Chapter 19

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Thank you JennaKolodzey for the idea!! I hope it's close to what you had in mind!

No one's P.O.V
Todoroki woke up the next morning with a groan, he sat up, looking around the room. His eyes were blurry due to sleep so he rubbed them to clear them before getting up. He went to the bathroom and just as he closed the door, Kat woke from the movement of the bed as well as the door. After a minute, Todo came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Kat who was sitting up on the side of the bed now. Todo laid his head on Kat's shoulder and closed his eyes as Kat wrapped his arm around his waist. After a minute of silence, Kat pulled Todo closer and sighed softly as he held him protectively before whispering "you wanna talk about yesterday?" Todo sighed gently and cuddled up closer to Kat's side. Todo whispered "yes" before explaining everything, the more he talked, the more tears filled his eyes. By the time he was finished, he was sobbing into Kat's shoulder. Kat pulled Todo into his lap and held him tight "shhhhh it's okay, it's okay, they are so very wrong, your so very strong, so much stronger than anyone can ever understand" Kat whispered as he rubbed Todo's back gently. After a couple minutes, Todo calmed down but he didn't move, Kat kept him close and tight to his chest. After another minute, Kat leaned over to get something and Todo freaked out, holding onto Kat tight and whined. Kat held onto Todo and rubbed his back "it's okay honey, I'm just grabbing something." Todo calmed down as Kat picked it up and sat up again. Kat held a special stuffed bear behind his back, he had been meaning to give it to Todo and after yesterday, it seemed like the perfect time. Kat smiled at Todo as Todo tilted his head, confused by what Kat was hiding. Kat pulled Todo closer to his side and sighed "so I had this specially made a couple weeks ago and I think now is the perfect time to give it to you" Kat pulled out the stuffed bear from behind his back, Todo smiled and quickly hugged it tight. Once Todo hugged the bear, Kat's phone started going off, startling Todo, making him hold onto Kat tight, shaking a little bit. Kat quickly grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm set off by the bear. Todo relaxed once it was off, he looked at the bear then up at Kat with his head tilted to the side. Kat giggled and kissed Todo's forehead "this very special bear that I want you to use when your in trouble, just squeeze it and it sends a alarm to my phone as well as tracks where you are" he holds up the phone to show Todo the blinking red dot that signals the bear. Todo smiled and jumped up onto Kat, hugging him tight. Todo had happy tears in his eyes, he never had anyone who cared about him enough to make sure he was okay. Todo pulled away and looked at Kat with a big smile "I love you so much" he whispered with nothing but love, making Kat smile softly and giggle a little bit "I love you too baby." They cuddled for a while before Todo had to go because he had to meet Deku, who he agreed to meet for coffee to talk about something. Todo got dressed before packing a bag which mostly had his special bear in it as well as his headphones. Once he was ready, he ran over to Kat and gave him a tight hug as well as a kiss, saying goodbye and that he'll be back in a couple hours. Todo left and was walking to the pro hero decorated cafe (Deku's choice). While Todo was gone, Kat decided to go and hang out with the rest of the class in the common room. Todo was walking while texting Deku that he will be there soon but as soon as he sent it, he felt someone cover my mouth. He tried to scream but started feeling tired. Before he passed out, he swung his bag around and hugged it tight and refused to let go even after passing out. A minute after the bear was squeezed, Kat's phone started playing a loud alarm making several people jump but Kat quickly jumped at his phone, grabbing it as fast as he could. Everyone around Kat looked confused but before they could ask why Kat looked so freaked out, he jumped up. Kat started running to the front door of the dorms screaming "call the pro's!! Todo is in trouble!!" Kat started running as fast as his feet could take him while staring at the tracker. While Kat was running trying to find Todo, Todo woke up tightly tied to a chair while still hugging his backpack. When he woke up and saw he was in a dark warehouse while tied to a chair, he immediately regressed hard making him start sobbing hard. After Todo had been sitting there for a couple minutes sobbing and shaking, Dabi walked up with a smirk on his face. When Todo saw Dabi, he got even more scared making him sob