Chapter 18

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Thank you UrMomsAHoHoHoe for the idea!! Hope it's good!!

Todo's P.O.V
I woke up whining cause I didn't want to get up but I had already made a plan to go to the store to restock my mini fridge, I have basically nothing left. It was already noon so I have to get up if I want to go. I sat up as I rubbed my eyes and looked over to see Kat was gone, he must have already gone out. I sighed as I stood up and started getting dressed. I picked out my outfit with short sleeves so I grabbed one of Kat's sweaters cause I am always either cold or hot due to my quirk. I grabbed my wallet, my phone and my earbuds just in case I needed them. Once I had them, I sat down on the bed to make sure I had everything I needed. I checked 3-4 times before I stood up as I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom to comb my hair. As I was combing my hair, Kat walked in sweating with a tank top and shorts on and I smiled as I watched him walk past the bathroom door. I finished up my hair before walking out to see Kat sitting on the bed, drying his face with a towel. I walked over and stood in front of him, making him look up at me. He smiled once he saw me, making me smile before asking "did you go for a run?" He giggled and answered "yeah, what gave it away?" in his usual tone. I laughed and leaned down, kissing Kat happily. We pulled away a minute later with a smile on both of our faces. I sighed and leaned back up before saying "I am going to head to the convenient store to get a couple things" he wrapped his arms around my waist as I finished talking. I smiled as I sighed again and he asked "want me to come?" I shook my head before stepping backwards and Kat stood up before kissing my forehead. "Be careful then baby, call me if you need anything" he whispered as he cupped my face in his hands and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I leaned into his touch as I nodded and whispered "I will." We separated after a minute, I started heading out the door while Kat headed to the shower. Once I made it downstairs, Midoriya and Kirishima were sitting and talking. I tried to walk by without them seeing me but since Kirishima was sitting facing the elevator, he spotted me and in his usual loud and cheerful voice asked "Hey Todobro! Are you going somewhere?!" I sighed softly enough for just me to hear as Midoriya turned towards me. I kept my usual cold face cause I was trying to hide that I was really anxious about going out and answered "yeah, i'm going to the convenience store for a couple things" They both were turned towards me now making me want to look away but I didn't. After we talked for a couple minutes, I headed out of the dorm and started heading towards the store. On the way there, nothing really happened, a few people recognized me, so I put on Kat's hoodie and pulled the hood up to cover my face. Once at the store, I quickly grabbed snacks and drinks I like both big and little before waiting in the short line to check out. I was looking at my phone and saw Kat had texted me 'hey baby, how about we have a little movie date night tonight?' after he got out of the shower making me smile before answering 'I would love that' before slipping my phone back into my pocket. It was perfect timing, it was my turn to check out now so I put all my stuff on the counter and quickly, excited to get home so that we could set up our movie date. As I was walking out, I pulled out my phone to tell Kat I was heading back now when I heard some teens that were hanging out outside the store talking about UA students and who they thought would be the best future hero "I like that Midoriya dude, he seems like he would be a good rescue hero." I smiled when I heard that, he was my best friend so I was happy he was getting attention for his work but my smile turned into anger when I heard one of them say "I agree but that Bakugou guy will never make it, he's just a bully and rude." I didn't look up from as I gripped it tighter but the next thing I heard made me stop dead in my tracks "yeah and Todoroki will only make it cause his father is the number 1 hero and has a whole agency, he honestly weak and useless, did you hear that he was dating that Bakugou guy?" They all laughed. Tears filled my eyes as I started running, all I could hear was my heart beat and all I could feel was my feet hitting the concrete as well as the tears falling like a waterfall down my cheeks. I shoved the doors open once I got to the dorm, everyone, including Kat, was sitting in the common room but I just ran past without looking at anyone or saying a word. Once in the elevator, I hit the button over and over cause I knew Kat would try to come after. I only noticed how hard I was breathing once the elevator closed and I leaned against the wall, I was regressing fast. 'I needed to get to my dorm' was all I could think and as if on cue, the elevator doors opened. I stumbled a bit before running as fast as I could to my room, slamming and locking the door once I was in. I pressed my back to the door and slid down, pulling my knees up to my chest, sobbing hard. I am fully regressed now as bad thoughts swirl in my head. I buried my face into my knees as I slipped my thumb into my mouth. I heard Dada run up to the door breathing heavily and I felt him knock softly after trying the door knob. I shook my head and just thought 'go away' even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I felt him knock again and put his hand against the door as he whispered "please open the door baby" just loud enough for me to hear. I kept thinking 'pwease go away' as I hugged my knees tighter. I felt the door move as Dada sat down with his back against the door. I just stayed there, gently sucking my thumb as I tried to calm down, everything felt like it was falling down around me and I didnt want to pull Dada down with me. I could stop the tears as the memory of my father filled my head cause of the things they said. I wanted it to stop, I know letting Daddy in would help but I can't face him right now, I feel like he's just with me out of pity and why did they laugh after they learned we are dating? I am so confused and I wanted Dada but couldn't bring myself to let him in so I looked up. I just stared forward at the wall before crawling away the door and looking up at the lock, I sighed before quickly unlocking it before quickly crawling to the bed and hiding under the covers after grabbing my paci. After a minute, I heard the door open causing me to curl into a ball and squeeze my eyes shut when the bed dips. I sniffled as Dada placed his hand on my back, I stayed silent as he rubbed my back. After a minute, I can feel him sit with his legs under the blanket but he doesn't look under it, he just sat there in silence, I assume he was on his phone. I turned around to face his legs, still curled up and gently sucking on my paci. I slowly scooted closer to his legs but I didn't touch him even though I wanted to get into his lap but I still couldn't face him, but on the other hand, I needed the comfort. I teared up the more I thought about it, it was all too much. My eyes filled with tears, I sniffled and moved so my head was laying on Dada's lap facing him. I closed my eyes as tears fell onto his leg and I sniffled as I tried not to cry more. I felt Daddy put his hand under the blanket and started petting my hair softly. When I felt his hand in my hair, I teared up more and started crying into his lap. After a minute, I felt the blanket lift up and Dada pulled me up into his lap, guiding my head to lay on his shoulder before protectively wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face into the crook of his neck as my tears fell like a waterfall out of my eyes and he gently rubbed my back. I held onto Dada's shirt really tight, like if I let go he would disappear, as I cried my eyes out into the crook of his neck and he whispered comforting words in my ear. I calmed down after a couple minutes but I didn't move, I just sniffled as I cuddled closer to him. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into the crook of Dada's neck, I am exhausted from all the crying and running. I heard Daddy whispering something but I was half asleep so I didn't understand it so I hummed sleepily. I hear and feel him giggle as he holds me closer and rubs my back before whispering "sleep baby, we'll talk later" I smiled softly and let myself fully fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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