Chapter 22

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Todo's P.O.V
I woke up with a groan, I had a small headache and I knew that meant today was gonna be rough. I rolled off Kat's chest, standing up and walking to the bathroom. Once I came out of the bathroom, Kat was awake so I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I sighed knowing that we will have to go to school today. Kat smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. I nuzzled into his shoulder, loving the texture of his shirt. A couple minutes later, Kat said something about getting up and getting ready but I wasn't fully able to pay attention but I whined cause I really didn't want to go. I didn't want to face everyone but I also felt off but I'm not sure why. I stood up and changed, everything was going as usual till I grabbed my jacket to put it on and the feeling of the fabric made me drop it and rub my hands on my pants. The texture was awful, I started flapping my hands and pacing, I wanted to rip the skin off my hands right now. I was so upset that I didn't notice Kat walk over and try to talk to me till he gently placed his hand on my back making me jump away from the touch, not liking it right now. I turned to look at him, my hands still flapping and now I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet. He says something and I try to understand him but my ears are ringing and all I could feel is all my skin on my bones making me breath a little quicker. I think Kat realized what was happening because as I started walking in circles in the spot I was standing, he waved his hand a little to get my attention. He got my attention and once I was looking at him he breathed it, gesturing for me to follow so I took a big breath in and breathed out once he did. After a couple of minutes, I was standing still again and my hands were now in him so they would stop flapping and my ears weren't ringing anymore. I took a last deep breath before Kat whispered "are you okay my prince?" I nodded, not feeling like I could talk. Kat smiled and picked up my jacket, making me step back and shake my head quickly. Kat set it on the bed and took a step towards me with his hand up before opening them to see if I was okay for a hug. I stood there for a minute before stepping forward a little bit, into Kat's arms. Kat hugged me gently before pulling away, he hands on my waist "how about today you go without the jacket?" I thought for a second, I always wear it so not to wear would get me stares but I couldn't stand to touch it again so I reluctantly nodded before taking a deep breath. Kat hung my jacket up before packing all our stuff as I sat on the bed, my weighted blanket wrapped around me. Kat turned around after he was finished, smiling at me before bending down in front of me "feeling a little better now?" I nodded with a soft smile on my face but I didn't want to leave my weighted blanket. I pulled it closer making Kat ask "not ready to part with it?" I nodded again as Kat looked at the time, I know we need to go. I watched Kat stand up and grab his phone, quickly type something and I heard him get a text back making him smile. He bent down in front of me again "Aizawa says that you can bring it with you if you would like" I smiled, I wanted to say thank you but when I opened my mouth, I couldn't get anything out making me look down, trying to figure out what to do. My head shot up as I remembered that me and Kat have been learning sign language. We were learning for moments like this as well as because Kat's hearing was getting worse because of his quirk (a head-canon i love) I smiled at Kat, who looked confused, and signed 'thank you, I love you' making him smile as well. I took a deep breath and stood up as Kat stood up and grabbed our bags. I watched as Kat also grabbed a couple safe foods of mine making me smile and look at him with so much love that I was scared he might notice. We started walking to school, my weighted blanket over my shoulders. As we walked, we were talking about what happened this morning, well more like I was signing and he was talking. He laughed as I signed 'it was disgusting, I wanted to rip my finger tips off!' As I smiled at his laugh, Kirishima ran up to Kat, I waved at Kirishima making him smile and loudly say good morning making me flinch. Kat noticed and signed 'you okay? I brought your headphones if you need them' I nodded as I signed back 'thank you, I might need them later but I'm okay right now' I looked back at Kirishima to see him looking back and forth between me and Kat with a confused look making me giggle silently making Kat look confused so I pointed to Kirishima. Kat looked, making him sigh and say "it's sign language you dumbass!" before smacking him in the shoulder. I noticed he was quieter than usual and I realized it was for me, making me smile. We kept walking, Kat and Kirishima talking which I didn't mind. Once at the classroom, Kirishima ran off as me and Kat walked to his desk. Once there, Kat signed 'are you sure going to be okay today? We can always leave' making me smile, I love him so much for this. I signed back 'I'm sure, as long as you're here, I'll get through' this made Kat smile and hold out his hand. I took his hand after taking a minute to decide if I'm able to handle it. Kat kissed my hand making me blush and look