Chapter 13

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So I headcanon Todoroki to have sensory issues due to his trauma and his quick, this might be me projecting but I feel like it makes sense, let me know what you guys think ❤️

Todo's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning and rubbed my eyes. I felt mostly better now but I had a small headache and I felt off. I sat up and I took a deep breath. I looked down, remembering that I was little right now so I got up to change. I walked over to the closet and grabbed my sweatpants as well as Kat's sweatshirt. I quickly took off the onesie and slipped on the sweatpants and sweater. I stood there for a second, the pants made me feel like I wanted to rip my skin off as I took them off quickly. Suddenly I understood why I felt this way, I was having sensory overload. I sighed and whined very sorry out of frustration, I walked over to where I kept my stuffed animals for when I was little. I gently touched each one, trying to find one with a good texture. I finally found one and quickly picked it up, I hugged it and started rubbing my face on it as I went back to the bed. I sat down and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them while holding my stuffed animal. I hope I didn't wake up Kat cause I really don't feel like talking at this exact moment. I looked over at him and I felt bad as I saw Kat roll over to look at me. I held my legs closer to me as he looked up at me and sat up. I looked down as I took a deep breath and was trying to remember if I had my weighted blanket from home. I couldn't remember so I started to get frustrated, I really need it right now. "Baby? You okay baby?" Kat gently whispered as he gently rubbed my back, I couldn't tell if I liked the touch or not so I didn't stop him. I opened my mouth to answer him but I couldn't get out what I was trying to say so I just shut it and whined. I started to tear up cause I felt so bad that I couldn't explain. I looked at Kat with tears in my eyes causing Kat to pull me closer and hug me. I was so confused and my skin didn't feel right on my body. I laid my head on Kat's shoulder and tried to figure out how to ask about my weighted blanket. I remembered my phone and sat up, looking all around for it. Kat looked confused "what are you looking for sweetie?" He asked softly. I held my pinky and thumb up and held it up to my ear to signal my phone is what I wanted. Kat giggled and reached over to the bedside table and handed me my phone. I quickly opened my notes and started typing quickly. I held it up for Kat to see, it said 'do you remember where I put my weighted blanket?? Do I have it here?? I really need it.' I sniffled and I teared up more as he read it. Kat smiled softly as he realized what was happening and lifted his hand up to touch my cheek but he stopped short. "Are you okay if I touch you baby?" I smiled and nodded. Kat gently set his hand on my cheek and wiped my teary eyes. "Breath baby, it's in the closet in a box on the floor. I will get it for you baby boy" he whispered and kissed my forehead. I sniffled and nodded a tiny bit as Kat started getting up. I watched Kat pull out a bin I had forgotten about and pulled out my gray weighted blanket. Kat walked over to me and lifted it and put it around my shoulders. I sighed happily as I felt a little better. Kat smiled softly and got back on the bed. He pulled me into his lap and pulled me close. I laid my head on Kat's chest and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath as I just tried to relax, there was nothing much else I could do. I pulled my weighted blanket closer as I tried to fall back asleep as Kat rubbed my back. I gave up after 20 minutes and whined. Kat kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer. He started singing softly which surprised me but made me smile softly. I cuddled closer to Kat as I started relaxing, not fully but I felt better then before. I started slowly drifting off listening to Kat sing to me. I woke up an hour later to Kat asleep sitting up making me giggle softly. My giggle accidentally woke him up making me feel really bad. I smiled at him softly "I'm sorry" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. I still didn't feel completely better but enough to talk again. Kat smiled when he heard my voice and whispered "I'm glad you are feeling better" I leaned up and kissed him softly and smiled at him after I pulled away "all thanks to you, the best boyfriend ever" I whispered softly and giggled. Kat's cheeks got a soft pink as he looked away and I giggled more making him giggle. I sat up and was trying to figure out whether or not to take off the weighted blanket. While I was thinking, my stomach rumbled making me whine. Kat giggled "how about I go make us some food?" Kat patted my head as he smiled at me. I nodded happily and leaned into his hand. Kat got up and kissed my forehead before leaving the room to go to the kitchen. I sighed, I wasn't excited about him leaving but I was hungry. I got up with the weighted blanket wrapped around me and stood in front of the door. I wanted to go sit in the living room while Kat makes food but I wasn't sure if people were down there. I sat down with my back against the wall next to the door. I started scrolling on my phone while pulling my knees up to my chest and pulled the weighted blanket closer to me. I saw a bunch of posts of my classmates having fun making me sigh and just put my phone down. I feel terrible about myself and I feel like I'm keeping Kat from going out and hanging out with our classmates. I feel like I'm missing out on so much. I started tearing up and pulled the hood of Kat's hoodie up. I wiped my eyes with the sleeves and stood up. I opened my door to only remember I wasn't wearing pants. I quickly went over and put on my sweatpants. I grabbed my headphones and started walking downstairs. I took a deep breath as the elevator went down and rubbed my eyes with the sweater sleeves. I didn't want anyone to know I was crying. The elevator opened and walked out to see only a couple people in the common room. I took a final deep breath before walking through the common room to the kitchen, my weighted blanket dragging a little bit on the floor. I walked in to Kat cooking and I just walked over to him, burying my face into his back. I felt Kat jump and then sign "what are you doing down here baby? You sure you're up for it?" He asked softly, clearly worried as he turned and wrapped the arm he wasn't using to cook around me. I moved to bury my face into Kat's shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. "I don't know but I was thinking too much" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. Kat pulled me closer, wrapping both arms around me and started rubbing my back "oh baby" he whispered softly. I moved closer to him and held onto him tighter. I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen as I buried my face more into his shoulder. I heard talking start but I wasn't paying attention to who it was but I know they were talking to Kat. I just pulled my weighted blanket closer to me as it kept falling off my shoulders. It didn't help much cause it just started falling again so I didn't fix it again but I felt Kat pull it back up and wrap it around me tightly, still talking to whoever was in the kitchen. After a minute, I got tired of standing but I just kept standing there cause I wasn't going to let go of Kat. I suddenly felt Kat pick me up and place me on his hip as he was talking, making me blush. I just held onto him tight and took a deep breath. I'm embarrassed someone saw me like this, I was just hoping it was a friend of mine. I peeked out from Kat's shoulder to see Deku standing there talking to Kat about something. I relaxed knowing it was just Deku so I moved my head to lay on Kat's shoulder and listen to them talk.

This chapter is based on my personal experience with sensory issues, it's different for everyone. If you feel got anything wrong, just let me know

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