Chapter 24

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Todo's P.O.V
It was an hour later and now we were very slowly making our way to school, mostly because I was dragging my feet, whining. Kat seemed annoyed but I am exhausted and really didn't want to go. Kat signed and stopped pulling on my arm like he was doing, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why are you being like this, my prince?" I blushed lightly at the nickname, making him chuckle and I looked away with a pout and a huff. "Because" I whispered before turning around so my back was to Kat. I mostly turned around to hide the tears in my eyes from being too overstimulated already due to me being tired. I heard Kat move towards me, making me huff. I didn't move till Kat picked me up bridal style making me look at him with anger and hit his chest lightly. Kat didn't pay any mind to me and I gave up after a minute cause I was too tired so I laid my head on his chest, relaxing into him before I heard Kat whispered "that's better" making me smile. Once we got to class, Kat sat down with me in his lap, making sure I didn't have to move my head. After a little bit, Denki came in while talking Kirishama to before he spotted us and ran over. Kat groaned when he saw Denki making his way over to us, making me chuckle. Once Denki stopped in front of us, he smiled his usual big smile and cheerfully asked "when I was walking in, a third year stopped me and asked if you guys were dating! When I said yes, they looked surprised but then asked how long you guys had been dating! I couldn't answer so I thought I would ask you guys!" As Denki talked Kat looked annoyed but once he finished, Kat looked interested and so was I. I looked down, counting on my fingers and looked up at Kat with surprise before whispering "we are coming up on 6 months" (let's pretend it has been this long) Kat smiled at me fondly and before placing one of his hands on my cheeks, before kissing my forehead. I blushed lightly and smiled. Denki had a huge smile on his face and I heard him go "awwww" making me blush and hide my face. Kat sighed and looked back up at Denki as I looked back up as well. I smiled and sighed before saying "it's been 6 months already" this made Denki clap and run off to tell everyone, making me shake my head before laying back on Kat's chest. I curled up to Kat as I remembered something that happened right when we started dating.
I am sitting on my bed while Kat is downstairs getting something for us. I am waiting for him to get back, we confessed and started dating 2 days ago. I sigh as I close my eyes. I am still having really bad nightmares so I am exhausted but everytime I close my eyes, I get scared. I just laid there till I heard the door open, making my head shoot up and my eyes fly open. I looked around frantically, Kat was standing in the doorway looking really concerned with 2 drinks in his hand. He quickly made his way over to me, placing the drinks down on the bedside table. He hesitated before placing his hand on my back, making me flinch. I looked up at him, fear in my eyes and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them. He gently placed his hand on my cheek, I just kept looking at him as I leaned into his hand a bit, taking a deep breath. I finally calmed down after a couple of minutes and we hadn't moved, he was just gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I was still shaking but I smiled softly and slowly let my legs down to let Kat get closer. He moved so he was in bed with his back against the wall. I moved so I was laying in his lap and took another deep breath. I closed my eyes and smiled.
End of flashback
I smiled as I realized that this was the moment I realized I could trust him because he completely respected my boundaries and didn't do anything I wasn't comfortable with. I nuzzled into Kat's chest with a happy sigh. Kat wrapped his arms around me protectively and kissed the top of my head. He was now talking to Kirishima. Class started a minute later but I didn't move, I stayed cuddled up to Kat until lunch. When the lunch bell rang, I sighed, just wanting this day to end. Kat looked down at me as he whispered "ready to eat lunch?" I hummed and shook my head before whispering "not hungry" yawning after I finished saying it. I let my eyes close, I am so tired. Kat sighed as he got up and asked me "wanna go back to the dorm?" I nodded as I let my head fall against his chest, yawning again. He slowly got up and started making his way over to Aizawa to let him know that we were leaving but I wasn't paying attention, I was half asleep by this point. I fully fell asleep as he walked out of the classroom with me, bridal style in his arms.

Hey, I know this chapter is kind of random and not great but i hope the next chapter will be better

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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