down. A minute later, Aizawa walked in so I sat down at my desk next to Kat. I never noticed but Aizawa was loud, everything was loud not to mention, I could hear the lights buzzing, making me look up at him. After looking at them for a minute, I felt a tap on my arm, I looked over to see Kat looking at me before signing 'what's wrong? Lights too bright?' I shook my head before signing 'their buzzing, can't you hear them?' Kat shook his head before signing 'I can't, sorry baby, want your headphones?' I nodded, watching as Kat reached into his bag and pulled out my noise canceling headphones. I smiled, signing 'thank you so much' before taking them, putting them on. I can still hear everything going on but it's more muffled now making me sigh happily. I grabbed my notebook to catch up with the class on notes but as soon as I touched the paper, I dropped the notebook on my desk, the paper texture was so terrible right now. I was so dumb for this, I know I can barely handle paper on a good day. I started violently rubbing my hands on my pants trying to get the feeling to go away as I looked around, trying to make sure no one noticed. Lucky for me, the only people to notice were Kat, Midorya and Aizawa. Kat was looking at me worriedly as he slowly signed 'what's wrong?' I took a shaky deep breath but only managed to sign 'bad' which made Kat's face soften, he knew I couldn't handle paper. He turned his body to face me as I pulled the weighted blanket over me more as I breathed out shakily. Kat made me breathe with him again. I calmed down after a couple minutes and was able to breathe again. Kat smiled and asked if I was okay, I nodded, laying my head down after signing 'tired' Kat looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. As he turned back forward, Midorya tapped Kat's shoulder and whispered something making Kat look confused, not hearing him either. I watched as Kat signed 'you know I can't hear whispering, I know you know sign nerd, use it!' I was surprised, I didn't know he knew sign. I watched Midorya sigh as he signed 'Is Todoroki okay?' Kat scoffed and I mentally sighed and sat up to get his attention and signed 'be nice Kat' making him sigh and turn to Midorya. He signed 'he fine' before turning back to pay attention. I watched Midorya sigh before looking at me, signing 'are you okay?' I smiled a little bit and nodded, signing 'just having a rough morning, I didn't know you knew sign language' Midorya giggled 'I didn't know you knew it either, I have been using it since me and Kachan were young' I smiled 'that's so cool!' He smiled back before going back to notes and I laid my head down on my desk facing Kat. I stayed like this till lunch, the bell ringing scared me, making me jump and hold my headphones on tighter. I mentally sighed, I was starving due to skipping breakfast. Kat got up and smiled at me before signing 'roof?' I nodded and stood up and we made our way to the roof. Once up there, we sat down and Kat handed me the food he grabbed this morning before he started talking to me, not expecting me to answer. I just happily ate as I listened to him. I love his voice so I am 100% content just listening to him. Once I finished eating, I really had to go to the bathroom so I hesitantly slipped my weighted blanket off my shoulder before signing 'running to the bathroom quickly.' Kat asked if I wanted him to come, I shook my head, planning to go fast. I ran down the stairs and ran into the first bathroom I saw. I sat down with a silent sigh. I jumped as two people came in, talking, luckily I had put my headphones back on. I wasn't listening till I heard Kat's name "Bakugou is dating Endeavor's kid right?" "Yeah, but I heard that he is weird and messed up so I don't doubt that Bakugou will leave him" "isn't Bakugou aggressive anyway?" "Yeah, I would be surprised if he was using the Todoroki's for their money" I stopped listening after that, all I could hear was their laughter ringing in my ears. I waited there, shaking with tears in my eyes. Once they left, I ran out of the bathroom and up the stairs, back to the roof. Once up there, I slammed the door, leaning against it, breathing heavily. I curled into a ball, shaking, I needed my weighted blanket but I couldn't move, I was shaking so bad. I suddenly felt my weighted blanket over my shoulders making me look up quickly, tears streaming down my face quickly. I was Kat standing there, looking really worried. I looked down again, pulling the weighted blanket really tight around me, trying to calm down and think rationally. I felt Kat sat next me, making me lean his way. I felt him wrap his arm around me so I moved so I was in his lap, making him wrap his arms around me. I buried my face into his shoulder, my hands on his chest, holding his shirt. I was still shaking really bad, making Kat rub my back, trying to calm me down. It was working, knowing Kat was there helped a lot. I calmed down a couple minutes later but I didn't move. The words they said kept repeating in my head 'I heard that he is weird and messed up so I don't doubt that Bakugou will leave him' making me squeeze my eyes shut while holding onto his shirt tightly. I am so exhausted that before Kat could ask what happened I laid my head on his shoulder, facing his neck and fell asleep.

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