Spark 15

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Bea was sitting on the benches as they were waiting for their official warm-up. It's the last game of the elimination round and they will be facing their nemesis, the DLSU Lady Spikers.

She shook her finger as she tried to weigh the pain level. 2 weeks out of the games due to this injury, and she wasn't sure if she will be allowed to play today. She missed the court, she missed the excitement.

Scouting the Arena, she couldn't help but smile as she felt goosebumps with the realization that they are on the brink of an elimination sweep. Her smile, however, was replaced by a frown when she saw Jia and Miguel talking on one corner.

Putting her head down to just stare at the floor, she kept dribbling the ball, anything to distract her.

"Hey.. Ready for your comeback?" Maddie sat beside her.

"Nah, I don't think he'll put me in" She said waving her heavily taped fingers.

"You're in a mood.."

"Huh, sorry, I guess I'm just a bit anxious, if ever I do play.."

"Really, so.. This does not have anything to do with the fact that Jia is there with Miguel while you're here with me?"

Bea looked at what she was pointing at and immediately shook her head. "NO" she said sternly.

"Ok then... Jia!!" Maddie called out to Jia, causing her and Miguel to come over to where they were seated.


"So, I heard Bea will be playing today as first six"

Jia frowned as she moved to check on Bea "Are you sure? Your hand still seems banged up" she held out to hold Bea's hand in hers.

Bea recoiled with the contact, "I'm ok.."

"Bea, Maddie is more than capable.."

"I said I'm ok" Bea stood up dwarfing Jia and Miguel in front of her

"Well sorry if we're concerned for you" Jia bit back

"Hey Ji, let her decide. She knows her body" Miguel cut in, trying to reduce the tension

"Well if she did, she wouldn't have gotten injured in the first place."

"Ji come on, let it go. Anyway, coach hasn't decided yet, right?" Miguel placed his arm around Jia, and she shrugged her shoulder to get out his hold.

"Fine! Be stubborn!" and she stormed out.

Bea slumped herself on the bench and stomped her foot.

"I'll go after her" Miguel excused himself and ran after Jia who went back to the dugout.


He found Jia at the dugout, sitting on one corner, dribbling the ball loudly.

"Hey, what was that about?"

"I hate that she thinks that she's invincible and that she doesn't care if she gets hurt again."

"Bea's a big girl Ji, she's not a baby"

"Ok fine, take her side" she said as she loudly pounded the ball.

"Why are you so mad?"

"Coz she's so reckless and immature! It doesn't even bother her that people worry about her"

"Don't you think you're over-reacting?"

"Wow Miguel! We're talking about my besty here"

"Oh ok.. Coz you know, I've never seen you care this much with either Mich or Ana, or your other teammates for that matter.."

"And your point being?!?"

He shook his head, "let's talk about this some other time"

"Whatever" Jia turned sharply as she walked out of the room as she slammed the door on her way out, leaving Miguel behind.


Jia went back to the court and found the team jumping around noisily.

"What's going on?" She asked Jho

"Bea's playing! Coach gave her the clearance!"

Jia forced a smile, then slowly made her way to Bea. Grabbing her, she pulled her to the sidelines.

"You're playing?"

"As if you care, go back to Miguel" Bea said as she turned away, but Jia was quick to grab her arm.

"Bei, stop. I worry about you"

"The hell you care"

"I do care..." She paused as she held Bea's injured hand "just don't be an idiot ok" she looked up at Bea with pleading eyes

Bea did not respond. She just hugged Jia, kissing the top of her head. They let go when they heard the buzzer go off.

Bea ran off to Maddie to do drills, as Jia looked on. Turning to her side, she saw Miguel sulking on the benches. She sat beside him.

"I'm sorry" she said as she held his hand.

From the middle of the court, Bea watched them as she bit her lips and shook her head, accepting Jia's choice.

"You can watch and pretend that you don't see; or you can fight.." Maddie walked next to her, and brusher her arm to comfort her.

"Or I can turn around and find someone who deserves me" she smiled at Maddie, bumping their shoulders together. She quickly stepped away to throw the ball at Maddie, hitting her on the foot, and they ended up running after each other on the court.

Jia watched from the bleachers as she silently wiped her tears.

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