Spark 3

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I'm eating alone at the cafeteria, mindlessly going through the motion, looking bored. From time to time, I would lift my head and scan the room for a familiar face, but none of my friends are in sight. I sighed deeply and resumed playing in my iPad while eating just so that I won't look like a loner.

"Hey Jia!" I heard someone call me from behind.

I spun quickly and smiled to follow the voice, "oh, Hi Mich." I said and resumed eating.

Mich smacked my head lightly and took a seat, laughing at me when I glared and rubbed my head where she hit it. "Wow, cold... BRRRR" she even pretended to hug herself and chill, shaking profusely.

"HA HA HA" I said sarcastically.

"What's up? Why you alone?" And then she scanned the room, even standing up, and turning 360 degress in her spot.

"Mich, sit. You're distracting me"

"Where's Bea?"

"I don't know.."

"You. don't. know??!?" She said a bit exaggerating every syllable.

I rolled my eyes, closed my iPad, and shifted in my sit to face her. "What's. your. point?!?" I also exaggerated, mimmicking her tone, which made her laugh so hard.

She lunged at me and started shaking my shoulders, "Hey, who are you and what have you done to my buddy Jia? You bratty person, get out and bring me back my Panda!" She continued shaking me, as if exorcising me to get out the bad vibes.

"Miiiiiiccchhhh, stoooopp iiittttt" I said, trying to fight back, but I couldn't help laughing at how crazy we must be looking. "Okay, stop, stop! Sorry" I slapped her arm to let me go, holding on to my tummy which was now aching due to our laughter.

Taking her seat beside me, she started unpacking her sandwich. As she was about to take a bite, she stared at me with her mouth hanging open, that's when I realized that I have zoned out and was staring at her. "What?" She asked slowly, inching even closer to me as if waiting for a secret.

Shaking my head, I nibbled on my lower lip as I contemplated on my words. "Have you seen Bea?"

Taking a bite from her sandwich, she fixed her position, with her legs crossed in an indian seat. "Yaahh, during training, between us actually, which is our usual position in court." She replied happily eating her sandwich.

"Mich, seriously?!" I said grabbing her hand holding her sandwich as she was trying to take a bite.

"Hey! Not the food!"

"Sorry" I immediately let go of her hand, patting my hands on my sides awkwardly. "No, I meant after that."

"I don't know. Aren't you two joined at the hip? All I know is that she wanted to stay behind to hit some balls to release tension or whatever."

"Thanks Mich" I immediately stood up and grabbed my bag, kissing her on the cheeks.

"Hey, where you going? You haven't even finished your food!" She called out to me but I was already briskly walking away.

"You can have it" I replied even without looking back.

"Ok, love you Ji!" I heard her scream back, but I was already out of the cafeteria as I made my way to the Blue Eagle Gym.


I went to the BEG, not really sure if she was going to be there. It's 10am, 2 hours after our training, but I still took my chance.

Upon nearing the BEG, I could already see her standing at the service line, staring intently at an invisible opponent on the other side of the net. Eyes focused with fierce determination, she pounded the ball hard on the ground as it loudky resonated within the walls.

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