Chapter 8

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Tw: homophobia and PTSD flashback 
Todoroki P.O.V
It was Wednesday and I was feeling mostly better so I got to head back to school today. I am kind of sad cause I was enjoying my alone time with Bakugou but I had to go cause I've missed too much training already. I had just woken up, I buried my face into Bakugou's chest as I procrastinated getting up. I felt him shift so I pretended I was asleep but I heard him chuckle "I know you're awake baby" I sighed and sat up pouting as I looked at him, he smiled and patted the top of my head causing me to smile softly "I know you don't wanna go to school honey but we have to now that your feeling better" he whispered and I pouted again even though i was feeling little, I just wanted more alone time with my boyfriend and no one know about us and as if Bakugou could read my mind, he said "we will tell everyone about us today, of course only if your comfortable with that" he was getting up as he talked and looked back at me as he finished talking, I was unsure for a moment about telling everyone but then he remembered the positive response when Deku came out and announced he was dating Kirishima causing me to get excited. "yeah, let's do it!" I said excitedly as I quickly got up and hugged Kat, he giggled at how excited I am. We quickly changed into our uniforms so we could head off a little early, giving us a little time to prepare. I bounced down the stairs but sadly had to put on my cold mask when I got to the common room, I wear the cold mask cause I don't like being vulnerable in front of people. My therapist tells me it's caused by my trauma and my trust issues which is true. Without realizing it I had grabbed a plate of food and sat down, Kat sat down next to me and gently grabbed my hand under the table. I took a deep breath and as the last person in the class sat down and I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention "so me and Bakugou have something to announce" I tried to stay confident but my hands were shaking under the table causing Kat to squeeze my hand, I took a small deep breath as i squeezed his hand back "first of all, i'm gay" he said with as much confidece as I could and before anyone could say anything, I added "and me and Kat are dating" I looked at him as I said this and saw him blush lightly at the new nickname, then I heard everyone start congratulating me and Kat. I said thank you to everyone but then we all heard one voice cut through everyone "great another disgusting gay" it was Mineta, everyone looked shooked and pissed. The most pissed was Kat but i wasn't paying attention to what he was yelling about, I could feel the tears form in my eyes and my mind start to fog, I could tell a flashback was coming on. I quickly stood, causing my chair to fly back but I didn't care, I ran as fast as my feet could take and without thinking about it, I ran to my room. I got on my bed in time but as soon as I sat down, the flashback started

This part may be triggering and I wouldn't suggest read if you are easily triggered or in little space, I will put "Done" when it's done
TW: yelling, homophobia, abuse

I was back in my childhood house, my father had found out that I was gay and I was hiding in my closet, I could hear him screaming my name angrily around the house trying to find me, suddenly I could see him walk in front of the closet through the crack in the door. I made a small noise of surprise by accident and he suddenly turned towards me, he pulled the closet door open fast and aggressively. He pulled me out of the closet by my wrist but his quirk was activated so he burned me, not enough to require a hospital but enough to hurt a lot. He dragged me to the sparing room, I always hated that room, it was where my father took me to "train". He threw me up against the wall, knocking the wind out of me, I tried to stand up but I fell back down on my butt "Get up!!" my father yelled at me, I quickly stood up, it hurt to move but it would only get worse if I didn't listen. Once I was standing, he sent a ball of fire at me, I quickly put an ice wall up so I wouldn't get burned but a small flame ember got  through and burned my hand, I hissed in pain. He kept going till I had burns up and down my hands and legs. I was on the ground, curled into a ball crying with a wall of ice all around me that I just replaced as it got melted. He walked out after an hour, he decided we were done. He left me there, burned and crying but he came back later for more
But before it got to the worst part, I snapped out of it to arms being wrapped around me tight and Kat hugging me tight as tears fell down my face fast, he was just gently rocking me and petting my hair. I buried my face into Kat's chest and started to slip "shhhh baby, it okay, he can't hurt you anymore" daddy whispered as I cried hard into his chest and I could feel myself shaking a lot, I gripped dada's shirt tight as I tried to calm myself down "breath baby, your okay, daddys got you" Kat whispered gently as he pulled me closer and slowly into his lap so he wouldn't scare me, I clung to him tight. My breath eventually evened out and was back to normal and my tears had turned to sniffles, I was so tired from all the crying. I was emotionally and physically exhausted causing me to slip smaller. I started sucking my thumb gently as I laid on dada's shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt dada gently pull my thumb out of my mouth and I pouted as I teared up a bit but he quickly replaced it with my paci making me calm down and relax against him. The last thing I felt before I fell asleep in dada's arms was him slowly laying down on the bed with me on top of his chest.

Hey, sorry this chapter is so heavy, it's a bit of a vent for what I've been going through but I'm having a hard time thinking up ideas for the next chapter so if you guys have any ideas or what to see anything then please comment, I would appreciate it so very much, anyway, I hope you guys like my story so far, till the next chapter <3

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