Chapter 23

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Todo's P.O.V
I was sitting at a small coffee shop on my day off school. I stared down at my coffee when I heard an all too familiar laugh making my head shoot up. I turned around and there, 2 tables away, was that signature spiky blond hair, Bakugou Katsuki, better known to me as my ex-boyfriend who dumped me a couple months ago. Tears welled up in my eyes as I got up, my chair making a sound on the pavement. I realized I had to walk past him to get out so I pulled my cardigan tightly around me before quickly walking past his table, wiping the single tear that fell. Once I was away from them, I slowed down to my normal walking pace as the memory of everything he said during our break up replayed in my head 'you're so annoying! You need me there 24/7! I have my own life too you know!' A tear fell down my face but I quickly wiped it away, not wanting to start sobbing in public. 'Your so selfish that you can't see that you're not the only one with trauma! But I dont cry all the time and burden you with it like you do to me!' More tears fell quicker as I kept quickly whipping them away but as the next part replayed, I started running, sobbing hard, barely able to see where I was going. I just had to say 'If you hate me so much then just break up with me!!' I was so stupid cause I knew what he would say 'Fine!! We are over!!' before storming out. I reached the dorms, slamming the doors open, running to my dorm, not stopping, even when someone tried to stop. I slammed the door. That's when I shot up from a very vivid nightmare. (Haha! Did I get you guys?) I was now in my bed, Kat not next to me. I pulled my knees up to my chest, burying my face into my knees, sobbing so hard that it was becoming hard to breathe. I suddenly felt a hand on my back making me jump and lol up quickly, my vision blurred by my tears. I saw Kat sitting there, looking very worried before whispering "what's wrong honey?" I quickly jumped on him, hugging him tight, sobbing with my face buried in his chest. He hugged me tight and held me close, me jumping on him made him lay down so he slowly sat us up before fully pulling me into my lap, arms protectively wrapped around me. I calmed down after a couple of minutes in Kat's arms, I didn't move though. I was holding onto Kat's shirt tightly, like if I let go, the dream would come true. Kat moved a little and put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up to look at him, making me blush a tiny bit and look into his eyes. "What happened my sweet prince?" I blushed and smiled a little bit at the nickname, it made me feel better. I took a deep breath and started explaining my nightmare to him, looking away half way through, feeling bad that I made him out to be so bad in my dream. Kat put his thumb under my chin and made me look at him again. I tried to avoid eye contact but he pulled my face closer to his, making him look at him. Kat smiled softly at me before kissing my forehead and pulling me closer with his other arm. "That sounds like a terrifying dream baby but I'm right here, there is no need to cry" I looked into his eyes and all I saw was love, making me tear up as I quickly leaned up, kissing him while wrapping my arms around his neck. We pulled away after a minute and I laid down on his shoulder with my eye's closed as I shakily whispered  "please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere" (name the song this lyric is from without looking it up) I felt Kat rub my back and lean down and kiss my head before laying back with me on his chest. He didn't say anything, he held me close and tight. After an hour of us just laying there, there was a knock on the door. It was soft and shy so I had a good idea of who it was but I didn't want to get up or Kat to get up so I cling to him, refusing to let go. Kat laughed and started to get up but I started whining, making him stop, looking at me. "I have to get it honey, do you want to come with me?" I nodded but made no effort to get off him so he put me on his hip and stood up slowly, making sure that I was secure on his hip before walking to the door. I buried my face into the crook of his neck, enjoying the heat coming off his body cause I was cold. I moved closer to him as he opened the door and greeted whoever was there. I heard the person speak and just as I thought, It was Midorya. I heard him say something about homework we missed but I wasn't paying attention, I was trying to get closer to Kat cause I was cold. I felt his head move to look at me before he whispered "cold?" I nodded, making Kat ask Midorya to wait a second as he walked over to the bed, grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around me and him as he walked back to the door. They went back to talking as I hummed happily, warm and content in Kat's arms. It's been an hour since I woke up but the nightmare was still freaking me out, it felt so real that I still can't shake it. I closed my eyes and everything was fading away, I couldn't hear them anymore as I drifted off. Next thing I know, I woke up laying on Kat's chest, he was soundly asleep so after laying there for a minute, I gently got up, trying not to wake him up. It was 3am and I headed to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, taking a deep breath. I pulled my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees as I closed my eyes. I'm not really sure how I feel how I feel right now so I sat there, just trying to decide what I was feeling. After sitting there for a couple minutes, I opened my eyes and sighed, I couldn't figure it out so I just got up, walked out and put on one of Kat's hoodies and pajama pants before slipping on some shoes and writing a quick note telling Kat I went out for a walk. I quietly shut the door before quickly making my way out of the dorms. I slowly start walking around the dorm building. I shoved my hands into the hoodie packets as I looked up at the sky. I started when I was at the side of the dorm building where no one could see me if they came out, I sat down with my back against the building. I looked up at the stars as I pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them. I wonder if Kat has woken up yet, making me sigh and look down. I took out my phone and turned on my playlist that I listen to when I'm sad cause it's the playlist that felt right. I set my phone on my knees and leaned my head back on the wall. I just sat there, listening to song after song. I slowly started tearing up the more I sat there. I start sobbing a couple minutes later. I buried my face into my knees, sobbing hard, I don't even know why I'm crying. I don't even know why I left my dorm, I want Kat. I picked up my phone, barely able to see through my tears. I tried to text Kat but as I opened the text message app, Kat texted me. I wiped my eyes, hoping it would help me see better. I tried to look again but more tears clouded my vision so I texted him "side of the dorm building, please come" the best I could and set my phone down before burying my face back in my knees, sobbing still. A minute later, I feel someone put their hand on my back making me jump and look up. There was a tall blurry figure there so I rubbed the tears away to see it was Kat before more tears filled my eyes quickly as I jumped onto him, hugging him tight as I buried my face into his chest. I held onto him like my life depended on it as I felt him pick me up for sitting down, rubbing my back gently. I just let it all out, everything that had built up last week, I honestly don't know how long I cried for but Kat just sat there, holding me tight the entire time. After my tears stopped, I didn't move, I just sat there sniffling. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had cried that hard but Kat hugged me closer and tighter as he kissed the top of my head. Without a word, he picked me up and started walking back to the dorms. I moved to lay my head on his shoulder but before I did, I looked up at Kat and as if he felt my eyes, he looked down at me. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead with a soft smile on his face. I smiled softly and laid my head down on his shoulder. Once we made it to the dorms, I thought we were going back to my dorm but instead he took us up to the roof. Once we were there, he sat down, facing the direction that the sun rises in and moved me so I was sitting in his lap with my back against his chest and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close. I smiled and leaned my head back on his shoulder. No words were said since he found me crying but I have never felt so cared for and loved. We sat there in silence for a bit before Kat whispered "I wish I could freeze this moment and stay here forever" as the sun started coming up. I smiled and turned so I could look at him. He placed his hand on my cheek and smiled at me before whispering "you're so beautiful" with the most serious tone in his voice but a huge smile on his face. I blushed lightly, my eyes were red from crying, I had bed head and I was in his baggy sweater and some pajama pants but at that moment, I've never felt more beautiful and it was because of this amazing man I'm lucky enough to call my boyfriend. We sat on the roof till the sun was fully up and we could hear people getting up through the propped open door. I didn't want to go back down cause then I had to face the world so I just leaned back into Kat more and closed my eyes, wishing time would stop. 

Even my own writing is making me feel so single 🥲 but I hope you guys like this 💛

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