Chapter 21

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Todo's P.O.V
I woke up first, I was still laying on Kat's chest so I rolled off gently, on to the bed before sitting up and looking around. I rubbed my eyes as I got up and went to change into some sweatpants as well as put on one of Kat's sweaters. Once I finished getting changed, I sat down at my desk, well it was more of Kat's stuff but I still used it. I opened my computer but I just stared at the screen, completely dissociating on the web browser, not really sure why I opened up it. I snapped back to reality after a couple minutes and pulled up a random show I like before opening a new doc while the show was playing in the corner. I don't do this often, mostly when I'm anxious or stressed but I haven't done it since me and Kat got together. Usually I just talk to Kat but this time I am unsure if I should so I took a deep breath and started typing. I don't know how long I've been typing but I guess an hour to half an hour cause just as I sighed, starting to type the second to last paragraph, Kat came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. The sudden touch made me jump but relaxed when I realized it was Kat and smiled. He kissed my cheek before whispering "what are you writing?" I leaned back into him, letting my fingers leave the keyboard "nothing, just whatever comes to mind, mostly my feelings in the form of a story" I closed my eyes as I set my hands on top of his. Kat giggled as he kissed the top of my head "well don't let me disturb you baby" he pulled away after a minute. I sighed and looked at the time, 8:30 am, before leaning  forward again and continuing to type. I was halfway through the last paragraph, my stomach growling at me, I sighed, not wanting to get it to eat but as if on cue, Kat set a plate down next to me before kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and sighed happily, feeling so lucky to have Kat in my life. I ate my food as I read my writing, fixing little mistakes every once in a while. When I finished, I typed the last half of the last paragraph. I had watched an entire season of my show while typing so I closed the tab with my show and smiled at my writing. I felt a little better than I did when I woke up so I closed my computer. It was now Tuesday, Aizawa gave me and Kat the day off yesterday and today due to Sunday. I sigh as I think about Sunday, laying my head down on my arms on the desk. I closed my eyes and tried to think about it again but when I closed my eyes, I saw him, the blue flames coming out his hand towards me making my eyes shoot open. I looked around frantically as Kat walked into the room, he set the cup he was holding down and walked over to me, squatting down before cupping my face in his hand. "You okay baby? What's wrong?" He sounded so concerned even though this has been happening every time I closed my eyes the last 2 days. I just sighed and leaned into his touch "I'm fine, just closed my eyes for a second and he flashed into my mind" I didn't have to say the name and Kat knew exactly who as well as what I was talking about. He hugged me and picked me up, making me blush lightly but hold onto him as I laid my head on his shoulder. He sat on the bed, putting me in his lap but I didn't move, I kept my head laid on his shoulder while hugging him. He did this every time I mentioned him, he just held me close. I wanted to close my eyes but I was too afraid he would come back. Kat could tell I was holding back closing my eyes cause I felt him start rubbing my back in circles, making it harder to keep my eyes open. I whisper "that's not playing fair" as my eyes slowly close. Kat giggled and kept me close to him. I didn't see him making me smile and relax into Kat. After a couple minutes, I sighed as I opened my eyes, sitting up to look at Kat. I wrapped my arms around his neck after I sat up, looking into his eyes. He smiled and pulled me closer by my waist before I said "we should go on a date, I'm feeling cooped up, we've been in here for since you found me" Kat smiled softly as he answered back "alright, where would you like to go my prince?" I blushed at the new nickname, making me look down as I whispered "let's go see a movie and have lunch at a cafe" he giggled at my reaction and nodded as I looked back up at him making me smile happily before getting off of him and running to get dressed. After I got dressed in a cute colorful hoodie, a cute skirt and some thigh highs. I don't usually wear a skirt out of my room but I felt like wearing one but as I stood there, staring at myself in the full length mirror, I was second guessing myself. I ran my hands down the skirt as I tilted my head to the side, is this a good idea?? I sighed as I sat on the toilet, continuing to look in the mirror, picking myself apart. After a minute, I had to look away cause I started tearing up. I turned away from the mirror, covering my eyes with my hands. I rubbed my eyes as I tried not to cry, why am I like this? Just as I questioned this, Kat knocked on the door "you okay honey?" I took a deep breath and opened the door, nodding. When Kat saw me, he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close, asking "what's wrong my prince?" I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder as I whispered "I just don't know if I should wear this" my voice wobbled a little bit as I wrapped my arms around him while leaning into him more. Kat rubbed my back and sighed as he pulled away slightly, looking me up and down before smiling while happily replying "my beautiful, stunning prince, you look absolutely adorable!" my head turned bright red causing me to hide my face in my hands. "Kattttttt" I whined, my face very hot from the nickname and compliments. Kat hugged me with a giggle and kissed the top of my head. We stayed like this till my face cooled down. Once it had, I moved my hands off my face, looking up at Kat who was smiling down at me "ready to go?" I giggled and nodded. Kat let