Spark 10

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Bea couldn't sleep, her injured finger was hurting and as much as she twisted and changed her position, the pain just wouldn't go away. She forced herself to sleep through her discomfort, but would ocassionally grunt as the pain shot through her hand.

Her arms felt numb as she awkwardly lay in bed, careful not to sleep on her fingers. "Ouch" she silently squealed, each time she would hit her hand wrong. She was tired, and she hated her situation right now.

Closing her eyes, she forced herself to sleep.

Hours after, she felt a small tap on her shoulder, as someone held her arm.

"Bei, wake up... Wake up..."


"Are you in pain? Is something wrong with your hand?"

"Why?" Bea asked confused.

"I heard you, I thought you were crying. I'm sorry for bothering you.." Jia replied, feeling embarassed as she started to walk away.

"Ji" Bea immediately held her arm to stop her. "What time is it?

"1am. How's your hand?" Jia sat on the edge of Bea's bed, and Bea sat up so that they can face each other.

Jia reached out to touch Bea's injured hand as she looked at Bea to ask for permission. Bea gently nodded as she met Jia's hand half-way and laid it on Jia's knee.

"How bad is it?" Jia asked as she gently splayed Bea's fingers.

"From a pain of 1-10, most of the time 7"

"That bad huh?"

"Well, actually counting the fact that I can't play... I'll say 10"

Jia continued playing with Bea's fingers as she had her head down. Bea couldn't help but smile; she missed this, being able to talk to her, being this close, basically, she just missed everything about Jia.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Jia lifted her injured finger to her lips and kissed it.

"There.. All better" she smiled at Bea and they stayed in that position for a while, neither of them speaking.

Neither of them moving. Neither of them wanting.... Or even attempting to let go.

"How have you been Ji?"

"I'm ok"

"How are things with you and Miguel?"

Jia bit her lips, foreheas creased, weighing her thoughts. "We're ok..."

"Just ok?"

Jia just nodded. "How are things with you and Maddie?"

Bea teased her, using the same tone "we're ok" she said, trying to hide a smile.

Jia moved to sit beside her "I've missed you Bei... Like.. Really missed you" she said looking up at Bea from under her eyes before leaning her head on Bea's shoulders.

"What happened to us Ji?"

"I don't know Bei, things can sometimes get complicated"

"Did I do anything wrong?"

"No... Never.."

"Ji, please tell me..."

"Shsshhh. No more talking. We're in this predicament because we talk to much, then we fight"

"Then how?"

"Just hold me Bei" Jia wrapped her arms as she gently pulled Bea and they laid on the bed. Leaning her head on Bea's chest, she closed her eyes.

"No more questions ok Bei? i'm afraid I don't have the answers you need"

Bea stopped all the questions jumbling in her head and silenced her thoughts. She kissed Jia's forehead and closed her eyes.



"I really missed you too"

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