Chapter 3

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This is all happening right after Todoroki left their dorm room, so where the last chapter ended is where he starts running to Momo's room

Bakugo's P.O.V
Once Icy hot left, I stood there for a minute 'why do you care?? It's not like it matters to you' kept ringing in my head 'why do I care?' Was all I thought, I had no answer, I shouldn't care but I care a lot. I don't get it, what is this feeling. I fell to the ground holding my chest, my heart hurts. 'Do I like him?' I thought as tears fell down my face, I had concurred it but I didn't think it was true. My tears kept hitting the floor, I snapped out of my thoughts and wiped my tears as there was a knock on the door. I got up with a sigh, I was tired and had a headache which made the knocking on the door even more annoying as hell. I opened the door to shitty hair, my only friend, standing there with a big smile "what's up bro?!" He said too loud for my head, I groaned "first of all quiet down shitty hair, my head feels like it's going to split in half and second of all, I'm not in the mood right now" I whispered rubbing my head. His smile dropped and looked worried "you okay Bakubro??" He said in a normal volume now, I didn't know how to answer that. I took more than a minute to answer and looked at the ground so shitty hair said "bakubro??" I looked up and sighed "Kirishima can we talk?" I whispered, I never used his name unless it was important. He seemed super surprised when I said his name, he knew this was serious "of course" I stepped aside to let him into my dorm, I went to the bed and sat down as he sat next to me. I sighed and started knowing this was going to be a hard conversation "so I might like someone but I have no idea if I do or don't, I have never liked anyone before" I whispered and I heard him sigh "so let's figure out if you like this person but first do you mind telling me who it is?" I know he needed to know but I didn't want it to get out "you can't tell anyone!" I yelled at him but it made the pain in my head worse so I groaned after I yelled. "I won't, I want to help but I need to know who it is first" he said softly like if you didn't I would break, I'm not going to lie, it might break me. I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest "it's Todoroki" I whispered softly, I was confused on my feelings right now, I really hoped that Kirishima would be able to help. I sat there in silence, he was scared Kirishima was disgusting by me. No one knows I'm gay so I'm just sitting her freaking out that he now hates me. Kirishima suddenly broke the silence "okay so I have a list of things that we have to check before we can conclude before we will know if you like him" I just nodded and waited for him to ask, I buried my face into my knees "first, what do you like about him??" 'Damn I could go on forever but pick a few that won't be weird' I thought and took a deep breath "he's cute and he is kind" was all I whispered, I heard Kirishima sigh "that it??" "All I'm willing to admit to you" I whispered kind of harshly "okay okay I won't pry. Next is, have you ever thought of kissing him??" I blushed hard "y-yeah" I cursed myself for stuttering, I only recently started thinking that damn icy hot has such kissable lips, I blushed harder 'fuck' I thought "okay last thing, are you willing to accept you like him??" Kirishima whispered and I froze 'am I??' I questioned myself then the answer came to me, I can't deny it anymore. I stood up really fast, shitty hair jumped from my sudden action, I took a deep breath and smiled softly "thank you Kirishima" I whispered and ran off to Momo's dorm room, leaving Kirishima smiling.

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