Spark 11

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"Morning Bei" leaned up a bit to kiss Bea's chin.

Bea blinked sleepily, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She tried to move, but felt her arms trapped, and something heavy against her chest. Opening her eyes, she looked at the arm wrapped around her.

"Jia.." She smiled, closing her eyes again.

"Wake up sleepy head" Jia rubbed her hand against Bea's chest, shaking her a bit.

Bea put her right arm over her face, trying to shield herself from the light. "So, it wasn't a dream.."

"Huh? What?"

"That we're ok now. I thought it was a dream, I didn't want to wake up anymore."

Jia snuggled closer to her, resting her head on Bea's chest, and Bea kissed the top of her head. Jia let out a deep sigh.

"Bei..." She called out, weighing her thoughts as to weather she should continue or not.

"Yes baby?" Bea shifted her position so that they are now face to face.

"I.." But Jia cut herself, setlling her head back on Bea's chest.

There it is again, the silence, the walls, the distance. All that could be hear was their breathing, as each was lost deep in their thoughts.

After a while, Jia started to stir. "I need to go.. I have class" she said glumly as she slowly stood up from the bed.

Bea sat up and held Jia's hand, "do you want me to walk you to class?"

Jia stared at their intertwined hands, biting her lips, as if weighing her thoughts. "Uhmm, Miguel's picking me up..."

"Ohh.. Right. Ok" Bea let go, stung with the rejection.

"But I'm free for lunch.." Jia smiled

Bea laid down and grabbed a pillow, turning away from Jia and faced the wall. "No, it's ok. I don't want to bother you.." She was surprised when she felt Jia laid down beside her and hugged her waist from the back. Jia kissed her shoulder before laying her cheeks against Bea's back.

"You're not bothering me Bei. I want to be with you..."

Jia's words hung in the air. Bea didn't reply, but instead wrapped her arms around herself so that she can hug Jia's arm hugging her waist.


Jia checked her watch, 11:30, just in time. She sat at the athlete's tables waiting for Bea, "she should be here anytime soon, her class ends at 11:35" she thought. Surveying the cafeteria, she already checked what she wanted to eat, and smiled when she saw that they were serving Bea's favorite sinigang.

"Hey Bei, I'm already here at the caf. See you in a bit"

12:00 still no Bea. Jia was already getting bored and a bit irritated. "Bei, where are you? I'm still waiting..."

She decided to log-in to her twitter to while away the time and saw a post by Maddie of a picture of her and Bea, 15 minutes ago, "@maddie17madayag always a crazy time with this dimwit"


12:20, Bea came rushing into the caf, arms flailing as she zoomed thru the throngs of students, "excuse me excuse me" she aplogized as she hit some of them with her bag. Finding Jia, she immediately plopped herself on the seat in front of her.

Trying to catch her breath, she clutched her chest as she spoke. "Sorry.. Sorry, I'm late. I had to meet with my groupmates for a project and I thought it was not going to take long."

Jia was just staring at her with a blank expression.

"Come on Ji, I said I'm sorry.." She tried to touch Jia's arm from across the table but Jia retracted her arm to avoid the touch. "Let me make it up to you, what do you want to eat?"

"Oh hi Bea, I didn't know you were coming. I only bought for 2"

Bea turned around to find Miguel behind her carrying a tray of food. She shifted her glance from Miguel then to Jia in confusion, Jia lowered her eyes to avoid Bea's gaze.

Picking her bags, she slowly stood up. "No Miguel, I was just passing by and saw Jia.. I just wanted to say hi. I was really leaving already."

"You sure? I can just go buy..."

"No need, thanks." Glancing back at Jia, she said "enjoy your lunch"

And Jia just nodded in silence, then she watched as Bea walked away.

Miguel sat down and started fixing their food. "It's a good thing your schedule freed up so we can have lunch. I thought you said you had something important to do?"

"Turns out, I was the only one who thought it was important."


"Nevermind. Let's eat." She smiled, but it never reached her eyes.


Bea quickly walked out of the caf and only stopped when she was already far away. She stopped under one of the trees as she leaned on it, closing her eyes, she massaged her temple to calm herself. She kicked a stone beneath her feet and sent it flying.

"What's wrong Bei?"

"I hate people who can't keep their promises"

"Is that really it?"

"Shut up"

She shook her head as she opened her eyes and started to leave, but turning quickly around, she punched the tree. She watched as blood trickled from her injured finger.

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