Chaper 6

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Todoroki's POV
I slowly woke up cuddling something warm, I slowly opened my eyes slowly to see Bakugou under him and blushed hard. Suddenly I remembered what happened last night and slowly got up and quietly walked to the bathroom not to wake up Bakugou. I looked at myself in the mirror and leaned on the sink 'I'm happy but do I really deserve him?' i thought then shook my head and splashed water on my face "i can't think like that" i whispered to myself and sigh before looking down and quickly changing into sweatpants and a tank top. I slowly left the bathroom to see Bakugou sitting on the edge of the bed "good morning" i whispered as I walked over and sat next to him with my head down, feeling awkward after last night "good morning baby" I heard him say and I felt him wrap his arm around my waist. I scoot closer and lay my head on his shoulder "well it's the weekend, what do you wanna do?" I heard him ask as he pulled me closer, I hummed softly as I cuddled up to his side as I let my eyes close as I felt him pull me into my lap. I moved my head to his other shoulder and relaxed as he wrapped his arms around me 'warm' I thought happily
Time skip till Monday cause writer block
The weekend was amazing but it was Monday, me and Bakugou had talked about telling the class yesterday, he was okay with telling them but I was really nervous and to make it worse he didn't feel good. I woke up with a massive headache and I felt sick to his stomach, I sat up and whined softly after I felt my da- boyfriend sit up and got up and looked back at me "you okay baby?" he looked concerned but all I did was nod, i didn't want to bother him with it but i was having trouble being big. I got up and grabbed my school uniform and went to the bathroom as I tried not to puke. I felt Bakugou watching me worriedly as I shut the door behind me, I sat by the toilet well more like fell next to it and curled up whining as I leaned over the toilet. After 5 minutes, I heard a knock on the door "baby, are you okay in there?" my da- boyfriend asked through the door, i crawled over to the door and unlocked it and crawled back to where i was sitting next to the toilet "come in" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear through the door then the door opened right after I said that, he quickly walked over to me and beant down on in front of me "hey baby, you feeling okay?" he whispered gently, making it harder to not be little, i shook my head no as i whined softly and give into my little space and started crying while holding my tummy

Bakugous P.O.V
Todoroki was taking longer than usual in the bathroom so i knocked on the door to ask if he was okay, i heard moving the a very soft "come in" I walked in and saw him curled up by the toilet and leaning over it, i quickly made my way over to him and bent down in front of him. He looked pale and like he was in pain, I could tell he was fighting to stay big so I whispered gently asking if he felt okay and he shook his head no then after a minute started crying while holding his stomach. I sat down and pulled into my lap gently, he instantly curled up in my lap and buried his face into my chest, I started rocking him gently and rubbing his back. He shot his head up after a minute and emptied his stomach into the toilet as tears fell quickly. I gently rubbed his back and once i finished i grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his mouth as he curled back up to me crying "shhhhh baby, i know it hurts, it okay" I whispered gently to him as i picked him up gently and grabbed the small trash can in the bathroom. I gently laid him down making him whine and I placed the trash can next to the bed "shhh it okay baby boy, i'm just going to call Deku to tell him you're sick okay?" i whispered but he didn't like that i was leaving cause he whined more and started tearing up, i could tell he was exhausted so i laid down and he crawled on top of me and laid on my chest before falling asleep. I quietly took out my phone and hit the call button on Dekus' number, he ran into me and Todoroki walking to the park during the weekend so he knows we are together, it rang three times before he picked up "hello Kacchan!" he saids in his normal cheery tone "hey Deku, i was just call to see if you could tell Mr. Aizawa that Todoroki is sick so we won't be in class today. ''I whispered quietly so I didn't wake the sleeping boy on my chest "of course I can! i hope he feels better!" he said then i hung up, i gently rubbed my baby's back and and thought 'todays going to be rough'

915 words

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