Chapter 2

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Todoroki's P.O.V
I was uncomfortable, i was trying not to slip because everyone was in the common room now waiting for Aizawa to come tell us who our roommates were. I really hope i get Momo, shes the only one knows im gay and that im a little. Aizawa walked into the common room and everyone quieted down 'finally' I thought. Aizawa started telling everyone who they were rooming with as Momo sat beside me rubbing my back, she knew that I wanted to slip by the way I was acting. I wasn't paying attention till my name was called last "finally Todoroki and Bakugou" the moment i heard that i started freaking out, Momo pulled me into a hug as i tried not to slip because of how much i was freaking out "shhhhhh its okay" Momo whispered to me, no one questioned her hugging me because we are childhood friends. I was scared, I would be rooming with my crush!!! Momo lifted my head up and smiled softly at me "how about i help you unpack then we can go to my room and you can have some little play time?? Jiro is my roommate so it will be okay" Momo whispered to me, her and Jiro had been dating for a couple months so me and her have gotten close so she knows about me being little. All I did was nod and stand up to go to my room. I hoped I didn't run into Bakugou up there so I could put away my little space stuff. Once momo helped me get my boxes up to my room, we started unpacking, lucky Bakugou wasnt up in the room yet so I quickly put away my little space stuff. Just as i put away the last thing and close the draw, Bakugou bursts in the door. I expected him to yell at me but he just looked at then started unpacking. I looked at Momo with a very confused look but she just gave the same look back, I brushed it off and took the bag I put my favorite onesie and my orange pacifier and zipped it up. I handed the bag to Momo with a soft smile on my face, she took it and started walking to the door "come to my room when your done unpacking" she smiled at me and left. I sighed and quickly unpacked the rest of my stuff. I finished and went to leave the room to go to Momo's dorm room but Bakugou stood in front of the door. I looked him in the eye and he said something i didn't expect "what's wrong icy hot?? Your acting strange" he whispered, i was confused "why do you care?? It's not like it matters to you" I whispered and softly pushed past Bakugou and walked out of the room. Once out of the room, I ran to Momo's room as I started crying. Once to Momo's room, I fell to the floor sobbing, the door flew open and arm quickly wrapped around me. I knew it was Momo, I hugged back and cried into her chest "shhhhh its okay baby boy" she whispered to me, I wrapped my arms around Momo's neck and let myself slip "uppys mommy"

No one's P.O.V
Momo smiled and picked up little Todoroki, she walked into her room. Momo sat Todoroki on the bed, the little boy whined and did grabby hands at the girl he called mommy. She giggled and picked him up again, she patted his butt and felt he had a diaper on "you need a diaper change baby boy??" she said softly, Todoroki blushed hard and nodded softly. She giggled and patted his butt, the little boy buried his face into the girls shoulder while sucking his thumb. Momo walked over to the bag and took out a dipper, wipes and his pacifier from the back and laid Todoroki down. She took his thumb out of his mouth and replaced it with the pacifier then she took off his uniform pants. She giggled and the little boy closed his eyes and relaxed as he softly sucked on the pacifier. She smiled softly as she changed his diaper and once she was done, she patted the front of his diaper. He little boy giggled when she did this, he was too little to think of any of the bad things that just happened, he just giggled as his mommy picked him up. What they both didn't know was who was coming down the hall and what he was about to discover.

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