Chapter 20

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Here's continuation of the last chapter, I hope you guys like it!!!

Kat's P.O.V
Todo had finally fallen asleep a couple minutes ago but I am just now sitting down. I held him protectively as I sat on the bed with my back leaning against the wall, I never wanted to let go of him again. I sat with him lying on my shoulder sleeping soundly while I was lost in thought till he started whining in his sleep, making me snap out of it and start rubbing his back to try and comfort him. I tried to comfort him so the nightmare would stop and he would stay asleep but he shot awake suddenly. Todo started sobbing hard as he buried his face into my shoulder, shaking pretty bad. I slowly got up, rocking him gently as I walked around the room. After 5 minutes of this, Todo was still  crying hard and shaking pretty bad, making me concerned so I grabbed one of his favorite pacifiers as well as his favorite stuffed animal. I gently held the pacifier to Todo's lips and he happily took it, making me smile. I gently handed him the stuffed animal which he took and tightly held it close while holding onto me tightly with the other hand. Todo calmed down to sniffles after a couple minutes but he was still shaking, scared. I held him tight as I had an idea and made my way out of his dorm room. Once Todo realized we had left his room, he started freaking out but I softly rubbed his back as I whispered "we are just gonna see mommy Momo and mama Jiro." Once he heard where we were going, he relaxed a little bit but he kept a very tight hold on me as he gently sucked on his pacifier. I rocked him gently as I walked, hoping not to run into anyone on the way there. Lucky for us, we haven't  run into anyone yet as we got into the elevator to go up a floor to the girls' dorms. While in the elevator, I rubbed Todo's back gently while humming, hoping to calm him down more. Once the elevator opened, I was happy to see no one in the hallways so I quickly made my way to Ponytail girl's door. Once in front of it, I held Todo more protectively and tighter before knocking with a sigh. A minute goes by of us standing there before I knock again, a little annoyed she hasn't answered yet cause it would be bad if someone saw us. A minute later, Ponytail opened the door rubbing her eyes "hello, what do you ne- oh Bakugou, what's up?" I sighed "can we come in already? It would be bad if we were seen" I patted Todo's back gently and gave Ponytail a look of 'he's little, let us in before people find out' making her quickly open the door more and welcome us in. Ear's was sitting on the bed rubbing her eyes and once she saw us, she smiled with a wave. I tried to wave back without upsetting Todo more. I looked around to see a rocking chair which I quickly sat down in before moving Todo to my lap making him bury his face into my chest while holding onto my shirt tight. He also kept a tight hold on his stuffed animal while I rocked the chair gently and rubbed his back. Once settled, I looked up at Ponytail and Ears who were sitting in the bed with Ear's head laying on Ponytail's shoulder. I took a deep breath as I kept my protective hold on a shaking Todo. Ponytail was the first to speak "so what brings here so late?" I took a deep breath so my voice didn't come off a loud and "aggressive" as the class puts it before whispering "Todo woke up from a really bad nightmare about what happened to him and it took over 10 minutes to calm him down to this" I looked down at Todo who was holding onto me for dear life and had his ear to my chest, listening to my heart beat with his eyes closed. Ponytail smiled and sighed "I see, usually a rocking chair helps as well as some warm milk" I nodded as I mentally noted everything she said. I kissed the top of Todo's head "you know where I can get a rocking chair?" Ponytail giggled and started getting up, she laid Ears down before going over to her closet "I have this extra one that you can have" I was so grateful that I didn't have to go without one tonight but I didn't know how to say thank you so I nodded "help me get it down to my dorm?" I whispered as I started standing up but I didn't move Todo too much so he could still listen to my heartbeat cause it was calming him down more. Ponytail nodded and gestured towards the door. I started walking out, holding the door for her to bring the chair out. We quickly got to the elevator and started making our way up. After a minute, Ponytail cleared her throat and whispered "your so good for him, i'm really glad he has you and he seems to calm you down" I scuffed "I wasn't that bad" Ponytail laughed "sure" as she said that, the elevator doors opened to the boys dorm floor. There was no one on the floor, luckily so we quickly made our way to our dorm. I opened the door and held it as Ponytail carried the rocking chair in. I followed her in as she placed it in a good spot in the room. Once it was placed, I took a seat in it with Todo still listening to my heartbeat. He was mostly calmed down now but the fact that he hadn't looked at me since I found him made me really worried. Ponytail sat down on the bed with a sigh "how is he?" I sighed and held Todo closer as I looked at him, he had a small smile on his face as he sucked on his pacifier gently. I gently patted his hair as I whispered "okay I guess, he has refused to look at anyone yet, not even me which makes me concerned but I'm not going to rush him. Other then that and the nightmare, he's been very strong, he even tried to comfort me" I laughed softly as I rested my forehead on the top of Todo's head. I looked up after a minute of silence to see Ponytail just smiling and just looking at us. She finally answered after looking me in the eye "I hope you know that he's only able to be this strong because of you, I've noticed that he has refused to let go of you, I'm assuming since you found him, he trusts you with his life." I looked back down at Todo, noticing that he had fallen asleep as we were talking, making me smile fondly at him. