Spark 8

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The dead silence in the room is defeaning, just as it has been for the past 2 weeks. It seems as if they just woke up and everything changed.. As if the past 5 months have not existed. 2 strangers sharing the same room, the same space, but moving on 2 parallel fields separated by time.

Bea was sitting on her study table as she watched Jia get ready for school. Tapping her pen akwardly on her book, weighing her thoughts as to whether she should talk to Jia or not, she could feel a cold choke in her chest.

This is so weird. The last 5 months, they have grown to be the best of friends, thanks to the special task that they were given. But over the past 2 weeks, they have backslided to how they were to that first day when they had that altercation in the gym. Standing here, merely meters from each other, they were more strangers than friends.


Her thoughts were disrupted as she heard Jia talk to her. She wasn't aware that she zoned out and was staring at Jia the whole time.

"You wan't to go out to lunch later?" She blurted out even before she could stop herself.

Jia creased her forehead, deep in thought, before she turned her back to Bea and resumed fixing her things. "Sorry, I have plans with Miguel."

"Ohh, right... Miguel."

"What's with the tone?" Jia dropped what she was doing, and had her hands square on her hips.

"Nothing. I just thought you didn't like him?"

"And who told you that?!" Jia asked, sounding a bit irritated.

Bea couldn't help matching Jia's tone as she felt herself snapping back "Well.. Ahh.. Let me remember... Oh, yeah... you did!"

"What the?.."

"Ah-huh... And as I recall, you said he was too pushy to the point of being a stalker" she retorted sarcastically.

"Whatever" Jia picked up her bag harshly from her bed as she hooked it on her shoulder and walked to the door.

"I wish he'd stop texting... Can't he get a clue?" Bea further mocked her, trying to immitate her voice.

Jia turned around to face her "What's your problem?!"

"ME?? No.. I don't have a problem. maybe you do, coz you're suddenly dating your stalker!"

"Well at least I'm dating someone and I'm not begging for someone to have lunch with me!"

Jia knew she had crossed the line. Bea stood there, face in shock.

"Bei, I'm sorry..." Jia tried to reach Bea, but she just turned away and went back to her study table.

"Just go..."


"Go!!" Bea screamed back.

"Whatever!!!" Jia left the room, slamming the door hard behind her.

Bea leaned her head on her arms and cried.


"Hey!" Mitch scooted over in the seat beside Jia, giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

"Oh.. Hi.." She responded monotonously.

"Ok.. Is there a problem?"

She snapped her head up and pasted a smile on her face, as she forced to pick up her mood. "No.. Everything's ok"

"Come on Ji, I can listen.. Try me" she smiled as he nudged his shoulder on hers.

Letting out a deep sigh, she placed her chin on her hands as she pouted like a child. "It's nothing really, I just had a fight with Bea."

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