Chapter 4

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No one's P.O.V
Todoroki was having his little time when there was a loud knock on the door, it scared the little boy so much that he started crying. Momo, also known as his mommy, picked him up and started rocking him "shhhh baby, it's okay" she whispered, she looked at her girlfriend, Jiro "can you get the door baby??" Jiro smiles and nodded, she walked to the door and opened to see a hot headed blonde standing there with a determined look on his face "is Icy hot here??" He asked without yelling "ummm no" she said with a confused look "I heard him crying, please let me see him" he said oddly calm, the purple haired girl just sighed "he's busy right now, I can take a message" the blonde haired boy looked down "just let him know I want to talk to him as soon as possible" he whispered and started to walk away but before he could Jiro stopped him "are you okay?? Your acting strange" she was concerned about the boy. Bakugou didn't look at her "I'm fine, i just have something on my mind" he whispered and walked off again. The girl went back into the room with a concerned look on her face, her girlfriend was confused "what's wrong?" Jiro sighed "that was Bakugou but he was acting weird, he asked to see Todoroki and said to just tell him that he need to talk to him as soon as possible" Momo looked at the little boy on her hip that was just mentioned, he was sucking on his pacifier softly while his face was buried in the crook of his mommy's neck. He was so little that he couldn't use words right now, the girl sighed "he should come out in the next hour, we'll tell him then" she whispered as the boy in her hip started falling asleep.
Time skip to after an hour nap
Todoroki slowly woke up, he wasn't little anymore but didn't mind being in a diaper still. He got up and stretched, he looked across on the other bed in the room, there was Momo and Jiro cuddling. He smiled as they looked up at him "have a good nap??" Momo asked with a smile "yeah" He whispered and grabbed his blanket and hugged it, he wasn't little but he loved his blanket "oh bebe, we need to tell him something, remember??" Jiro asked, the boy looked at them confused "tell me what?" Momo sighed "shit, ummm Bakugou came by while you were little, he didn't come in the room but he wanted us to tell you that he wanted to talk to you as soon as possible" she said softly

Todoroki's P.O.V
I know I needed to talk to Bakugou but I was scared, I was now in front of my dorm room door. Jiro has told me that he was acting weird so I was scared of what he wanted to talk about. I took a deep breath, put my usual emotionless face on then opened the door. The moment the door opened I saw Bakugou laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, I took another deep breath and sat down on his bed "so I heard you wanted to talk to me" I said softly, Bakugou sat up and looked at the ground "yeah, I did" he whispered, I suddenly see why Jiro meant when she said he was acting weird "what did you want to talk about?" I said looking at him, he didn't look up "we'll get to that but first of all, what were you doing when I came to talk to you an hour ago?" I almost lost it, I can't tell him I was little, let alone I was a little "I was taking a nap" I said, trying to play it off like I wasn't freaking out. I heard him chuckle "your cute" he whispered like he thought I wouldn't hear, I blushed hard "you think I'm cute??" I whispered softly, he blushed hard which made me giggle, he looked at me as I did and his blush got worse. I looked a little scared "sorry, didn't mean to laugh" I said softly, he smiled "nah, it was kind of funny, plus your laugh is cute" he whispered and my face went red 'aaaaaaaa my crush keeps calling me cute!' I was freaking out, why was he calling me cute?? I took a deep breath and smiled "well I need go change so we can continue this later" I whispered and got up, grabbed some sweat pants and a baggy shirt then walked to the bathroom. I forgot I was wearing a diaper so when I took my pants off to change my sweatpants, I blushed lightly and slipped on my sweatpants and my shirt. I walked out to find Bakugou laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling again, he seemed really off and it worried me. I sighed and sat down on my bed looking at Bakugou, I wish I wasn't a wimp and could just say "I like you" I whispered, I thought I had only thought it but I said it out loud and I knew I did when Bakugou head snapped towards me and he sat up. I started freaking out, I got up and ran to the bathroom, locking myself in there. I heard Bakugou get up and knock on the door "Todoroki please come out" he said softly, I sat against the door with my legs pulled up to my chest. I was crying and I was so close to slipping but I know I couldn't right now, I was scared "please go away, I know you don't feel the same so please leave me alone" I know my voice is shaking but I didn't care "who said I didn't feel the same??" I heard him say very softly against the door, I froze and moved to open the door "w-what??" I whispered, I saw Bakugou smile and bend down "I said who said I didn't like you back" he whispered softly, god I want to regress right then and there but he still didn't know about that "you like me back??" I whispered and he giggled as he moved the door to open more then he cupped my face with both his hands "yes, I do like you back, you big idiot"

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