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as I buried my face into the top of his head. I didn't want Ponytail to see me break down but I for some reason trust her at this moment. I closed my eyes tight as a tear fell onto Todo's hair "I was terrified I had lost him" I whispered shakily as I held onto him tightly. I heard Pony- Momo get up from the bed and walk over to us before wrapping her arms around me without saying a word. I didn't stop her or push her away, I just sat there for a minute, softly crying into Todo's hair. I calmed down after a couple minutes and Momo let go, squatting down in front of me "I know you want to be strong for him but it was just a scary for you as it was for him, you have to let him comfort you too, you can't just hold it on" she whispered as she gently placed a hand on Todo's back. I sighed and nodded as I wiped my eyes "please don't tell anyone about this, it's so embarrassing" I giggled and sniffled. Momo laughed softly and stood up "of course I won't, just don't forget that we all care about you and we are here for you both" she said as she was walking to leave with a smile. I nodded before telling her goodbye. Once she was gone, I just sat there, rocking gently while staring at Todo's adorable sleeping face. I sniffled and sighed, I felt so embarrassed that I just cried in someone's arms like that but I knew she wouldn't tell anyone so I just tried not to think about it. As I was lost in thought, Todo started moving in my lap as he woke up but he didn't cry, he just looked around to make sure he was in our dorm. I looked down at him as I gently rubbed his back and he gently took out his pacifier but he kept hugging his stuffed animal. I took the pacifier and slipped it onto the bedside table before kissing Todo's forehead. Todo smiled and sighed as he curled up to more. I just held him but after a minute, I heard him mumble something but I couldn't tell what it was so I whispered very quietly asking him what he said. Todo seemed to relax when he heard my voice, making me smile. Todo whispered just loud enough for me to hear "too quiet" so I pulled out my phone and started playing a playlist we had made together softly. Todo smiled when he heard and I heard him take a deep breath before tilting his head up to look at me but his eyes here closed like he was scared. I gently placed my hand on his cheek as I whispered "it's just me baby, I promise he can't hurt you anymore." Todo flinched a bit when I placed my hand on his cheek but he quickly relaxed and took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and looked me in the eyes. As soon as his eyes met mine I smiled and he teared up with a smile on his face. Todo reached both his hands up and placed them in my cheeks as he sobbed, shakily whispering "your real, your really real" I leaned into his hand and kissed his palm "yes I am, I'm here and no one can ever hurt you again while I'm here" I whispered and leaned down, placing my forehead against his. I sighed happily as I pulled him closer to me before I whispered "we should lay down, it's getting pretty late" I felt him nod but I didn't move just yet, I just wanted to savor this moment. I held onto Todo tight as I felt tears forming in my eyes but I didn't want to cry again so I tried to hold them back. Despite how hard I tried, I felt one fall down my cheek and I could tell Todo felt it hit his fingers cause he moved closer to me. He pulled out foreheads apart, making me open my eyes to see him looking at me. I was embarrassed so I looked away as more tears fell. Todo turned my head to face him again and looked into my eyes. I sniffled as more tears fell and I leaned forward, burying my face into his shoulder. I just sat there, crying into his shoulder as I held onto him tightly. Todo rubbed my back and was whispering comforting things. I calmed down after a couple minutes but I didn't move, I just held him as I sniffled. Todo giggled, making me smile softly and whisper "what's so funny?" He giggled again and was petting my hair as he whispered back "I just never see you cry often, I was just happy that you trust me" I sat up and smiled at him before wiping the remaining tears from my eyes "well of course I trust you, your my baby boy after all" I placed my hand on his cheek as I said this. Todo lean into my hand as I sighed "I was supposed to be the one comforting you" he laughed and smiled at me, looking me in the eye "I don't mind, I love comforting you, makes me feel helpful" I smiled and picked him up making him blush as he mumbled about not being little right now. I laughed and walked over to the bed as I said "I know but you're clearly exhausted so we are going to bed." I laid down, laying him down on my chest and pulled the blanket over us before kissing his forehead. A minute after we laid down, Todo was fast asleep, making me smile and close my eyes. I also quickly fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

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