me go before taking my hand, interlocking our fingers. I took a deep breath before we started to walk out of our dorm. We didn't run into anyone till we hit the common. Once I saw everyone sitting in the common room, I stopped before they could see me, making Kat stop as well. He looked at me, confused till he saw my face, I was terrified of them seeing me in this. Kat walked a couple steps over to me and hugged me, whispering in my ear "it's okay baby, if you get too uncomfortable, hide behind me." I hugged back, nodding while taking a deep breath. We let go after a minute and Kat took my hand again before smiling at me. We started walking again, Kat making sure I was next to him. We walk in making Midoriya turn his head to look at us with a smile on his face. I took a silent deep breath and stood next to Kat when he stopped. Midoriya waved, making other people look, which ended up with everyone looking at us. The girls started raving about my outfit which made everyone start talking about it, making me whisper a small, anxious "thank you.." Kat noticed that I was starting to get really anxious with all the attention around me so he started talking about how we were going on a date while stepping in front of me without letting go of my hand. I squeezed his hand as I rested my forehead on his back as I let out a breath I was holding. I closed my eyes, taking some deep breaths and after a couple minutes of this, Kat excused us so we could go on our date. He started walking but he kept me from being seen and once we were out, he hugged me, making me relax a bit more as I hugged him back. I sighed before pulling away a minute later "lets go to lunch" I smiled at Kat while taking his hand, our fingers intertwined. We started walking to the cafe while talking and laughing while holding hands. I wasn't talking much but that was okay, I love listening to him talk. Once at the cafe, we sat down as we kept the conversation going till Kat got up to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, I took out my phone and quickly answered some messages before picking up my hot chocolate with both hands and sighed happily. I looked around as I kept waiting for him to come back and once I looked forward, I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump and whip around, breathing heavily out of fear. I looked up to see Kat with a concerned look on his face making me breath out. I set my drink down, my hands shaking. Kat bent down next to me before turning my chair to face him. I took a deep breath as I looked down at Kat as he took both my hands into his. I took another deep breath as tears came to my eyes as I whispered "I'm fine" which made Kat's face turn sad and whispered "oh baby" before standing up and hugging me tight. I hugged back as I buried my face into his shoulder, tears falling onto his shirt. I held onto his shirt as I kept whispering "I'm okay" over and over as Kat rubbed my back gently as he tried to calm me down. I calmed down enough after a couple minutes for Kat to stand up fully, picking me up before sitting down in my chair, me in his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist while keeping my face buried in his shoulder. I feel so dumb, someone just touched my shoulder, it shouldn't affect me like this. I fully calmed down a couple minutes later and tried to pull away but Kat kept me there, hugging me protectively. I just laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes before whispering "im okay now" just loud enough for him to hear. Kat kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him and just whispered "do you want to go home?" I laid there for a minute, opening my eyes and taking his hand, interlocking our fingers before smiling as I whispered "nope, I want to finish our date" Kat squeezed my hand, clearly worried "are you sure?" I nodded before leaning up and kissed Kat's cheek. Kat smiled softly as he looked at me, I could tell he was still worried about me. I sat up, wrapping my arms around his neck, looking him in the eyes with a smile. He smiled back at me softly and before I could say anything, our food arrived, making me turn so my legs were going across him so I could see the table. I picked up a fry and looked back at Kat, smiling, making him giggle and steal the fry from my mouth as I took a bite. I giggled and laid my head on his shoulder with a big smile on my face. I love being with Kat, so much, he always made me feel so safe. I smiled more as I closed my eyes as I whispered "I love you so much" I curled up into Kat more while nuzzling into his shoulder. Kat pulled me close while kissing my nose and whispered "I love you more my prince" I blushed lightly as I smiled more. We finished the meal like this before paying and leaving to see the movie, holding hands, swinging them back and forth. We watched the movie with me in Kat's lap, cuddling. We talked about the movie as we walked back to the dorms. I had a smile on my face the whole walk back and we didn't let our hands go even when we got back, walking through the common room, laughing with each other. We made our way up to our dorm with my head on his shoulder and laughed at things he said. When we got into our dorm, I quickly changed into one of Kat's hoodies with no pants. When Kat saw me, I saw red dust on his cheeks as he walked over to me, picked me up and laid down with me on his chest.  I giggled and sighed happily as I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes as I whispered "I'm so happy right now, you make me so very happy" I curled up to Kat more as he whispered back "well get use to cause I plan on spending my life with you" I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt when I heard that. I lended up and kissed him gently before back on his chest, falling asleep with a big smile on my face.

I was listening to New Year's Day by Taylor Swift while typing the part after they got back to their dorm and ow 😭

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