Chapter 16

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Kat's P.O.V
I woke up early on Tuesday with a groan and reached up to kiss Todo's head but he wasn't there. I looked over to the other side of the bed to see him facing away from me, sleeping soundly. I gently rolled him over and pulled Todo to my side, gently laying his head on my chest. He luckily didn't wake up cause it was still a couple hours before we had to wake up. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep while holding Todo protectively but i'm awake now so after a couple minutes, I opened my eyes. I looked down at Todo peacefully sleeping on my chest, he still had his pacifier gently bobbing in his mouth. I smiled softly and gently patted his hair. I have been so worried about him recently. Todo has been so anxious lately and I've been trying to help but there is only so much I can do which kills me. If I could only take his pain away then I would. I sighed and pulled him closer to me as I closed my eyes again to try and think of something I could do to help. I fell back asleep at some point while thinking. I was woken up again by my alarm for school and I sighed as I quickly turned it off before looking down to see Todo gone. I sat up to hear the toilet flushing. I rubbed my eyes and groaned, I was still tired due to waking up in the middle of the night. I didn't feel like dealing with the loud class today but I got up as Todo came out of the bathroom with a pout and rubbing his eyes. I smiled as I walked over to him and hugged him from behind while he grabbed his uniform from his closet. Todo jumped, then relaxed and smiled once he realized it was me. I kissed his cheek as I whispered "good morning baby" Todo turned around and threw his uniform in the bed before wrapping his arms around me as he whispered "morning." He buried his face into my shoulder and sighed as I rubbed his back, he clearly didn't want to go to school but we both know we have to go anyway. We let go after a couple minutes and I went over to pick up my uniform from the ground. We both got dressed, I finished first so I just sat on the bed after packing up our stuff. Todo finished changing and sat next to me before laying his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head and interlocked our fingers before standing up, pulling Todo up with me. We grabbed our stuff and started walking to school. Todo had been pretty much silent since he said good morning and I've been worried but I'm not really sure what to say. We were almost to the classroom and I've been talking this whole time, Todo hasn't said a word. I stopped outside the classroom door making Todo stop as well and looked back at me. Gently cupped Todo's face and whispered "You okay baby?" Todo looked into my eyes and smiled softly while nodding. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb as he leaned into my touch. I smiled and giggled softly "just don't feel like talking today?" Todo nodded again as I gently took his hand again and interlocked our fingers again. We walked into class and sat down in our seats without letting go of our hands. Class went normally until lunch. When lunch rolled around, me and Todo went back up to the roof to eat and cuddle like we always do. I made sure to make Todo's lunch with all his safe foods cause he seemed like he was having a bad sensory day. I sat down as Todo walked around the corner, he usually walked slower than me so I watched as he made his way to me before sitting down next to me, knee to knee. We ate in mostly silence but every once in a while, we would start up a conversation although it would slowly fade out. Once we finished eating, we just sat with Todo's head on my shoulder as we watched the sky. I leaned over and kissed the top of his head. A couple minutes later, I pulled Todo into my lap and laid down with my jacket as a pillow. Todo laid his head on my chest and giggled softly, making me smile. I never wanted this moment to end, moments like these make me so calm. I looked down at Todo to see his eyes close and he was fully relaxed into my chest. I held him close as I watched the clouds move across the sky. A couple minutes later, the bell signing the end of lunch rang, making Todo jump and hold onto my shirt tightly while shaking slightly. I pulled him closer as I rubbed his back "shhhh baby, it was just the bell" I whispered before covering his ears gently, he relaxed a little bit once I covered his ears. I sat us up with him while keeping his ears covered. After a minute, I slowly uncovered his ears and cupped his face "ready to go back baby?" He nodded and I stood up but picked him up after standing up making him blush "i'm not little" he whispered as he buried his face into my shoulder. I giggled as I started walking back to class and whispered "I know but I like carrying you." Once we got to class, I sat Todo down before sitting down myself. Class went as normal, a lot of homework and hard training. Once we got back to the dorms, Todo flopped on the bed face first with a whine. I giggled and sat down beside him "tired sweetie?" he nodded and rolled over to face me. I got up and picked him up before changing him into just my hoodie. After I was finished changing him, I laid down and laid Todo on my chest. I am still worried that he had barely said much all day but I just tried to put it out of my mind. I felt Todo relax into my chest and a minute later, I looked down to see him asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes, I hope tomorrow goes okay.

I feel like I keep making Bakugou out of character, I'm not sure if you guys enjoy it but let me know what you guys think

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