Chapter 17

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Thank you Alimoose1420 for the idea!!! I hope you like it!!

Todo's P.O.V
The week flew by like a flash, everyday we were assigned more and more work. Everyday I got text after text and call after call from my father telling me to do better and yelling at me. I just disassociated through the whole call then would lay down for a couple hours as I stared at the wall. Baku would come in and ask what was wrong but I would just look at him and open my arms so we could cuddle. It was now Friday right after the bell rang, I was currently sitting at my desk finishing the last couple words of the notes as everyone packed up. I was having so much trouble thinking, I am so stressed out. I finished and quickly put my notebook away before getting up and walking over to Baku who was waiting by the door with his back leaning against it with his foot up. I grabbed his hand as we started walking toward the dorms but when we were about half way, my phone started vibrating but I just let it go to voicemail cause I had a strong feeling that it was my father. I kept walking with my head down and squeezed Kat's hand. Once we got to the dorms, I flopped on the bed face first, Kat had to go talk to Kiri about some training thing so I was alone. My phone started vibrating once I closed my eyes, making me groan and roll over. I looked at it to see my fathers contact, making me tear up as I accepted the call. He instantly started yelling, making me disassociate till it went silent after a minute and I came back to hear him whisper "your such a disappointment" before hanging up. I sat up as tears started to fall, this was all becoming too much, so to distract myself, I grabbed my backpack aggressively and took out the stack of homework, half of it was late. After half a page, I couldn't focus, my head was swirling with the words of my father and teachers. I started sobbing as I threw my pencil at the wall and got up, grabbed my phone and a stuffed animal before sitting down in a corner of my room, sobbing. I started slowly regressing as I hugged my stuffy, I needed to contact Daddy but I didn't want to be a burden, he was busy. I looked around as I kept sobbing into my stuffy, hoping that Daddy would be back soon. After a couple minutes that felt like forever, Dada walked in the door and ran over to me and picked me up but I just buried my face into his shoulder as I sobbed, shaking. Dada rubbed my back trying to calm me down but everything was too much, I couldn't control my emotions, I just kept sobbing hard. I held onto his shirt tight as he kept trying to calm me down and he sat down on the bed with me in his lap. After 5 minutes, my sobs turned into sniffles but I was still shaking pretty bad. Daddy wrapped a blanket around me and held me protectively as he asked me what was wrong but I teared up again just thinking about it making him pull him closer and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. I sniffled and curled up closer to Dada as he laid down with me on his chest. I stopped shaking after a little bit and a couple minutes later, Dada asked me what was wrong again. I sniffled and peaked up as I gently slipped my thumb into my mouth and pointed at my phone with my other hand. He looked confused before I watched him pick up my phone from the other side of the bed. He opened it and looked at the 100's of calls and texts I've gotten from my father as well as the emails from teachers about missing work. I buried my face into his chest again and teared up a lot cause I was ashamed of how long i've been hiding this but I didn't want to bother him with all of it. I could tell that he was mad but I feel like it was at me making me start shaking again. I felt Dada gently place his hand on my back making me jump before he sat up again, keeping me in his lap, holding me protectively and whispering "shhhhh, i'm not upset with you baby" as he gently replaced my thumb with a paci. I relaxed a little bit as I held onto his shirt and sniffled. I closed my eyes and nuzzled my face into his chest, I still feel so overwhelmed. I feel like every small thing is 10 times worse than they usually are. I relaxed more, feeling safe in Daddy's arms. Just as I relaxed, there was a loud knock at the door making me jump and start sobbing cause it scared me. Dada started gently rubbing my back, trying to calm me down again as he got up and started walking to the door to answer it. I buried my face into his shoulder as I kept crying hard, scared that it was my father. I heard Daddy open the door so I held onto him tighter. He kept bouncing me as he talked to whoever was at the door but I couldn't make out who it was due to being so freaked out. I held onto him tighter as he kissed the top of my head and whispered "your okay baby, no one here is going to hurt you, it's just Deku, breath sweetie." I nuzzled more into his shoulder as I tried to breath but I am still terrified, not knowing if my father was coming to get me and "wipe me into shape". Dada gently lifted my head out of his shoulder making me try to hide again but he gently cupped my cheek and wiped my tears with his thumb and kissed my forehead making me take a heavy breath as I relaxed a little bit. He gently turned so I was looking at the door to show me that it was just Deku. I shyly looked at the door while holding my sleeve up of Dada's hoodie I was wearing to cover my mouth. In the doorway stood Deku with a soft smile on his face, he waved a little bit as he whispered "see, just me, you're safe" making me giggle softly as I sniffled. I calmed down almost completely and Dada wiped the feast of my tears off my face with his thumb as he smiled at me. I curled up to Dada's side as I laid my head on his shoulder and listened to them talk and watched them. Dada invited him in, he sat on the bed with me still on his hip while Deku sat on the floor across from us. At some point, I started getting sleepy from all the stress and crying, my eyes started falling shut but I tried to stay up so I could say bye bye to Deku. I tried to stay awake but with all the crying, the stress, Dada rubbing my back and the sound of their voices, I dozed off with my paci gently bobbing in my mouth and a smile on my face.

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