harder and hold on tighter to the bear. He started asking Todo questions but Todo was too little to understand what Dabi was saying. Everytime Todo didn't answer, Dabi would burn him, making him cry harder and he's having a panic attack while extremely little. Kat kept running and was getting very close to where the tracker said Todo was. Dabi had walked away from Todo who now had burns up and down his arms, he felt like he couldn't breath. Todo tried moving to get the bear out of the backpack but every time he moved it hurt his arms. Kat was standing outside the warehouse, out of breath and clearly shaking from anger. He took a breath to catch his breath and aimed a huge explosion at the door into the room Dabi was in, luckily for Kat, Dabi had done this alone. Kat went all out, beating Dabi up so bad till he remembered Todo was somewhere making him grab Dabi by the collar and screamed at him to tell him where his baby was. Dabi smirks and refuses to tell him, making Kat punch him in the face before running off to find Todo. Todo was sitting there for what felt like hours, looking down at the ground sobbing and shaking, in pain when Kat bursted into the room. Todo flinched and whined but didn't look up as Kat walked over with tears in his eyes when he saw the burns. Kat could tell Todo was very little from just looking at him so he quickly but moving slowly, untied Todo. Kat slowly bent down in front of Todo and whispered softly "it me baby, it's just daddy" Once Todo heard Kat"s voice, he jumped out the chair onto Kat, hugging him for dear life. Kat hugged him back tight while gently pulling him into his lap while Todo cried into his shoulder. Kat felt tears slip down his face as he held Todo protectively. They sat there for 10 minutes before Todo calmed down to just sniffles but then Aizawa bursted in breathing hard but smiled a little bit when he saw Kat holding Todo tight and protectively while gently rubbing his back to calm him down. Aizawa slowly walked over and bent down, putting a gentle hand on Kat's back making him jump and hold Todo closer but calmed once he saw Aizawa. Kat nodded realizing they had to get out of there. Kat very gently moved Todo to his hip while grabbing Todo's bag and slowly stood up so he wouldn't hurt the burns. They all started walking out with Todo still holding onto Kat for dear life, like if he let go, he would be taken away from Kat again. Kat whispered soft and comforting words to Todo while they got into a car that Aizawa had taken down here. Todo refused to move his head out of the crook of Kats neck or look at anyone, he also had not spoken a word since Kat got to him. Once they had gotten back to the dorms, they had already called Recovery girl to the dorms. The second they walked into the building, Recovery girl tried to take Todo to look at him but once anyone got close to Todo, Kat gave them a death glare and said if anyone touches his baby then they will be blown up. Iida was about to tell Kat that they need to look Todo over, Aizawa stood in front of Kat and told them that they had already checked him over. The only injury he had were the burns on his arms so Recovery girl came over and gave Todo the healing kiss before letting Kat make his way back to Todo's dorm. Once at Todo's dorm, Kat sat on the bed with a sigh as he buried his face into Todo's shoulder while still holding him close to him. Kat let tears fall from his eyes as he held onto Todo for dear life, he didn't want anyone other than Todo to see him like this. Todo was calmed down enough to feel his shirt getting wet making him whine and hug Kat tighter but he couldn't bring himself to look up at Kat yet, he was scared that it would all be a dream and one holding him would be Dabi. Kat felt this and sniffled as he smiled "I'm okay baby boy, I promise, just relieved that you're safe" He whispered softly as he kissed Todo's cheek and rubbed his back gently. Todo snuggled up to Kaat more, he was exhausted but too terrified to sleep. Kat sensed this so he stood up and started rocking Todo, humming to him gently. Kat looked around and suddenly had the thought of needing a rocking chair so he made a mental note of it. Todo closed his eyes as he listened to Kat hum and felt the vibrations. Todo had his head laid on Kat's shoulder, facing away from Kat's face with his eyes closed, trying to sleep. Todo fell asleep after 10-20 minutes of rocking but Kat didn't stop rocking him and walking around, as tired as Kat was, he knew he wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

This is part 1 of this cause it was getting really long but the next chapter will be out by Monday! So look out for it!!

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