Chapter 9

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Todoroki P.O.V
I woke up the next morning to my alarm for school, I sat up rubbing my eyes and looked around. I felt that fuzzy feeling in my head that I feel when I'm about to regress but I pushed it away quickly and then looked at my beautiful boyfriend who was still sleeping next to me. I picked up my phone and saw a lot of unread text messages from my friend asking if I was okay and telling me not to listen to what was said. I smiled as I quickly replied that I was okay and thanked them. I put my phone down and laid back on Kat's chest, as I did I felt his hand snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes, as I did I felt Kat laugh softly "don't get too comfortable baby, we have to get up to to get ready for school in a couple minutes" he whispered in his deep morning making me blush lightly but I pouted at his words, I didn't want to go after yesterday but I sat up anyway, I know I was quieter than usual but I really didn't feel like speaking so I just got up and started getting dressed. I saw Kat do the same out of the corner of my eye, I was happy that he didn't question why I was so quiet. I finished getting dressed and sat on the bed looking down, I was still exhausted from yesterday and I was feeling things I couldn't put into words. I saw Kats feet as he stood in front of me as I felt his hands gently go through my hair and I buried my face into his chest. I closed my eyes as Bakugou ran his hands through my hair gently, I love it when he runs his hands through my hair. "You don't have to talk about how your feeling if you don't feel up to it but just know i'm here to listen" he whispered and kissed the top of my head, I love this man so much, his words made me tear up and bit and i wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tight. My second alarm telling me to leave for school went off and I sighed softly and opened my eyes as I reached to turn it off. I stood up and gently grabbed Kats hand as I started walking to the door without a word. Bakugou just followed and caught up to walk beside me as we walked to school. We walked into the classroom hand and hand, I was looking down cause I didnt wanna face everyone so I just sat down, never letting go of Kats hand, I squeezed his hand tighter. He gently pulled me up and sat down  in my seat and then gently pulled me into his lap with my legs on either side of him as he gently guided my head to his shoulder. I buried my face into his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him and clung to him tightly, I felt him run his hands through my hair gently. I relaxed against him a little bit, he kept a tight hold on me and I could feel him look around the room while petting my hair. I heard little whispers around the room, I moved closer to Kat and held onto him tighter, he heard them too cause he gently covered my ears tightly so I couldn't hear anything going on in the room but I felt him scream something at everyone causing me to hold onto his shirt tight. Kat uncovered my ears and started gently rubbing my back and as he did, he whispered in my ear "shhhhh it okay baby, no one can hurt you" I loosened my grip a bit, as I tried not to regress, I heard Aizawa walk into the room but I didn't move and no one made me move either. I sat like that the rest of class and I could feel Kat taking notes for us, I kept fighting my regression but I couldn't fight it much longer so about lunch time I ended up regressing and started sucking my thumb gently, dada making sure no one saw me. I felt dada start rocking me causing me to smile softly and cuddle closer to him as my stomach grumbled. I whined softly, I wasn't feeling good, my feelings were too complicated for me to handle while little making me tear up and start crying silently into dada's shoulder. The moment I started crying dada stood up and started gently bouncing me while I clung to him, I started crying harder, hating how i was feeling "shh it's okay baby, it's going to be okay" he whispered gently as he rubbed my back trying to calm me down but I am just so confused and feel icky causing me to cry more. I held onto Dada's shirt with one hand, so tight that my knuckles turned white and I started sucking my thumb with the other hand, trying to find some kind of comfort, which kind of worked cause I started feeling a little better and my crying calmed down a little bit. "Good boy, Dada's got you honey" Daddy whispered to me as I could feel all eyes on me, making me try to get closer to him causing him glare at them making them walk away and stop looking. I relaxed a little bit but I just wanted to go back to the dorm and I think Dada realized that cause he grabbed our stuff and started walking out but not before flipping everyone off and quietly yelled at everyone "you caused this! I hope you're happy!" as I cried into his shoulder, shaking a little bit. He walked out after that and walked to my dorm, once there, he changed me into a diaper and onesie. I was still crying softly as I sucked on my thumb but Dada quickly replaced it with my paci, then he picked me up after dressing me and making sure I was comfortable. After i was all comfy, Dada laid me down on the bed making me whine and tear up a bit cause I didn't want Dada to let go of me, seeing this, he gently shushed me "its okay baby boy, Daddy's just going to get you a baba'' he gently whispered and then gently kissed my forehead before he walked out to the kitchen. I tried to be patient but Dada was taking what felt like forever, I stood up, at least I tried to, I was too little to do so on my own so I fell onto my knees making me start crying. Right after I fell, I heard daddy running back to the room, when he got back to the room, he picked me up and sat down on the bed. When he sat on his bed, he held me sideways and gently took my paci out and then gently placed my baba to my lips, I gently took it into my mouth and started gently drinking, as I did, Daddy started wiping the left off tears on my face. I started slowly dozing and softly fell asleep.

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