Spark 14

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They were each lying on their beds, facing each other, with a small isle separating them.

After what happened at the lockers, they walked together silently back to their dorm, both lost in their own thoughts. The debate in their heads screaming, in stark contrast to the deep silence enveloping them.

Entering their room, they awkwardly moved around the other. Every movement tentative, as if too afraid, for all of a sudden being too exposed of having their emotions out in the open.

"What are you thinking of?" Bea asked.

"Nothing.." Jia replied, snuggling her pillow tighter.

"Liar... you have that lopsided smirk which only happens when something's bothering you" Bea smiled softly, and Jia couldn't help but return it.

Bea stretched and Jia couldn't help laughing as to how cute she looked.

"Go to sleep Bei"

"No, it's ok, I'll wait for you"

And they're back in silence, just looking at each other. As if willing their minds to converse about the things that they were too afraid to confront.

"Ji, when did you know?"

"You really love asking questions don't you?" Jia asked sarcastically

"Answers are a lot better though"

"Why can't you just..BE. Just live and experience and not keep on finding sense or reason in everything."

"Come on Ji, I'm 18! Enough of that philosophical crap" and they both ended up laughing.

Turning serious, Bea sat up from her bed. "I'm a kid Ji, I don't know a lot of things. I don't know anything about love. But this.. This thing.. Being with you.. It feels like love"

"Don't fall in love with me Bei, I'm trouble"

"Too late..."

"You can still back out"

"I don't want to" Bea stood up and walked over to Jia's bed as she sat on the edge

"Just forget it happened" Jia sat up as she touched Bea's arm

"Is that what you really want?"

Jia put her head down, hands on her temple, eyes closed deep in contemplation.

"I don't want to hurt you"

Bea held Jia's face so that they can lock gazes. "Then don't..."

As much as Jia tried, she couldn't resist it and she bridged the gap between them as she kissed Bea.

Separating from it, she hit Bea's chest while crying. "Why do you have to be so stubborn? Just walk away... Stay away..."

"How? Teach me how I can survive to be far away from you" Bea placed their foreheads together as she too started to cry.

Jia cried as she cradled Bea, her gentle giant, in her arms.

"Bei, you have to be the one to leave me, coz I'm afraid I don't have the strength to let you go." She sat up as she grabbed Bea and kissed her hard.

They kissed until they fell asleep, sharing the same bed, arms and legs intertwined, neither wanting to let go.

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