my heart out while panicking and after what felt like forever, it was actually 5 minutes, Kat ran into the bathroom and instantly ran to me. He picked me up gently and slowly, he sat on the toilet I was just on with me in his lap. "Hey, hey, it's okay baby, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth" Kat whispered as he guided my head to his chest and gently patted my hair. I closed my eyes and buried my face into Kat's chest, still sobbing. I took a shaky breath into my nose and let it out my mouth as I held onto Kat's shirt so tight that my knuckles were white. I was just trying to focus on breathing, I couldn't stop my tears though, I just sobbed as I tried to even my breathing out. Kat just kept whispering sweet nothings to me, trying to calm me down. After about 20 minutes, my breath was evened out but tears were still silently falling as I buried my face into Kats chest more. He just silently just rubbed my back in circles and held me protectively in his arms but after a minute, he whispered "you wanna go back to class or go back to the dorms?" I took a deep breath and cuddled up to him more "class but not yet" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. We sat there cuddling for another 15 minutes before I felt better, not completely but enough to look up at Kat. He smiled at me, causing me to smile back. I leaned up and gently kissed him and he kissed back. I pulled back and sighed "im exhausted" I whispered causing Kat to giggle "I know baby but your the one that choose to go back to class" I sighed "only because we have a test tomorrow and we've already missed several days" Kat kissed my forehead "your smart, you'll do fine no matter how many days you miss and i'm ahead in class anyway" I giggled and laid my head on Kat's shoulder and closed my eyes. I smiled softly, I was so lucky to have someone so willing to put up with all my crying and panic attacks. I started getting up a minute later but I was pulled back down by Kat, I looked up at him confused "before we go, please tell me what's bugging you, why haven't you been little in 2 days? Why did you have that panic attack??" He sounded serious and had a worried look on his face, I sighed knowing that he wasn't going to let me go till I gave him an answer. I buried my face into the crook of his neck as I was sitting on his lap with my legs on either side of him "well..." I whispered and hesitated before telling him "the panic attack was because I heard people whispering that I was weak after I lost to Kirishima" I paused as I teared up "as for being little, I feel like I'm annoying you and like I'm little too much meaning your always taking care of me" I was gripping Kats shirt tightly at this point and I had tear in my eyes. Kat gently pulled my head up to look at him a minute later and looked me in the eyes with a soft sad expression "oh baby, don't listen to them, you're so very strong. they are just jealous" he kissed my nose causing me to giggle softly and scrunch up my face "and as for annoying me with being little" he put his hands on both my cheeks and looked directly into my eyes "I love you, big or little and I love taking care of you, it is sometimes what gets me through that day, knowing my baby boy will need me at the end of the day. And you need it to cope when that pretty little head of your is being mean" as he said that, he patted my head causing me to giggle "so you can regress as much and as long as you want, I'll be there for it all" after he finished, he gently kissed me making me smile like an idiot. After he pulled away, I hugged him tight as happy tears fell from my eyes. "I love you so much" I whispered as I happily cried into his chest. I felt his chest move as he laughed while hugging me back tightly. After a minute, we got up with our fingers interlocked and started walking to class without a word and the biggest smiles on our faces. We got to class and sat through the rest of the day holding hands. Once school was out and we were walking back to the dorms Kat asked me "would you like to be my baby boy tonight?" I nodded and sighed to myself, not knowing if I could after 2 days of pushing it off. Kat rubbed a circle on my hand with his thumb, he could tell I was unsure. Once we got back to his dorm, we sat on the bed and I laid my head on his shoulder and Kat whispered "alright, let's get you changed"
To be continued

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